Train your brain to work for you.
We’ve all heard sage saying all our lives: various ways of expressing the power of positive thoughts and positive words to turn things around. We know the platitudes… the ageless wisdom in timeless sayings.
But too often we forget to put positive words to work for us when we need it most. The good news is that’s changeable. By practicing employing positive words daily, this good habit will work to upgrade our brain and thoughts.
Positive thinking is real and proven to work to literally change the chemistry and wiring of your brain, releasing hormones that change your emotions. When you realize the power you have to turn negatives to positives, your life will reflect that in more ways than you might imagine.
And the wonderful news? The power of positive words works for you for free! All it takes is practice, and the more you practice the easier it gets until your brain is wired to do the job for you.
Table of Contents
- The Power of Positive Thinking is a Thing. A Big Thing
- Positive Words are Health Food for the Mind
- Positivity Leads to Clarity
- Creating Your World
- You Have the Power
- Our Lives Becomes What we Daily Do
- Reframing
Audio Article: Positive Words
NOTE: This audio version currently contains less than half of this entire updated article.
Growing and Evolving Through Our Words
Have you noticed how quickly and readily most people tend to use the “love” and “hate” words these days? I.e., “I love this”… “I hate that…” kind of thing? The word “love” is relegated to a strong emotion without necessarily being connected to another human being.
Our great grandparents used such words far less.
This is a normal evolution in mass language. As humanity moves into the collective heart chakra, we’re growing into greater compassion and kindness. This is the era of empaths, where empathy and emotions are intensified as hearts open more fully.
So it makes sense that we’re hearing more of those kinds of words. We use them because a mere “like” isn’t strong enough to convey how we feel about something, so we intensify it into more powerful words. Yet… through their overuse they become diminished.
And these times are more volatile, because growth and transitions always are.
In spite of the present societal conflicts and strife, as a whole we are evolving. It is at high noon when the light is greater that the shadows diminish. As light touches dark places, that which was hidden is revealed so that it may be healed and transformed.
Overall, we can be optimistic because humanity is evolving into greater compassion and consciousness. We are growing through the dark, into greater light and love.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Positive Words Can Heal and Reframe Negatives
What if you’re struggling in a relationship. It happens to all of us at some point. In such cases, like a pimple on the forehead, it’s hard to see anything but the pimple because that’s what’s glaringly unpleasant and out of place. However, there’s an entire face to also see and appreciate.
Same thing with our relationships. A conflict is a created by a different approach and these are normal opportunities for us to cultivate tolerance and appreciation for diversity. It doesn’t work if we say we believe in diversity but then bridle at hearing a friend’s political, religious or spiritual differences.
So next time you’re struggling in a relationship with anyone, identify the positive words you can use. What we focus on grows, so focus on the good and you’ll see more of that.
Celebrating diversity includes tolerance and appreciation for a different perspective than our own, including when we have a different opinion or deeply held belief.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Calligraphy Creation by Martha Grow
Creative Opportunities for Writers and Poets
The writers amongst us should appreciate that the overuse of any word gives us greater opportunity to visit the thesaurus and find alternate words that could use more air time. In our descriptive positive words list to come, you’ll notice that of the many words to describe someone positively, only a handful are commonly used.
So let’s add more positive words to our regular vocabulary. The more we expand our positive vocabulary, the more those around us may as well. We can imagine a ripple effect of an increase in positivity just by the use of more and varied positive words. In fact studies show a definite increase in the use of positive words in scientific papers.[1]
Positive Words About People
We’ve accumulated a long list below. Some of these are neutral words that could be used as negatives, depending on the circumstance.
Since this is a list of positive words, we’re also including neutral ones here with the understanding of the intent to use these positively. Especially in today’s vernacular where “cool” means good, but so does “hot”. And wicked often means “good”, as in “wicked good”, and so does “bad”, as in “That’s so bad, man!”
An example of a neutral word, is “formidable”, which is often used such as a compliment, such as “He was a formidable opponent.” So that’s how we’re including it here, rather than in a negative context. Another neutral word example is “genuine” or ‘bona-fide”. Both mean “real” and could be used in the negative, such as a “bona-fide idiot”, but by virtue of its inclusion here, assume these in use in a positive context.
