Creating yourself on the canvas of your life is your ultimate work of art. Each day is your canvas. The day is your clay. Each day is your blank paper awaiting your story.
This day is yours to make. What will you paint or write into the pages of today? For today is your ‘Book of Life’ in the making.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Table of Contents
- AUDIO ARTICLE – Creating Yourself
- To Create is to Transcend
- Creating Yourself — Transcendental You
- Life by Design
- 12 Quotes on Creating Yourself
AUDIO ARTICLE – Creating Yourself
To Create is to Transcend
According to, the definition of Creativity is:
“The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations; originality or imagination.”[1]
The definition of Transcend is:
“To rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed.”[2]
Creativity Bends and Transcends Conditioning
To create, is to make something new. To make something new… is to create… to bring forth that which has never existed on this plane before. Our conditioning is a lens through which we see everything and which filters the past into each atom of creation.
This is art. This is turning pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, love and anger into something more. Bringing life to ideas, thoughts and feelings is to transmute them from the unseen to the seen. From the shadows of our being into the light. It’s the same with your day. Today. Now.
Artists morph their past into the future they wish to create through conscious creation.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder®
Creating Yourself — Transcendental You
Creating yourself into who you want to be is to transcend the confines of conditioning and the shackles of shame. Free yourself to be the vision of you that is so brilliant you’re embarrassed to talk about her. Find her and friend her and get acquainted.
We all labor under more layers of conditioning than we’re aware of. Conditioning from others and from ourselves. Not all conditioning is bad. Conditioning is a culture of the human condition.
It’s necessary for societies to function and to keep safe from that which would harm. It’s also necessary to let go of the conditioning that constricts you from becoming more fully yourself.
Clean out the closets of your past and toss out all that doesn’t fit who you’re creating yourself to be.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Create Yourself
Who was that child…
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
…before shame
…before blame?
…who dreamed?
Reclaim her. Remake her.
Free her to be
who she’s
meant to be
Conscious Creation
We are always creating ourselves each day in every way. Every one of the choices we make and the decisions we take add up to create our day which multiplies into our life.
Conscious creation is about creating the life you want to live, one day at a time.
From this moment forward, consciously choose who you will be in the world and set about consciously creating yourself each day.
Don’t let your life happen to you. You are the maker of your world. Make it in your highest image for it. You happen to it.
This is not “Groundhog Day“.
This day has never happened in the history of the universe, before today.
Imagine if you awakened this morning without a past. There would be no constraining memories or pains, yet all the abilities and positives that you have now are still present. In this fresh new world you are free to create to your heart’s content. What would you do? Who would you be? Who would you become through your creating?
“This day has never happened in the history of the universe, before today. It is an orchestra awaiting your command. You are the conductor of the symphony of your life.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
Life by Design
To paint the life you want begins one brush stroke at a time. Like creating a painting, you have a finished creation in mind but you’re focused in the present on each brushstroke and nuance. You’re too busy creating to worry about how many more strokes you have to go, and how you’re not there yet.
The challenge most people have in living life by design… your design, is the lack of ability to hold the vision of your dreams beyond the mist of the morning. Most dreams evaporate into the urgency of the day and the fatigue of the night. There’s a wayside of lost dreams waiting to be reclaimed and revived.
Transcend your conditioning… break the mold of the past… and create yourself into the person ready for your next level of achievement. Only you can create your art. Only you can transcend the barriers to your greater creativity… and to rise more fully into yourself.
Transcendence is to immerse in the joy of creating.
“The beauty of your day—like the clay on the kiln—is in your hands… it is your vision to mold… and it is within your grasp to create.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
12 Quotes on Creating Yourself
“Who will you become through your creating?“
~LeAura Alderson,®
“Reclaim your dreams and bring them to life. You are the creator of your life. You.“
~LeAura Alderson,®
“How to transcend the conditioning of your past?
Paint yourself into your future.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
“Each day is a brush stroke on the canvas of your life. What will you paint into being today?“
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”
~Erich Fromm, psychologist, philosopher, author, 1900-1980
“Creative transcendence is about shedding your limitations and building your future.”
~Devani Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
“What will you write into this day of your life?“
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
“What image will you mold into being the ‘who of you’ in the world?“
~LeAura Alderson,®
“Each day is your clay. Mold it with love.“
~LeAura Alderson,®
“Your day. Your way. Becomes your life.“
~LeAura Alderson,®
“To create is to transcend the limitations of your past and rise into the present of your future.“
~LeAura Alderson,®
“Only you can transcend the barriers to your greater creativity… and rise more fully into yourself.“
~LeAura Alderson,®
And a bonus, 13th quote, an all time popular Thoreau quote about dreams:
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.“
~Henry David Thoreau, essayist, poet, philosopher, naturalist, 1817-1862
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
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