We love Mel Robbins! If you haven’t yet heard of her and tuned into her talks or interviews, then you’ll want to! Meanwhile, these dynamic Mel Robbins quotes will help you reset your brain so that you’ll be on track to achieve your goals.
Please be sure to also watch or listen to this video episode at the end of this. It’s one of our favorite Mel interviews with one of our other heroes, Tom Bilyeu of Impact Theory and founder of Quest Nutrition.
Mel equates goals to setting an intention and teaches that once you set an intention, your brain goes to work to help you make that a reality.
That’s why iCreateDaily is all about setting goals and creating daily! It makes all the difference in your success. Setting intentions don’t work unless you also set goals and work toward them daily.
We first head Mel Robbins’ TEDxSF talk, on how to get what you want. If you like hard hitting straight talk, with compassion and humor, tune into Mel.
Mel Robbins Quotes
5 Second Rule and Mel Robbins Quotes
I’m going to move so fast that I don’t think. I’m going to beat my brain.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will stop you. 5 4 3 2 1 Go!
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
The next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, and you’re tempted to react, 5-4-3-2-1 and ask yourself, “What’s the lesson here?”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
When you understand the power of a 5 second decision, and you understand that you always have a choice to go from autopilot to decision maker, everything in your life will change.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You have about a 5 second window in which you can move from idea to action before your brain kicks into full gear and sabotages any change of behavior. Because remember, your brain is wired to stop you from doing anything that is uncomfortable or uncertain or scary.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Excuses will always be there. Opportunities won’t. 5-4-3-2-1 let’s go.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
What’s incredible, is that in 5 seconds flat, self doubt can take over and rob your of your power… or… in 5 seconds flat you can actually use one stupid little trick to push yourself to grab it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
When you understand the power of a 5 second decision, and you understand that you always have a choice to go from autopilot to decision maker, everything in your life will change.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Action Quotes by Mel Robbins
You get trapped in the knowledge-action gap. You know what to do but you can’t seem to make yourself do it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Take every chance you get in life because some things only happen once.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Start now... where you are. Start with fear… with pain. Start with doubt… with your hands shaking. Just… start.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“I’m never going to feel like doing the things that are tough or difficult or uncertain or scary or new, so I need to stop waiting until I feel like it.”
~Mel Robbins, American commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You need to hear this loud and clear: No one is coming. It is up to you.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Your brain is wired to stop you from doing things that are uncomfortable, uncertain or scary. It’s your job to learn to move from those ideas that could change everything, into acting on them, in the smallest moment.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Get out of your head and stop thinking of what you need to do, and actually do it.”
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“There’s one thing that is guaranteed to increase your feelings of control over your life: a bias toward action.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Anxiety – Mel Robbins Quotes
Anxiety is the habit of worrying spiraled out of control.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, b.10/6/1968
Attitude Quotes by Mel Robbins
The 5 by 5 rule: if it’s not gonna matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes being upset by it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Authenticity and Mel Robbins Quotes
All you can do is show up as your most authentic self. That act alone will weed out the people who aren’t meant to be in your life and attract the ones who are.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Belief and Trust Quotes
The only thing that gets me through the darkest and most confusing moments in my life is the belief that it’s all happening for me, not to me.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“You have to trust that no matter what, you will figure it out.“
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Challenges and Mel Robbins Quotes
“Life is gritty and hard and then suddenly it is brilliant and amazing.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
So far you’ve made it through 100% of your toughest days. The odds are in your favor.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Change and Mel Robbins Quotes
If you change nothing, nothing changes.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.1968
Change is hard. Logically, we know what we should do, but our feelings about doing it make our decision for us. How you feel in the moment is almost never aligned with your goals and dreams. If you only act when you feel like it, you will never get what you want. You must learn how to separate what you feel from the actions that you take. You can’t control how you feel. But you can always choose how you act.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Somehow we all bought into this lie that you gotta feel ready to change, and that’s not true. The way our minds are wired is that that we are not designed to do things that are uncomfortable or scary or difficult. Our brains are designed to protect us.”
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“In any area of your life that you want to change, there’s one fact that you need to know: You’re never going to feel like it.”
