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The Power of Belief, Visioning and Quantum Physics

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Do you Believe?

Do not underestimate the power of belief to help you accomplish your dreams. Of course, you must work daily toward your goals, but you must also believe.

You must believe in your dream, in your vision of your future self and life, and in yourself and your ability to make it happen.

Set your goals and embark on the journey into your future dreams daily. The day is the way to create the life you want to live, and you’re the only one who can. Believe in yourself and do not underestimate the power of belief to propel you forward into the life you’ve imagined.

Just be sure you’re fueling the positive beliefs in positive thoughts and actions, and letting go the self limiting beliefs.

Fuel your dreams with visioning and imagination. Then move your dreams forward with daily steps.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-®

Table of Contents

Audio Article: The Power of Belief:

Daily steps in the direction of your dreams is a proven path to success.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Fuel your dreams with visioning and imagination. Then move your dreams forward with daily steps. #Visioning #PowerOfBelief #Belief #PursueYourDreams #Success #PathToSuccess

The Journey is Where You will Find Yourself

The journey is often not glamorous or magical, especially at first and during the hard stuff. But it is possible and achievable. If you keep on going with steady course corrections as needed, you will arrive. This is where visioning comes to play.

The power of belief can help or thwart your aspirations.

Where dreams meet matter… where the rubber meets the road, is where hard things happen. Don’t let gravity weigh you down. Push against it and grow stronger.

The journey is where it’s at… it’s where you will meet, find and friend yourself most.

The greatest challenge to becoming your highest version of yourself is a lack of belief in your vision.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

The Power of Belief

We can’t know what we haven’t seen.
Jay Shetty, Internet personality, speaker, author

If you’ve never been to the ocean, it would be hard to imagine.

Even if you see ocean visuals online it’s not the full sensory experience… the smell of the ocean and taste of salt… the sun-kissed sand between your toes, and the cool foamy white water rushing around your ankles.

Similarly, it can be hard to become that which we cannot imagine.  So we must practice imagining. This is where the visioning process comes to play.

None of us have ever been to our next level of growth yet.

It can be hard to become that which we cannot imagine, so we must practice imagining through visioning. And then we get to work.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

THE POWER OF BELIEF: To accomplish your dreams you must first believe in them. Then set goals and work them daily. The greatest challenge to becoming your future self now—in the present—is lack of belief in your vision. Visioning is practicing your belief and then acting accordingly to make it real.  #Visioning #PowerOfBelief #Belief #PursueYourDreams #DoTheWork

Belief Activated

Humanity is still in its infancy of understanding the vast universe of quantum physics. As such, even those versed in that field have but a little bit of a gargantuan picture.

Consider how many people truly understand consciousness, where it lives, how it works… how to develop it. And yet… it is consciousness that drives us. It’s just that for eons, it is our subconscious and unconscious areas of the mind that runs the programs of our lives.

Yet we are not at the whim of consciousness, rather, we are at the helm of consciousness. But humanity is still in its infancy of understanding the power and capacity we have to purposefully direct our thoughts, beliefs and the outcomes of our lives.

We are coming to understand, through many examples present and past, of the tremendous transformative power of belief directed with vision and intent. Mother Teresa had the vision of helping the poorest of the poor, and did. She pursued her grand vision, undaunted by incredible obstacles, challenges and hardships. Her dedication to her belief in her vision resulted in millions served and inspired by her example, and her being canonized as a saint by Pope Francis.

After a prognosis of never walking again, Dr. Joe Dispenza healed his broken spine over many weeks. He has sense developed training and programs that have documented helping many others also heal their ills through meditation and visioning.

It is consciousness that drives us. Be aware. Man the wheel
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Quantum Physics – A Layman’s Brief

The quantum field is an invisible field of frequency that unifies and connects everything material. It’s signature, as you get closer and closer to that very source energy, are greater and greater degrees of order… of harmony, of wholeness, or oneness.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, doctor of chiropractic, neuroscientist, author

It is interesting to contemplate how quantum physics—the study of the smallest measurable particles in existence—is actually the study of something as expansive as the vast realm of consciousness.

Interesting also, to consider the gaps in our understanding of all life. Humankind has been to the moon and back, launched satellites, built space stations and sent spacecraft to Mars and beyond. We’ve explored the vastness of space and the floors and life of our oceans.

Currently, scientists and “new thought” thought leaders are not often in agreement on the nature of the quantum field. It’s reminiscent of the dissenting scientists that have been ongoing for eons. So while we’re using the term “quantum field” here, it is as novices interested in this field of study and discovery.