Words for Writers
Beyond that, notice just how many there are that are seldom used. But creatives, writers, artist, etc., are typically into wordplay and expanding our vocabulary. So let’s get these lesser used words off the bench and into play too!
250 PositIve Words to Describe Someone
- Accomplished
- Adaptable
- Admirable
- Agile
- Aglow
- Akamai (Hawaiian for ‘smart’)
- Alight
- Amazing
- Angelic
- Animated
- Articulate
- Artistic
- Artsy / Arty
- Aspirant
- Assured
- Au courant
- Audacious
- Authentic
- Autodidact
- Aware
- Awesome
- Badass
- Beaming
- Beautiful
- Believable
- Boho
- Bold
- Bona-fide
- Bright
- Brilliant
- Calm
- Carefree
- Capable
- Celebrated
- Charming
- Charitable
- Chic
- Chivalrous
- Civil
- Classy
- Clear
- Clever
- Cogent
- Cognizant
- Compassionate
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Consistent
- Contemporary
- Conversive
- Cool
- Courteous
- Courtly
- Crafty
- Creative
- Credible
- Cultivated
- Cultured
- Current
- Dazzling
- Deep
- Delightful
- Dependable
- Didactic
- Direct
- Disciple
- Distinguished
- Dynamic
- Earnest
- Ebullient
- Educated
- Effective
- Efficient
- Elegant
- Engaging
- Enjoyable
- Enlightened
- Ephemeral
- Equitable
- Esteemed
- Ethical
- Exalted
- Excellent
- Exceptional
- Experienced
- Extroverted
- Fabulous
- Fair
- Famed
- Famous
- Fancy
- Fantastic
- Fascinating
- Fashionable
- Fervent
- Fit
- Flexible
- Focused
- Forgiving
- Formidable
- Forthright
- Frank
- Friendly
- Frugal
- Fruitful
- Funny
- Gallant
- Generous
- Genteel
- Genuine
- Genius
- Glorious
- Golden
- Good humored
- Good natured
- Gorgeous
- Grand
- Great
- Grounded
- Handsome
- Happy-go-lucky
- Happy
- Healthy
- Helpful
- Hip
- Honest
- Honorable
- Honored
- Hot
- Immaculate
- Impressive
- Inclusive
- Incorruptible
- Independent
- Indubitable
- Informed
- Inquisitive
- Insightful
- Intelligent
- Intuitive
- Intriguing
- Irradiant
- Jazzed
- Jolly
- Joyful
- Just
- Kind
- Knowledgeable
- Legit / Legitimate
- Lanky
- Law-abiding
- Lean
- Lively
- Lovely
- Loving
- Lucent
- Luminous
- Lucky
- Magnificent
- Magnetic
- Merry
- Meticulous
- Mirthful
- Modern / Mod
- Modest
- Mysterious
- Natural
- Noble
- Notable
- Noted
- Open
- Organized
- Original
- Outgoing
- Outstanding
- Peaceful
- Peace-loving
- Persistent
- Polished
- Polite
- Polymath
- Popular
- Positive
- Powerful
- Precise
- Privileged
- Proficient
- Proper
- Pure
- Purposeful
- Rare
- Real / for real
- Refined
- Reliable
- Remarkable
- Renowned
- Reputable
- Resolute
- Resolved
- Responsible
- Savvy
- Scrupulous
- Seasoned
- Seeker
- Sensitive
- Shiny
- Shrewd
- Sincere
- Skilled
- Smart
- Solid
- Sophisticated
- Sparkling
- Stalwart
- Straightforward
- Striking
- Strong
- Strong willed
- Stylish
- Substantive
- Sunny
- Supportive
- Sure
- Swank
- Talented
- Tall
- Tenacious
- Thoughtful
- Thrifty
- Trailblazer
- Trained
- Trendsetter
- Trendy
- True
- Trustworthy
- Twinkling
- Unbreakable
- Unique
- Unquestionable
- Upright
- Versant
- Versed
- Vibrant
- Victorious
- Virtuous
- Well-dress
- Well-educated
- Wholesome
- Wonderful
- Worthy
When Positives Rub Us Negatively
When we’re in a negative state it doesn’t usually help to have others spout out positive words and thoughts to help us out of it. Often, it’s like a slim person questioning our choice to have dessert in the middle of a luscious bite, when we think we need to lose weight… and know we “probably shouldn’t”. The last thing we typically want when we’re making less than optimal choices is an external conscience holding us accountable.
