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How to Be More Positive

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How to Be Fantastic? #BeFantsastic Goowill

You’re Free to Be Fantastic!

Look, we’re not talking about being upbeat all the time. No one is. However, we can steadily learn how to be more positive, and reorient to positivity, no matter the circumstances.

When bad stuff happens, we acknowledge it. We grieve. We stomp and shout it out loud, or whatever helps (that doesn’t harm or disrupt others), then we redirect that energy into an elevated state. How? Begin with gratitude, for there is always something for which to be grateful.

Redirecting negatives to positives is simply a matter of daily practice.

We have the freedom to create the inner environment we want. If you want a fantastic day, you make it happen by starting with fantastic thoughts and fantastic actions.

Empowering Words

Kinesiology tests reveal that the words we use can literally transform us at the muscular level…. strengthening or weakening us. I’ve practiced this myself many times by transforming my energy by the words I use and think. Personal trainers and coaches use it all the time with their clients.  

Don’t let negative thoughts and words trip you up.

Become aware of their presence in your thoughts and speech and replace them, reframe them, negate them. You have the power.

Positivity is not Pollyanna-like denial of the negative. Rather, it is choosing not to focus on it.

“Positivity isn’t naiveté. It’s power.”
LeAura Alderson,®

“Positivity isn’t naiveté. It’s power.” ~LeAura Alderson,

Make It So

Today. This day, is fantastic if we make it so. We don’t have to wait for something fantastic to happen to us. In fact, best not to, for then we’re relying on happenstance and luck in order to feel good.

Waiting and hoping for a good day is passive and not proactive. It is leaving your day to chance… to the roll of the dice. But when you learn how to choose your thoughts and mindset and how to be a more positive person no matter what, you change state and fate.

We have the power and the freedom to make ‘fantastic’ happen within us. ‘Fantastic’, is a consciousness event more than an outer one.

“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.”
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Author, ‘The Little Prince

LITTLE PRINCE QUOTE: "I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Author, 'The Little Prince'

Your Inner Sanctum

In a storm, we take refuge in the safe haven of our home. In the stress of uncertainty, conflict and societal inflammation, we can create a positive outlook. Create a positive internal environment and take refuge there. 

How to Be a More Positive Person?

Generate Positivity By What You Think, Say, And Do

  • Focus on what you want / your goals
  • Take action toward that 
  • Daily immersion in positives
  • Daily practice of gratitude
  • Avoid negative news – (we can be aware of it without immersing or engaging in it)

Creating Sacred Space

Let your home and your psyche become your sanctuary… your sacred space, and take refuge there. These simple things will expand the positives in your life. You can also benefit yourself and others by meditating, praying and/or envisioning sending love, light and positivity into the world and all whom you encounter. 

Studies have proven the efficacy of improved environments and populations through consciously meditating on transmitting positivity, love and goodwill.  And subsequently, the sender is also the recipient. 

So be sure to broadcast positive vibes and that frequency emanating from you will also beckon that to you.

It’s important to remember that no storm lasts forever, and I’m betting on humanity by focusing on the best of it. And there is MUCH GOOD readily found for anyone who is looking for it. It’s eternally true that what we focus on is what grows more fully in our lives. 

Feelings of Dread and Anxiety


The fear, dread and anticipation of the thing makes it bigger and more ominous than it is. Thus to face the fear, get it done and out of the way frees up tremendous life energy. Energy that can definitely be put to better use elsewhere.


Fear… that fretting over what could go wrong… that sense of dread… all the many feared unknowns…

What if instead we reframed it to a feeling of eager anticipation from the assumption that something good is going to happen?

What if we assume the best?

And so it begins… a positive trend.

“We have the power and the freedom to make “fantastic” happen within us. ‘Fantastic’, is a consciousness event more than an outer one.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator ®

POWER AND FREEDOM QUOTE-"We have the power and the freedom to make "fantastic" happen within us. 'Fantastic', is a consciousness event more than an outer one."
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator ®

Replace Negatives With Positives

Another very significant way to be more positive and happy is so simple that it’s easy to dismiss. However it absolutely works.

Repetition is the way habits are formed. We’re all very practiced at repeating bad habits, at least that is the case with the majority of humans. To create the life we want to live means to replace the negatives with positives. And the more we do that the better our lives become.

It’s such a simple thing, that it can be overlooked, yet the TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER of that simple act is amazingly powerful.

