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Invictus – Master of my Fate, Captain of My Soul

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And Other Belt-it-Out-Loud Inspiration for When You Need a Boost

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Invictus is latin for ‘unconquered’, and certainly sums up the famous author of the poem, Invictus. Poet, William Ernest Henley suffered years of painful tuberculosis, and eventually lost a leg and life because of it.

Though Henley died of TB at the age 54, it was not before publishing books of poetry and penning his epic poem of the ages. ‘Invictus’ was birthed through the pain of Henley’s own incredible struggles, to become that timeless passage on fate and soul.

Years later, another famous man seized upon this mantra to pull his country and himself from tragedy to victory. Nelson Mandela, also suffered from tuberculosis like Henley, as well as unjust torture and 27 years imprisonment for standing against apartheid and racial injustice.[1]

Table of Contents

Master of My Fate

The best way to turn a bad day around is to remember the blessings in each day.

If you’ve spent any time reading articles here before, then you’ll know how much importance we place on mindset. Mindset is about mind control over yourself… it’s about becoming the master of your life… the captain of your soul.

The reason this epic poem is so powerfully timeless is because of the power of truth it contains, as summed up by those most famous last two lines.

By William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

~William Ernest Henley, poet, critic, editor, 1849-1903
Invictus: Master of my fate, Captain of my soul. Excerpt from the Invictus poem by William Ernest Henley poem #InvictusPoem #MasterOfMyFate #CaptainOfMySoul #Inspiration #Determination #Courage #Perseverance

Spine Tingling Inspiration

This is an incredibly power video rendition of Invictus. Bookmark this and return whenever you need a reinforcing boost to your determination.

And… the Invictus Movie

Based on the true story of Nelson Mandella’s efforts to unite South Africa’s racial divide through the country sport of rugby.

Favorite Things to Uplift and Inspire

Inspiring and Informative Podcasts

Jay Acunzo’s – Unthinkable Podcast – on how Invision thinks outside the norm and makes creative projects simpler and logical. Also, Jay recently published his book Break the Wheel.

Ryan Moran’s – The One PercentYou are Enough. Ryan’s experiences are relatable and the way he shares business knowledge, wisdom and personal life lessons is inspiring, authentic and relatable.

iCreateDaily Podcast interview with the focus and habits powerhouse, James Clear. Being uber goals focused ourselves, we especially enjoyed James’s insight and perspective on the power of habits, why he named his book Atomic Habits and the psychology of habits and the most effective way to construct yours.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Trash Talk 2: We’re keeping up with Gary’s Trash Talk sessions.  Last week we made a little over $300 on eBay by just listing stuff around the house.  We’re very motivated to clear the clutter this way!!

WARNING: Gary swears incessantly.

Tom Bilyeu – We’re huge fans of Tom and this compilation of shorter motivational clips is sure to get you going first thing in the morning! Or right before bed. Whenever you need a burst of inspiration!

Music to Uplift, Motivate and Inspire to Keep on Going!

Music we’re jiving on to get moving and psyched. These are also great workout, walking and getting-going-in-the-morning songs.

Rachel Platten – Fight Song


Imagine Dragons – Believer

We love Imagine Dragons… and especially BELIEVER!!

YES… BELIEVE in yourself… in your dreams… and then fight for them!

Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling

Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling music video is awesome! We love how they’re showing everyday people focused on dancing and jamming to joy! #Relatable!

More Happy Music by Pharrell Williams

Because… happiness is a choice, and the more you tune into happy things… guess what?… yep… the happier you’ll be.

That’s all folks! We’d love to know what inspires you.

And remember to affirm this often:

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

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