Unless we’re ready for that next level of growth and actively seek it out, because it’s all changeable and remedial.
When we resolve to elevate our state of mind, we will grow into welcoming such positive input to support our own inclination to that. It’s like driving the right way up a one-way street. When we’re going in that direction anyway, we can appreciate the signals from others going in that same direction.
If we haven’t yet chosen to employ positivity as a powerful ally, any input will feel more like going against the flow of a one-way street, uncomfortable to say the least. But once we’re resolved to restructure our brain by using positive thoughts to reframe, we gain positive momentum. As we pick up speed we welcome all input to help us stay on that freeway.
Beware Influence by Association!
As you proceed to take back control by creating the life you want to live by the goals you set and the actions you take, you’re likely to experience more resistance than support from those in your immediate environment. There are typically more people ready to help you keep your status quo than there are those urging and cheering you on in your new direction.
Because your changes and successes threaten their lack of it. They haven’t yet made that decision to do the hard work necessary to take them to the next level and your doing so makes them uncomfortable and reminds them of what they’re not doing.
Now, you’re swimming against the flow on another one-way street, but this one WILL get you to where you want to go. You just have to be sure to navigate around those who are coming at you with temptations and excuses to keep you in stasis.
A negative mind will never give a positive life.
Positive Words of Encouragement
“Think positive.”
“Look on the bright side.”
“Cheer up!”
“It’s the glass half full or half empty.”
“Take a deep breath and count to 20.”
“Look on the sunny side of life.” or “Look on the bright side…”
“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”
“You can’t steer by the rearview mirror.”
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
“The early bird catches the worm.”
“No storm lasts forever.”
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
~Willie Nelson, country western singer songwriter, b.4/29/1933
Familiarity Breeds Oblivion
We’ve all heard these kinds of familiar sayings forever. Perhaps that’s the problem. These have been around for so long and we’ve heard them so much that we tend to overlook them.
Familiarity leads to disregard. Like the scenery on the road we travel every day, we tend to not even notice it any more. That kind of indifference is common. The familiarity desensitizes us to the power of these positive words.
Same thing for wisdom we think we know. The difference comes with the application.
But when the rubber meets the road and we’re in a circumstance that requires putting positive words and concepts to use, we tend to forget about them. But positive words, affirmations and invocations work.
Consider… when they’re not working it’s because we’re using the negative words against ourselves. When we’re in a negative loop. Most of the negative states we cycle into are the result of this kind of self-perpetuating negative loops.
When stuck in negativity is when we most need to invoke positive words and thoughts as tools for their transformational power. The more we do it the easier and more effective it gets.
It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.
~Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) French playwright, actor, poet, 1622-1673
Positive Words are Health Food for the Mind
Your mind is a great tool when fed healthy thoughts. Healthy thoughts, like exercise for the body, strengthen your brain and your ability.
Any tool can do good work if used well. Or, it can be destructive if used in the wrong way. Same thing with your mind. The best way to put it to good use for you rather than against you is to feed it with constructive and elevating thoughts.
What would happen if you just listened to positivity and optimism?
~Gary Vaynerchuk, Russian-American magnate, author, b.11/14/1975
Positivity Leads to Clarity
Darren Hardy, former CEO of Success magazine, shares the story of a glass filled with muddy water. A teacher takes a pitcher of water and demonstrates to his student what happens when he pours fresh, clean water into that glass. Eventually it flushes out all murky water.
Darren goes onto say, that the glass represents your mind. The water (muddy or clean) represents what your mind becomes depending of the thoughts you choose.