“Sometimes, the thing you dread doing is the very thing you should do, just so you can stop thinking about it.”
~Marci Shimoff, quoting Miss Phillips in Chicken Soup for the Single’s Soul

“Sometimes, the thing you dread doing is the very thing you should do, just so you can stop thinking about it.” ~Marci Shimoff, quoting Miss Phillips in Chicken Soup for the Single's Soul

Transmutation Through Habit Swapping

On a hot summer day, my son, Nikolai, wanted a snack. At my suggestion, he made a super simple homemade frozen yogurt. It’s fast and easy to make, and delicious. He remarked in mild surprise, “This is really good!” At an “immortal” 23, he often doesn’t make the healthiest food choices, so it was an opportunity to agree with him and remind him of the simple act of substituting favorite bad foods for favorite good foods as an easy “winning” habit. 

Replacing good things for the bad can even become a fun game. I.e., what do I love that’s good for me? Make a list and keep it handy for when you need a positive swap. That way we’re not focusing on what we can’t have, but rather, on what we can have that we also love.

And… as we know, what we focus on, grows.

This ties in with one of the favorite power ploys learned from Strategic Coach founder, Dan Sullivan:

Focus on the gains not the gaps.
~Dan Sullivan, coach, entrepreneur, author

Examples of Negative Habits Traded for Positives

Being more positive begins with the choices we make in each day. When we do the things we know we should do we feel better about ourselves. When we feel better about ourselves, we’re naturally more positive and tend to make better choices, so how to be more positive is definitely tied in with our choices and good habits.

(These are some of my personal examples that I actively practice to great benefit)

For more on this highly effective replacement strategy for diet and nutrition, you may enjoy this article on “Food Aikido” for cravings.

A Powerful Life Skill

The more you practice strategies on how to be more positive, the more positive you become. Feeling good makes it easier to be more positive, which reinforces your desire to swap and reframe negatives to positives.

It’s most gratifying that such a simple process could be so powerfully transformative. It’s the same effect as the iCreateDaily principle of daily conscious creation of your craft and of your life.

Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.®

Daily steps in the direction of your dreams is a proven path to success.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator ®

PATH TO SUCCESS QUOTE: Daily steps in the direction of your dreams is a proven path to success.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator ®
Dreams Quote

A Different Idea of Elegance

I love the bold color and candor of this poetic quote, written by famed French poet, Edmond Rostand in his renowned play, Cyrano de Bergerac.

If you haven’t seen the modern adaptation of the Cyrano story, Roxanne, starring Steve Martin, it’s endearingly funny you will probably enjoy it.

“I have a different idea of elegance. I don’t dress like a fop, it’s true, but my moral grooming is impeccable. I never appear in public with a soiled conscience, a tarnished honor, threadbare scruples, or an insult that I haven’t washed away.

I’m always immaculately clean, adorned with independence and frankness. I may not cut a stylish figure, but I hold my soul erect. I wear my deeds as ribbons, my wit is sharper than the finest mustache, and when I walk among men I make truths ring like spurs.”
~Edmond Rostand, French poet, dramatist author of Cyrano de Bergerac

SOURCE: Cyrano de Bergerac

It’s the Silly Little Things

Yesterday afternoon I was making a cup of hot tea — 2 bags of Earl Grey with lavender tea — for my husband, Coleman, and a cup of organic cocoa for me.

Coleman prefers his afternoon tea to be British style, with milk and honey, heated separately and then added to his tea mug.  

I heated the milk, added the honey, then poured that mixture into his tea mug. Then I noticed that the milk server used for heating his milk was the perfect size for my 8 oz serving of cocoa.

So, instead of using — and dirtying up — another mug, I just made my cocoa in the already “seasoned” milk carafe.

It worked perfectly as a mug, perfect size, one dish saved and it even matched my sweater! 😎😊🥰

Little Things Make a Difference

All of these things brought a smile to my face. Oftentimes, it’s the silly little things that can make a difference… the negative ones, if we let them, or the good habits if we cultivate them.

Negativity and positivity are both just habits. One will make you happier. No brainer, right? 

So one of mine is the fun of appreciating and enjoying the silly little things in each day.

Sometimes it’s throwing a wad of paper into the trash can from across the room and ringing it. It might be getting something down from a high shelf, nudging it forward with the tips of my fingers, then catching it before it hits the counter or floor. (Don’t worry… I don’t do that for heavy, breakable or sharp objects).

Another time it might be laughing at the tangle of cords as I try to unravel them while marveling at the knot-making gnomes that must be busy making mischief. I’m certain they must be afoot at night, for you know how a cord or string left out will turn up tangled the next day. 

And of course one could get frustrated at the knots, as we all have likely experienced at technology issues at some point.  But why and what purpose is served? Instead, we can be grateful for the blessing of the technology with every loop untangled.

So you see… it can be the silly little things that bring joy as well as the big things.

If you’d like a creative prompt that will bring a smile to your face, here ya go!


Write or create around one or more “silly little things” that make you smile.

Some silly little things that make me smile are……

Find more creative prompts here.

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The Day is the Way.

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