We’re all for anything that furthers human potential and expands consciousness and positivity. Toward that, we hope you enjoy this foray into new frontiers.

Our mining of the depths of consciousness is still at an elementary level compared to our potential.

Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.
~Nasseim Haramein, Director-Resonance Project, author

It is interesting to contemplate how quantum physics—the study of the smallest measurable particles in existence—is actually the study of something as expansive as the vast realm of consciousness.
Nasseim Haramein Quote on the brain and consciousness. #PowerOfBelief #ConsciousnessQuote #MindQuotes #BrainQuotes #NasseimHarameinQuotes

The Quantum of Consciousness Quotient – CQ

As with education and understanding of anything in life, there are those who can teach it and write books about it, and there are those who’ve never heard of it, and everything in between. Same with quantum physics.

Max Planck, is the theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory and won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his quantum mechanics discoveries back in 1918. Wow… that’s 100 years ago!!! And yet quantum theory is only beginning to become a familiar public phrase and most people still don’t really know what it is.

It’s very likely that the future measure of intelligence, will be less about IQ and more about CQ… the Consciousness Quotient. Especially as our education paradigm shifts from memorization to the development of self awareness and consciousness.

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.
~Max Planck, theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize-Physics for his quantum theory, 1858-1947

To accomplish your dreams you must work your goals. It’s not glamorous, not elusive, not magic, but if you keep on going with steady course corrections as needed, you will arrive. The greatest challenge to becoming your future self now—in the present—is lack of belief in your vision. This is where visioning comes to play. #AchievementQuotes #Motivation #Goal #Inspiration #Inspirational #Proud #WorkHard #Mottos #Dream #YouAre #HardWork #Learning #Words #Believe #People #SoTrue #Thoughts #Wisdom #Heart #Keys #Business #Happiness #Strength #Entrepreneur #Mantra #Perspective #Beautiful #Passion #Determination

NOTE: If you like biographies, you’ll enjoy perusing that of Max Planck. Max endured many tragic personal losses while still doing amazing work in the world.

Visioning and the Quantum of Consciousness

Why does any of this matter for our purposes here, in a article on the power of belief?

Quantum physics matters because visioning has everything to do with consciousness and energy. Conscious visioning sets positive energy in motion.

Visualization consciously sets energy in motion. When your actions match your intent, the laws of physics align and magic happens.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Quantum physics matters because visioning has everything to do with consciousness and energy. Conscious visioning sets positive energy in motion. #PowerOfBelief #Visioning #Energy #Physics #QuantumPhysics #iCreateDaily

A Brief on What is Physics

In high school I was able to skip my junior year and graduate a year early. It’s not that I was a brainiac or on an academic track. In fact I couldn’t wait to get out of school to work full time. That was a bit of a quantum leap fueled by belief!

My belief was that I could, and so with determination and effort, I did, and belief plays a considerable role in the quantum field.

I do not have a scientific mind, yet in my senior year of high school, the class I loved most was physics. Physics connected logically and explained some of the more intangible concepts in life such as motion, energy and perception.

The lessons on relativity were my favorite. It’s eye-opening to realize just how belief, understanding and perception of anything in life is relative to the perspective from which we view and perceive things.

If the power of belief and perspective can color and shape how we see the world, then we can consciously direct them to create our world. We can create the life we want to live in by how we choose to look at things.

What is Physics?

Physics studies the principles of energy, matter, and perception and connects logic with the magic of the universe.

What is Quantum Physics?

It is the study of the principles of energy and motion of atomic and subatomic particles, the tiniest measurable things known to science, and the effect of consciousness upon matter.

Quantum physics could be called ‘the science of consciousness’.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Quantum Physics is the study of the principles of energy and motion of atomic and subatomic particles, the tiniest measurable things known to science, and the effect of consciousness upon matter. #PowerOfBelief #Consciousness #QuantumPhysics #ScienceOfConsciousness #Visioning #iCreateDaily

Quantum Physics Introduction by Michio Kaku

If you want more scientific insight you may enjoy this illuminating 20 minutes by renowned physicist, Micho Kaku on quantum, space and time travel.

Why Include Physics and Consciousness Here..?

Our purpose here is not to understand the science of physics, quantum physics—or even consciousness—as we will barely scratch the surface. Our purpose is to glean how there are vast yet invisible forces at work greater than we can imagine.

If you’re spiritual or religious, you understand this as God and the power of prayer. If you have a science mind, you can understand this as universal laws, and an intelligent universe.

For our purposes here, it is to recognize the power of visioning as integral to the fulfillment of goals and dreams.