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Comfort Zone
Your soul needs exploration and growth, and the only way you’ll get it is by forcing yourself to be uncomfortable.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
If you listen to how you feel when it comes to what you want, you will not get it. Because you will never feel like it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Get outside of your comfort zone. That’s where the magic is.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Confidence and Mel Robbins Quotes
Confidence is not a personality trait at all… it’s a skill. And a lot of extroverted people you know are actually insecure.
SOURCE: Impact Theory
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
What I discovered is powerful: pushing yourself to take simple actions creates a chain reaction in your confidence and your productivity.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Confidence is the willingness to try.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.1968
Confidence, is the ability to move from thought to action.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Confidence, isn’t the assuredness that it turns out… it’s the willingness to try.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Confidence, in my opinion, is the ability to move from thought to action.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Courage and Mel Robbins Quotes
Courage, is nothing more than the ability to do things that are uncertain.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Knowing what you need to do to improve your life takes wisdom. Pushing yourself to do it takes courage.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“The more often that you choose courage, the more likely you’ll succeed.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Creative Thoughts
“Your thoughts are either creative or destructive. They’re either energizing you or depleting you. Be nice to yourself. Choose creative thoughts.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Daily Doing – The Day is the Way™
That’s what it takes to get what you want. Not big scary leaps once a year. It takes small, but irritating moves every single day.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Decisions Quotes by Mel Robbins
Your life comes down to your decisions, and if you change your decisions, you will change everything.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“A decision is not made in your head. It’s made when you move.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You can truly trace every single problem or complaint in your life to silence and hesitation. Those are decisions.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Your life comes down to your decisions, and if you change your decisions, you’ll change everything.”
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, American commentator, author, speaker
You are one decision away from a totally different life.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“None of us wake up and say, ‘Today is the day I destroy my life.’ We make these teeny tiny decisions all day long and we don’t even realize it.”
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, American commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Destiny Quotes
“Destiny shuffles the cards but we must play the game.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Distractions Quotes
Don’t miss out on your life just because you’re too busy scrolling through someone else’s.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
The moment you check email, read the news or surf social media someone else’s priority jump in front of yours. Do you think that Bill Gates and Oprah are lying in bed scrolling through social feeds?
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Turn off the TV and start investing in your life.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Doubt Quotes by Mel Robbins
“Feelings happen. Doubt happens. What will you do with that story your brain is telling you? Will you buy into it? Or will you observe it, acknowledge it, and let it pass? The choice is always yours.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits.
Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Your doubts create mountains. Your actions move them.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Dreams Quotes
“You do not have to settle for anything less than a life that you’re obsessed with. You deserve to wake up every day thinking you’re dreaming.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
It’s very, very simple to get what you want. But it’s not easy. You have to force yourself.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You need to recognize that the risk of moving toward your dreams is much lower than the slow, everyday punishment you inflict on yourself by suppressing your dream.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
To play any game, you have to start. To win, you need to keep going. If you want to make your dreams come true, get ready for the long game.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
There’s only one thing standing in between you and the life you have always wanted – and that’s you.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“All the greats were once told they were crazy. Remember that.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
What’s on your phone is not your dreams. What’s on your phone was designed by people who studied game theory.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Excuses Quotes
Excuses will always be there. Opportunities won’t. 5-4-3-2-1 let’s go.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Fear Quotes
Action cures fear.
~Mel Robbins, author, b.1968
Feelings Quotes by Mel Robbins
If you don’t learn how to untangle your feelings from your actions, you’ll never unlock your true potential.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“Your mind can process a facial expression in 33 milliseconds.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
We all have to do things we don’t like doing. We all have to feel feelings we don’t like feeling. That’s the price of being human.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“You are so damn busy waiting to feel like it, and you’re never going to.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You can’t control how you feel. But you can always choose how you act.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Forgiveness Quotes
“Forgive yourself, forgive the other person, and let it go. Your life is now.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Funny Mel Robbins Quotes
“Don’t half-ass anything. Whatever you do, always use your full ass.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
LOL!! We can SO RELATE to these funny Mel quotes, especially these next two:
“Some days I amaze myself; other days I look for my phone while I’m holding it.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
I don’t need an inspirational quote. I need coffee.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Goals and Mel Robbins Quotes
Writing it down makes a difference. Pros set and keep track of their goals. That’s why they’re pros.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
A big part of success is taking back control of your morning routine. When you take time to set your intentions for the day (and physically write them down) you ensure that you run your day instead of your day running you.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
“When you set goals… when you have an intention about something that you want to change about your life, your brain helps you.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Gratitude and Mel Robbins Quotes
Perspective changes everything. What you take for granted someone else considers a luxury. Spend a little extra time being grateful for what you have today.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Greatness, Not Guilt – Mel Robbins Quotes
Greatness is hearing your truth and speaking it, no matter how your voice shakes.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Three things you should never feel guilty for:
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
1) changing for the better
2) knowing your worth
3) staying true to your vision.
