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Discover Yourself – The Era of Choosing

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This is not the Era of Being Discovered

Don’t wait to be discovered. Now is the time to discover yourself… to discover what ignites you and inspires your creativity. This is also the time in history when you have the freedom of opportunity to choose yourself.

Choose to create your own platform and audience. Do the hard work and bring your craft to the world… keep bringing it… and keep on bringing it.

Don’t be the maiden in waiting for the prince… or the one hoping a publisher will find your work and offer your a publishing and movie deal. Of course DREAM of those aspirations, then, get to work daily, creating your own future by the thoughts you choose, the goals you set and the actions you take.

Pursue your passion with all your heart and soul, determination and dedication.

And if you’re not sure what that passion is..? Then walk through the next door of opportunity in front of you, lean, grow and discover.

RELATED: What are you passionate about?

Consider this truth: If you pursue your passion with heart and soul, you’ll automatically have more heart, soul and passion in your life!!!
~LeAura Alderson,®

Table of Contents

Audio Article – Discover Yourself

Don’t wait to be discovered. Discover yourself!

We first heard the term “Choose Yourself” from the book of that name by James Altucher. His entire book is about this concept, as is another one of our favorite books by thought leader Seth Godin in his uniquely engaging book, “What to do When it’s Your Turn…”

It just makes sense. Time to decide to do the work you aspire to rather than waiting for permission… or for selection by the powers that be.

The powers that be aren’t any more.

The middle man is missing. Your dreams are in your hands. There’s no gatekeeper stopping you.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Don’t wait to be discovered. Discover yourself! This is not the era of being discovered. This is the era of choosing. Choose yourself. Choose to create your own platform and audience. Do the hard work and bring your craft to the world… and keep bringing it… and keep on bringing it. Don’t wait to be discovered.  #DiscoverYourself #ChooseYourself #DontWaitToBeDiscovered #Success #Goals #iCreateDaily

Discover Yourself

Your dreams are no longer at the mercy of someone else’s decision about your work or your ideas. Today, your dreams are in your hands. There’s no gatekeeper stopping you.

Yes, it takes work… a lot of it. And it takes time… also likely a lot of it. But that’s work and time doing what you love.

Aren’t your dreams worth it? This is your life, we’re talking about. Discover yourself and what you love, then set on the journey to making it real. One step at a time, one brick at a time, one day at a time.

Time to set your sights on your future, and then get to work! Your dreams are within reach.

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”
~Thomas Jefferson, lawyer, architect, Founding Father, 3rd US President 1743-1826

Your dreams are no longer at the mercy of someone else's decision.  Today, your dreams are in your hands. There's no gatekeeper stopping you. Time to set your sights on your future, and then get to work! Your dreams are within reach. #FollowYourHeart #PursueYourDreams #AchieveYourDreams #ThomasJeffersonQuote #HardWork #LuckQuote #iCreateDaily

Interning and Learning While Earning

My kids were homeschooled for the majority of their school years.

As part of her homeschool education, my daughter started her own social media services for a best selling author beginning at age 15.

At 15, her homeschool curriculum became her earning-while-learning job.

For the first few months she did it for free. This established her value at no cost to her first client, who then provided a testimonial that helped gain her second client, and so on.

After learning and proving her value in that service, she was went from self taught “interning”, to continued learning while earning.

No matter your age, you can too.

“You are celebrated in the light for what you do in the dark. What you do when no one else is awake… when no one else is looking… that’s what you’re celebrated for.”
~Rachel Hollis, blogger, author, speaker, born 1/9/1983

Only a Skill Away

If you have a job, keep it while pursuing the work you love. If you need a job, you can identify a skill you’ll need for your own business and learn that, most likely through free or paid online courses, such as those offered by CreativeLive.

In just days or weeks, you can learn a marketable skill in your area of interest.

There are many opportunities for learning while earning today. Rather than spending months or years acquiring a skill and then hoping to “be chosen”… to find a job, or get a record label or a publisher, you can spend hours, days or weeks learning new skills.

These are new skills you can begin implementing for your own brand, or for someone else. In the process you will also make many new discoveries and connections.

Which to do First?