Visioning establishes intent and sets energy in motion from the quantum field of all possibility, the field of consciousness and energy.

Energy in motion is on the way to becoming something real.

Luck, is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
~Seneca, Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, 4 BCE-65 AD

Visioning and the Power of Belief

As mentioned earlier, we cannot believe what we cannot conceive. Sometimes people succeed at their dreams just through the good karma of their hard work. There’s a quote along these lines:

We’ve probably all heard stories of people who’ve achieved good fortune of some kind and have said statements like this:

“I can’t believe it!” 

This kind of good luck does happen, yet even then it’s almost always on the heels of hard work focused on a goal. Often it is the reward for a labor of love over years of effort.

We can drive from the east coast to the west coast, but for most of us, when we want to go to the other side of the country, we take the fastest way there and fly. Visualization is like taking to the skies.

Visualization is vision + belief + effort + consciousness.
Visioning gives wings to your work and legs to your dreams.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

We can drive from the east coast to the west coast, but for most of us, when we want to go to the other side of the country, we take the fastest way there and fly. Visualization is like taking to the skies. #Visualization #Visioning #Consciousness #FollowYourDreams #PowerOfBelief #iCreateDaily

The Visioning Process

The visioning process is preparation for success.

  1. Begin with the vision of your dream.
  2. Believe that if you can conceive it, you can achieve it
  3. Act daily in accordance with your belief.
  4. Imagine the self you will be when you arrive at your goal.
  5. See that self in your daily visioning.
  6. Become that self through your daily actions

If you believe it, you can achieve it.
~multiple authors

If you believe it, you can achieve it. ~multiple authors #PowerOfBelief #Achieve #Motivation #Visioning #iCreateDaily #Manifestation


There’s much merit in creating some kind of vision board toward visualizing and focusing on your goals.

The more you live in your future self… the easier it is to become that self.

To help with that, there’s a fun exercise to engage in. Even better if you can do it with others, such as a spouse or partner and friends. If you’re unable (or unwilling) to involve others, you can employ this strategy as a part of your visioning process.

Cosplay and the Power of Pretend

Many creatives enjoy the popular “cosplay”. Cos is short for costume, and it’s where you dress up as favorite characters. Some fiction authors will incorporate cosplay as a part of getting into character as they’re writing their novel.

An author in our community—Drew Carmody— makes homemade costumes, armor, etc, and dresses up as the characters in the book he’s writing. This helps him to further develop his characters by getting into their heads and personalities.

When it comes to getting into the character of your future self… (you blossoming), you could consider hosting your own party to do this, or just recruit a friend or two. It’s an exercise I experienced in a private mastermind event with Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles fame.

This is a come-as-you-will-be costume party, and you don’t have to wait for Halloween! It’s most fun when done in a group setting, but even if it’s just you and a friend or two, it’s fun to engage.

Every single thing we do in life is created twice. It starts in your mind with your belief. And then, you just go make it happen, one foot after the next, after the next.
~JJ Virgin, certified holistic nutritionist, author-health, fitness & aging, b.1963

Come as You Will Be Party (or Visioning Exercise)

In this Come as You Will Be Party, you dress in the attire that will help place you in “character” for your future self, (as defined by you). So ponder where you want to be in your life and career in five years in all aspects of your life. Tell yourself the story of where you are in 5 years. Then you get into character, as your future self.

Get Into Character, as Your Future Self

All your invitees will also be coming as their 5-years-older selves, and all will get in character from the moment of arrival or even before, and remain so for the entire event. Some have gone all out for these experiential parties… including black tie and limousines even, if wealth and fame was their goal. For others, arriving in flip-flops, shorts and Hawaiian shirts after a day of sand and surf fits their future vision.

Whatever it is for you five years hence, you arrive and greet each other as you will be in 5 years according to your goals. Staying in character from the beginning to the end. When meeting friends, imagine you’re seeing them for the first time in five years, even if you just saw them yesterday. Stay in character as your future self as you each take turns sharing about — and applauding each other over — all the wonderful things you’ve accomplished and are doing now, 5 years later.

Goals are the stepping stones to the secret garden of success. Tenacity is the key.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

To accomplish your dreams you must work your goals. It’s not glamorous, not elusive, not magic, but if you keep on going with steady course corrections as needed, you will arrive. The greatest challenge to becoming your future self now—in the present—is lack of belief in your vision. This is where visioning comes to play. #Goals #Success #PowerOfBelief #Tenacity #GoalSetting #Achievement #iCreateDaily

Become Your Future Self

Stay in character! Converse, ask, answer and act only as your future self. Sure, it’s awkward at first, especially if you’re not into theatre and cosplay normally. It was for me. But be willing to play all out, and hold steady with the plan and with your dream. As you relax into being your future self, it will become a part of your identity, which will help it to come true sooner.