Greatness for me is speaking your truth even when your voice shakes. It’s feeling doubt and moving forward anyway. It’s making those five second decisions to get up, push through and show up just because you said you would. Greatness happens when the real you makes a five second decision to be seen.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Growth and Mel Robbins Quotes
“You are not supposed to be the same person you were a year, month, day, or even five seconds ago. You are designed to grow.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Stop thinking you need a miracle. Realize that you are a miracle.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Every phase of your life will require a different you, and regardless of where you are at, you’ll have to change at least one thing (if not multiple things) to catapult yourself to where you hope to go personally and professionally.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Habits and Mel Robbins Quotes
We all have this habit of hesitating. When we hesitate [taking action], it sends a signal to our brain. When we hesitate, our brain goes to work to protect us, and it has a million different ways to protect you.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You must create routines in your life or you will never stop falling victim to decision fatigue.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
I started noticing there were moments all day long, where I knew what I should do, and if I didn’t move within 5 seconds, my brain would step in and talk me out of it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
A habit is a pattern of behavior or thinking that you repeat without realizing it.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Anything that’s a break from your routine is going to require force.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Hard Stuff Quotes by Mel Robbins
Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded.
~Mel Robbins, author, b.1968
I can bet that the only thing holding you back from having what you want is that you don’t like to do things you don’t feel like doing. You’re not alone. My advice: make a game out of it. Make it fun. Set up a reward for doing the things you hate doing, give yourself an incentive to want to do it. Over time your brain will learn to associate the reward with the action, and it won’t seem like a pain in the ass anymore. You will have tricked your brain.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Health and Mel Robbins Quotes
Eating foods that help to fuel your gut – especially lots of vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds–will keep both brains working properly.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Ideas and Mel Robbins Quotes
It’s your job to learn how to move from those ideas that could change everything, into acting on them…. in the smallest moment.
SOURCE: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Your problem isn’t ideas, your problem is you don’t act on them.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Karma and Personal Responsibility Quotes by Mel
At every moment your actions are impacting the world around you. Be a mirror for others. Be strong, especially when you really don’t feel like it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Love and Mel Robbins Quotes
Be your own biggest fan. Love yourself and give yourself the things that you need.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Whatever you choose to do with your existence, do it with everything you’ve got. Let your love be heard and felt by everyone you come into contact with.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Mindset and Thoughts Quotes
Passion is not a thing, it’s a state of mind.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.1968
You can always control how you think and how you behave.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Motivation and Mel Robbins Quotes
Motivation is garbage. It’s never there when you need it. Ever.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Scientists call motivation, ‘activation energy’: the force required to get you to change from something you’re doing on auto-pilot, to doing something new.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968

Negativity Quotes by Mel Robbins
We see the world the way we see ourselves. So if people have a problem with loving you the way you are, they most likely have an even bigger problem loving themselves. Feel for them, wish them well, and move along. Always let the negativity end with you by refusing to perpetuate it.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/196
Passion and Mel Robbins Quotes
Passion is not a worldly achievement; it’s a state of being.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Patience Mel Robbins Quotes
Patience is the key to building something that lasts.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
We’re all focused on getting it perfect, instead of trying. What ever happened to good enough?
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
I may not be perfect, but I am worthy.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.1968
It’s not about making it perfect, it’s about taking action, getting a result, and adjusting accordingly.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Be strong. You never know who you are inspiring.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Don’t stop until you’re proud of you.