If you’re not sure where to start or what you’d like to learn first, there are a couple of ways to determine which of  your interests are most in demand. You can go to some of the freelance services platforms, research the top job requests needing filling, and choose from that a skill to learn.

Discover Opportunities

  • Search on freelancer platforms to see the highest in demand skills for freelancers in your areas of interest.
  • If in-demand jobs aren’t visible, you can inquire.
  • Ask others who are doing what you want to do, how they got started and for any pointers.
  • Tune into podcasts on your areas of interest.

The freelance platforms we use most are FreeeUp and Upwork. We’ve listed those and a few others on our Resources page.

Daily immersion will expand your knowledge, skills and awareness of opportunities and possibilities. Continued learning coupled with daily doing will make a huge difference.

Invest in yourself. You are your greatest asset.

Ideas live in the flow of doing the work. The more ideas you implement, the more ideas will come your way.
~LeAura Alderson,®

INVEST IN YOURSELF... you are your greatest asset. Ideas live in the flow.
#FollowYourHeart #DiscoverYourself #PursueYourDreams #Achieve #iCreateDaily #Ideas #DailyDoing #CreateDaily

Era of Imperfection

This is also the era of imperfection… the age of fast implementation and proliferation. It’s is the bane and the benefit for creatives.

There has never been a better time to create and get your work out there and into the hands of people who will love it. It is not the best time for long slow, methodical creations of the master craftsman.

But… there’s a place for those too, and that will only increase in this New Renaissance – Age of the Artist. The more you do, the more you can do.  “Ship” lots of work first… just get it out there.

Create like crazy with wild abandon, with delight… with discovery… with the eager eyes of a child. It is not a chore, but a labor of love.  You’ll be forming a body of work while discovering yourself and more of what matters to you… the work you’re here to do.

Create, Learn. Create, Learn… create daily and you will progress more quickly.

Success in today’s world requires ongoing learning of new skills and tools, and it’s never been easier to access.

Perfectly Imperfect

Thought leader, Seth Godin says to “ship it”… even before you’re ready; even before it’s perfect. Even if no one likes it.

As I was reading this audio article, I made a number of mistakes. We almost always have some mistakes during the reading, or discover edits needed in the text. If there are too many mistakes in the reading, we will delete and start over. Rather than take the extra time and cost to hire an editor to edit out the mistakes, we just accept them and hope that you will too.

In this audio article, there were more mistakes than we usually allow before publishing. However, we left them in because they were imperfectly perfect for this article.

It is in the doing that we learn and improve. It is in the momentum of creating daily that we learn how to create more and how much more we can create. And THAT is what matters most.

Because here’s the thing: The more you do, the faster you get at doing more and doing it better. The more you do, the more ideas you have for doing more.

Yes, you will have to work hard. But… aren’t your dreams worth it?
~LeAura Alderson,®

Don't Wait to be Discovered. Discover Yourself in the Journey of Pursuing Your Dreams. #DiscoverYourself #DoTheWork #YourDreamsAreWorthIt
#FollowYourHeart #DiscoverYourself #PursueYourDreams #Achieve #iCreateDaily

Alex Banayan with Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory

We’ll conclude this article by sharing one of the most inspiring stories of perseverance by a most amazing young man on one of our favorite shows, Impact Theory.

Alex Banayan is the author of the highly recommended book, The Third Door. Alex is also a great story teller and this interview is about perseverance, inspiration, perspiration, luck, pain, and loss while carving one’s own way and discovering yourself in the process.

This is an interview you’ll want to see… and a book you’ll want to read!

Discover Yourself Through the 3rd Door

The Internet is the third door of opportunity for us all. Easy? No. Doable? Absolutely!

Whether it’s exercise or relationships, creativity or menial work, the more we push through the hard things, the more we can do and the happier we become.

If we stop the moment things get hard, the less we will be able to do, for it is in pushing through hard that we grow stronger and better. The less we do, the less we can do.

Conversely, the more we push through hard, the stronger we become. The stronger we become, the more we can do. The more we do, the more we can do.

The more we push through hard, the stronger we become. The stronger we become, the more we can do. The more we do, the more we can do.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Please share what you’re pushing through today, that will make a positive difference in your day.

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