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Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Where Does Motivation Come From?

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Where does motivation come from? What is it for you? Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are often debated, and for good reason. It’s not a black and white answer. Motivation is complicated. In a way.

 At the core of the very purpose of iCreateDaily is to encourage and support creators to do the work that matters to you. Daily. But where does that urge to create—and the motivation to do it—come from? Does it come more from internal inspiration or is it generated externally?

For most of us it’s a combination of both.

Table of Contents

Audio Article – Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation:

Some people are motivated more by an internal drive, and others more by external stimulus or pressure.

Which is it for you?

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.
~Zig Ziglar, salesman, motivational speaker, author,1926-2012

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily. ~Zig Ziglar, author, salesman, motivational speaker #zigziglarQuotes #quotes #motivational #Motivation #Inspiration #Daily

Definition of Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Motivation Meaning

Motivation is from the Medieval Latin word, ‘motivus‘, for ‘serving to move‘.[1]

Intrinsic Meaning

The word ‘intrinsic’, originates from the Medieval Latin word ‘intrinsecus’, meaning inward or belonging to something or someone by its very nature.[2]

Extrinsic Meaning

‘Extrinsic’, originates from the late term, ‘extrinsicus’, meaning outside or external.

What is Intrinsic Motivation?

Intrinsic motivation comes from deep within you… from that voice that will not be silenced, the impulse that compels you to do, be, have or create. Intrinsic motivation arises from your own thoughts, desires and aspirations and is an energy that will not be stilled.

An example of intrinsic motivation could be to awaken with the urge to create something beautiful, so you begin a painting; or you awaken happy and with the urge to sing, and so you do.

Intrinsic motivation will not leave you alone. It compels you to get up and do that which is in your heart to do. Ignoring it can even lead to depression.


Intrinsic motivation wells from within you.
It is a force that will not be quelled…
a voice that will not be silenced…
a thirst that will not be quenched.
Heed the call of your soul.

~LeAura Alderson,®
Intrinsic Motivation wells from within you. Heed the call of your soul. #IntinsicMotivation #ExtrinsicMotivation #MotivationQuotes #Inspiration

What is Extrinsic Motivation?

Extrinsic motivation is inspiration from people, places, things and experiences that cause you to want to do, be, have or create something.

Examples of Positive Extrinsic Motivation

  • To see a beautiful painting that inspires you to come home and paint
  • A favorite song that encourages you to sing along, and afterward you’re uplifted.
  • The exhilarating effect of nature on body, mind and soul that cause you to look up, take a deep breath, lift your face to the heavens and ponder the meaning of life.
  • The love for another human being that opens your heart.
  • Devotion to a pet that brings a smile and care.

Examples of Negative Extrinsic Motivation

  • Fear of another that causes you to conform, such as a:
    • boss
    • parent
    • spouse
    • peer group
    • religion

Extrinsic motivation is an outer reflection of an inner yearning… a reminder that gets your attention.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Extrinsic motivation is inspiration from people, places, things and experiences that cause you to want to do, be, have or create something.  An example of extrinsic motivation could be to see a beautiful painting and want to come home and paint, or to hear a favorite song and you're inspired to sing along... and keep on singing. #MotivationQuotes #quotes #motivation #goals #IntrinsicAndExtrinsicMotivation

Where Do You Find Motivation?

Does it even matter where your motivation comes from?

Yes, it does. It matters because the more you understand yourself, the more you grow, the more you grow the more levels of creativity will you discover. It matters because when you know what motivates you most, that knowledge becomes a tool in your creator’s tool chest to put to work when you need a boost of motivation.

When you know what motivates you, that knowledge becomes a tool in your creator’s tool chest that you can use at will.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Does it even matter where your motivation comes from?  Yes, it does. It matters because the more you understand yourself, the more you grow, the more you grow the more levels of creativity will you discover. It matters because when you know what motivates you most, then that knowledge becomes a tool in your creator's tool chest, to put to work when you need a boost of motivation. #quotes #mindset #inspiration #motivation #MotivationQuotes  #goals #IntrinsicAndExtrinsicMotivation

Finding Motivation

If you’re not sure, you can discover more about your motivators by reflecting on the last times you were engaged creatively doing work you love. You can also keep track of your observations the next time  you’re inspired to create something.

Discover Your Motivators

Ask yourself these three simple questions for reflection starters:

  1. INSPIRATION: What inspires me to create?
  2. MOTIVATION: What motivates me to get started?
  3. DETERMINATION: What keeps me motivated to continue?