~Mel Robbins, author, b.10/6/1968
Personal Development Quotes by Mel Robbins
The keyword in personal development is PERSONAL. It’s about you.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
In order to do all those things you know you want to do with your life, you have to do things that are difficult, uncertain or scary.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Stop saying you’re fine. Discover a more powerful you.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Don’t resist what is happening in your life or in your head right now. Let it flow. Focus instead on what you need to do to be your best self and just let whatever it is pass through you.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Nobody tells you that when you turn 18, it’s now your job to parent yourself... to make yourself do the crap you don’t wanna do so you can be everything that you’re supposed to be.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Problems Quotes
If the problem you’re facing can be solved with action, you don’t have a problem.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Procrastination Quotes
You are not going to win if you keep telling yourself to wait.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
In all of modern history, no single invention has so perfectly captured the perverse power of the mind to defeat its own best intentions as the snooze button.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Progress Quotes by Mel Robbins
It doesn’t matter how slow you go. It just matters that you don’t stop.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Purpose and Mel Robbins Quotes
Science has calculated your odds of being born as 1 in 400 trillion.
You have life changing ideas for a reason, and it’s not to torture yourself.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
A sense of purpose is an incredible alarm clock.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Self Care Quotes
Self-care doesn’t have to take a lot of time, but it has to be a consistent practice in your life. You deserve the time you take and those around you will benefit, too.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Soul Quotes by Mel
I guarantee your soul is telling you exactly what you should be doing. The question is whether or not you’re listening.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
No matter what you’re up against, it can all be solved. And maybe time is the only solution. But whatever it is, it’s all figureoutable, and you will bounce back stronger than ever before.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Stuck and Mel Robbins Quotes
It’s not that you can’t; it’s just that you don’t.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Feeling stuck is a signal that you need growth. Growth is one of the most fundamental needs of all human beings. So if you’ve stopped growing [in some area of your life], you’re going to feel stuck.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Success and Mel Robbins Quotes
I would never forgive myself if I settled for almost successful.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Locus of control.” The more that you believe that you are in control of your life, your actions and your future, the happier and more successful you’ll be.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Picasso created nearly 100 masterpieces in his lifetime. But what most people don’t know is that he created a total of more than 50,000 works of art. That’s two pieces of art a day. Success is a numbers game.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
You are not going to win if you keep telling yourself to wait. The more often that you choose courage, the more likely you’ll succeed.

Timing Quotes
There is no right time, there is only right now.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
The time is now. Stop hitting the snooze button on your life.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Visioning and Mel Robbins Quotes
Speak as if it’s already accomplished.
~Mel Robbins, author, speaker, b.1968
Each day, visualize BOTH the future that you want–and picture yourself doing the steps to get there.
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Wisdom and Mel Robbins Quotes
“It’s really important to develop the skill of knowing how to hear that inner wisdom and intention kicking in, and leaning into it quickly.”
~Mel Robbins, commentator, author, speaker, b.10/6/1968
Mel Robbins on Impact Theory
We LOVED this video with Mel and Tom and hope you do as well! If you’re feeling stuck, definitely tune into Mel’s video linked above (or any here). And you may also enjoy this article.
It’s great to read Mel’s quotes but tuning into this interview will provide powerfully dynamic solutions to your struggles, whatever they may be.
Now… if you’re all fired up and READY TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS… a great tool to help you do just that, is the 90 Day Goals Journal.
And… if you loved that and want more, here’s Mel Robbins’ website where you can see a trailer of her coaching people in her no-nonsense, direct approach.
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Hey! I’m Devani, a multi-passionate creator who enjoys honing the craft of writing (mostly;)), photography, cooking, podcasting, learning about business, and growing brands. I’m the former co-host of the iCreateDaily Podcast with LeAura Alderson (my mom), and co-founded the iCreateDaily brand. I hope through the content and products we produce, you will be inspired to start, sustain, and succeed in your goals.
My non-business and artistic hobbies include: enjoying a good movie, discovering obscure but epic music, obsessing over The Beatles, and developing fictional stories in my head. My Maltese dog, Caspian, provides an insane amount of creative inspiration by just being his adorable self. #HeWokeUpLikeThat. 😉
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