Keeping pouring in positivity, and you will become lighter, brighter and more clear.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Creating Your World
The life that you have created thus far is reflecting yourself back to you. If you’re pleased with that reflection, awesome! Congrats for being on track with yourself! If not, you can change it.
As you are creating your life, your life is creating you.
If you cannot relate to this concept because you’ve had horrendous things happen to you in your life, don’t worry. First… empathy for all that you’ve endured.
The good news is that every positive effort you make, will help your life get better.
~LeAura Alderson,®
As you are creating your thoughts, your thoughts are creating your life.
~LeAura Alderson,®
You Have the Power
You have more power and ability to change your state and circumstance than you could ever imagine. Most people just don’t want it enough to do the work to change. Do you?
Old habits die hard. More than that, it’s extraordinarily difficult to imagine where you haven’t yet been and who you haven’t yet become. But creators… creators have wonderful imaginations. Train yours with positive words and thoughts that paint you into the future you want.
Positive thoughts, positive words and positive actions change everything.
Envision the life you want then head in that direction each day through the decisions you make and the actions you take.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Our Lives Becomes What we Daily Do
We’re all affected by negative self talk from time to time. Fear and doubt can cloud your vision and stifle creativity. A super simple—but effective—strategy is to replace one negative thought with one positive thought. Write it down. Write your negative thought and then reframe that into positive words that speak to an alternate outcome; an outcome you’ll love.
A good place to write this is in the daily comments section and Day 7 Reflections section of the 90 Day Goals Journal, (or in whatever goal-setting and journaling system you use).
Give the worrier mindset over to the warrior mindset and battle the shadows of doubt to oblivion.
~LeAura Alderson,®
This is about far more than replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Reframing actually trains your brain to think differently.
When we seek out solutions and possibilities over worry and negativity, we are using an entirely different area of the brain, and the two cannot function simultaneously. That’s good news. That means that whenever you’re working on solutions and reframing the situation into something positive, you’ve departed the worrier mindset in favor of the warrior mindset.
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.
~Henry Ford, inventor, founder-Ford Motor Company, 1863-1947
Here are some common negative thoughts amongst creatives, and some examples of reframing the context with positive words:
Reframing Negatives into Positives
Negative Thought:
“I’m not a morning person.”
Positive Thought:
“Waking up a little earlier each morning isn’t so hard, and I love how much more I can get done by 9 am!”
Negative Thought:
“My idea isn’t original. There are tons of others doing this.” (Especially if you’re a writer doing market research after a trip to the bookstore or Amazon, or a creator of anything really, given today’s saturated marketplace).
Positive Thought:
“An idea does not need to be original to be great. Most ideas are offshoots of others and only I can write my stories with my creative flare. There’s even a popular book: ‘Steal Like an Artist‘.”
Negative Thought:
“I’m afraid to put my work out there to be judged by others.
Positive Thought:
“I’m eager to share my work with the world so that those who will love it like I do can find it. It will be fun to discover who else loves my work, and to grow my ‘1,000 True Fans‘. I’m also eager to learn and grow from feedback.
Negative Thought:
“I just want to do my art… I don’t want to build a business.”
Positive Thought:
“My art is like my child, and I need to help it grow into all that it can be, even if it takes me out of my comfort zone. Then I can decide what direction my work will take.”
Negative Thought:
“I hate doing dishes.”
Positive Thought:
“So grateful to have dishes to eat on.”
Negative Thought:
“There’s so much to do and I feel so far behind.”
Positive Thought:
“I’m so grateful for so many ideas and opportunities, and so grateful to be able to create daily!”
Now … it’s your turn! These are just idea starters. We’d love to hear your reframes. These are not just “feel good” positive thinking. These really work, so put your thoughts to work for you, not against you.
One of the very best remedies to get you going and keep you going through thick and thin? Gratitude.
Replace each negative thought with an alternate positive reality, and your life will become that.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Shots of Awe with Jason Silva – Powerful 3 Minutes on Positivity
You may also enjoy Jason Silva’s mind-bending video clip in one of his ‘Shots of Awe’ segments.
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
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