Observe Yourself Relaxing Into the ‘Who’ You Want to Become

Whether you’re just envisioning it, or actively engaging in this activity with friends, hold your vision of your success so firmly in thought, speech, posture and mindset that it will feel real. You will soon feel yourself behaving differently and as your more idealized self. Your friends will be doing the same thing, so you each will help elevate the other into that future self and in that way help to anchor it in your consciousness.

Enjoy yourself… envision this in as much detail as possible. Like the athletes visualizing their future performance, the more detail you can add the more real it becomes to your psyche. It’s like issuing instructions to your unconscious and subconscious minds, which then set off to work for you every day and every night.

Visioning issues instructions to your unconscious mind and sends it off to work for you. But you must support it with conscious daily action.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Daily Visioning Followed by Daily Action

In my family we tend to use our Mac’s Keynote app (like PowerPoint on PCs) for visioning tools to construct dynamic vision boards or “mind movies”. I prefer digital things because it’s easier for me to create and update.

Some people—especially visual artists—prefer to draw or paint theirs on journals, canvas, posters or whiteboards. Whatever works best for you is what’s best. If you’re not sure try different things until you find a good fit.

You are the master architect of your life and construction begins at the quantum level. Have fun creating the blueprints for your future…. Then build it daily.

Visioning directs consciousness and sets quantum matter in motion. The more conscious the effort, the greater the motion.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

The 5 Years from Now Self

For more on the “5 years from now self”, and the concept of creating a vision for your future, you might enjoy this article on Jack Canfield’s site. The article shares some interesting examples of people who excelled using the visioning process and also more on the fun 5-year-party idea you could enjoy with friends.

If it’s not for you to host or attend a real “5 Year Party”, then at least visualize this for yourself, daily.

Hold your vision of your success so firmly in thought, speech, posture and mindset that it feels real. Add daily effort and it will become so.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Visioning creates the blueprint of your future. Take care to work on it daily and watch your future come to life in your present. #Visioning #PowerOfBelief #FutureSelf #Success #DailyEffort #Manifestation #iCreateDaily

The Power of Belief Explained

If you’re ready to dive into engaging your own incredible power to heal and create the life you want to live, then we highly recommend following the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza.

He successfully healed himself from a prognosis of never being able to walk again. Now, he’s helping millions of people improve their lives through the power latent within each of us.

Dr. Joe is employing scientific validation in all that he’s doing, while teaching people how to connect to the quantum field available to anyone, anywhere, any time. It is the horizon of our humanity.

The Power of Belief Quotes

Beliefs are the hidden scripts that run our lives.
~Marie Forleo, entrepreneur, author, 12/7/1975

SOURCE: Top 9 Thought Leaders – Impact Theory compilation

“Can you believe in a future that you can’t see or experience with your senses yet, but you’ve thought about it enough times in your mind that your brain has literally changed to look like the experience has already occurred?”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until you hardwire it into your brain.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author

SOURCE: Conversations of Belief

Believe in Yourself Quotes

Give yourself time to meditate… to disconnect, because when you invest in yourself, you invest in your future. And when you believe in yourself, you believe in possibilities. And when you believe in possibilities, you believe in yourself.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview [1]

When you believe in yourself, you believe in possibility. You can’t have one without the other.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

Change and Belief Quotes

Real change happens by being the thing right now in the moment with every fiber of your existence. Like a method actor so totally immersed in their character they feel, taste, experience and live it.
~Jade Teta, integrative physician, author, entrepreneur,

Be it until you see it.
~Jade Teta, physician, author, CEO

Choice and Belief Quotes

Beliefs are a choice and every choice can be changed.
~Marie Forleo, entrepreneur, author, 12/7/1975

SOURCE: Top 9 Thought Leaders – Impact Theory compilation

Gratitude and Belief Quotes

People are who they practice to be. So if you practice gratitude, then you will be grateful.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

Visioning and Belief Quotes

All beliefs are subconscious states of being, which means most people are viewing their life through the lens of the past, unconsciously. So they’re not seeing reality.. they’re filling it in from their past memory.

When we overlay our future… we’re overlaying the present moment with the memory of the past which begins to diminish possibility, and it begins to close down the way that we can navigate and function in our lives.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author

SOURCE: Conversations of Belief

Dr. Joe Dispenza on Belief

We also enjoyed this interview and clarity of thoughts on belief and our human wiring and thought you would too.

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