Extrinsic motivation sparks your inner kindling. Intrinsic motivation keeps it going.®

What motivates you? Discover your motivators. #IntrinsicOrExtrinsicMotivators #Motivation #WhatMotivatesYou #Inspiration #Determination

Looking for Extrinsic Motivation

When you don’t feel motivated what do you do? Are you able to find motivation, and if so, where to you go to find it? What does it for you?

This phrase in an article leapt out at me: “Finding motivation.” I nodded my head… “Yeah… that’s a worthy pursuit.” But then… “Wait a minute. Do we really find the positive motivation or do we create it?

Does motivation come from the inside out, compelling us to take action, or does motivation come from the outside, in, nudging us to get busy?

Extrinsic motivation inspires you from the outside in.
Intrinsic motivation compels you to create from the inside out.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Extrinsic motivation inspires you from the outside in.
Intrinsic motivation compels you to create from the inside out.
~LeAura Alderson,
#MotivationQuotes #quotes #motivation #goals #IntrinsicAndExtrinsicMotivation

External Motivation is a Thing

What do you think? Can you find motivation when you’re not feeling motivated? Does it work for you?

So here’s the thing: in order to be in a space to even begin seeking positivity, you have to have enough of that aspiration, intrinsic within you to know that you want it. You have to have enough self motivation—and self awareness—to even make the choice to pursue that which elevates and inspires you to action.

The impulse to change is a spark that starts the flame of intrinsic motivation to move you from where you are to where you want to be. Intrinsic motivation is compelling you upward and onward.

The more positive thoughts you create, the more positivity you’ll have. Each positive thought ignites the synapsing to other areas of your brain which then flow throughout your body, imbuing you with the energy of a lighted, uplifted mind.

And guess what that does? It ignites your desire, which fuels your capacity for creativity and productivity… and for joy… an increased enjoyment in your work, your relationships…and your life!

The choice to seek extrinsic motivation begins with an intrinsic decision.
The mindset needed to respond to external motivation begins with an internal impulse for more.
~LeAura Alderson,®

The Message in Depression

If you experience depression, is could actually be a blessing. It could be your soul or psyche seeking to flag your attention.

Whatever the cause, there are five most important things you can do for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, that will help you get unstuck and move forward:

5 Ways to Find Motivation

  1. Eat healthy. Junk food triggers depression and wreaks havoc on your hormones and blood sugar, which disrupt your emotional stability.
  2. Exercise. Your body created to move. The reason most fitness instructors are often so cheerful is because exercise encourages it. Movement also stimulates creativity.
  3. Be grateful. Gratitude generates a positive and optimistic, glass half full attitude.
  4. Create. Do the work that matters to you. Pursue that which interests and compels you.
  5. Friends. Hang out with uplifting, positive people with common interests.

If you want your work and life to soar, don’t hang out with negativism and negativists. Find friends who are doing more of what you’re doing and aspiring to.

Positive motivation begins and ends with you… your decision, your choice and your effort to rise above the dross and shine.
~LeAura Alderson,®

This phrase in an article leapt out at me: "Finding motivation." I nodded my head... "Yeah... that's a worthy pursuit." But then... wait a minute. Do we really find positive motivation or do we create it? #positive #goals #motivation #MotivationQuotes #quotes #goals #IntrinsicAndExtrinsicMotivation

Seek Inspiration Over Stimulation

We can certainly experience becoming motivated to create from external stimulation. However, motivation from stimulation is often attributable to consumption.

Certainly many of us can relate to the inspiration found in a good cup of our favorite brew. Motivation by consumption can certainly stimulate us to action, however, external stimulation whatever the source, is only sustainable if we’re engaging from an corresponding intrinsic motivation.

The more we immerse in inspiration, through the art and growth we partake and that which we create, the more we are stoking our fires of aspiration.

What motivates you to create and to be your best self?

You may also enjoy this article on restructuring your thoughts, and this one on the impact of mindset.

Either way, it’s a similar outcome, isn’t it? It’s an intriguing topic, which we also discussed on one of the iCreateDaily Podcast Coffee Break sessions.

If you’re still struggling with motivation, you can find tips from iCreateDaily community of creators and what they do to get motivated in this article.

Intrinsic motivation compels you to do the work of your soul.
Extrinsic motivation is a catalyst and reminder to discover and pursue that work.
~LeAura Alderson,®

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