A New Era of Art
It’s good news for creators. It’s a new renaissance.. of art and innovation… of awakening and beauty.
Turn off the negative news and politics… put your ear to the ground of the creative world, and hear the groundswell of artists dancing to their own beat. Tune your psyche to the ethers and catch the waves of inspiration everywhere to be found.
We are in the beginning of a new age of art where creativity and innovation will again lead the way. We are living history in the making and some future day humankind will study this period as one of upheaval and turmoil, giving way to art, compassion, creativity, and expanded consciousness.
“This New Renaissance of the 21st Century includes you and your art. We are living history in the making. Your creativity is needed. Your art matters.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

Table of Contents
- A New Age of Art
- An Awakening of Consciousness
- A New Renaissance
- The Age of Art and Innovation — Art-Inno
- The Era of Entrepreneurs
- Freedom and Opportunity
- Growing Your Skills
- The Age of Opportunity
- Move Away from Mainstream Mania
- Job Opening: Artists Needed to Create Beauty
- Bring Your Light to the World
- ADD – Art Deficit Disorder
- The New Renaissance — Art Innovation will Lead the Way
The Italian Renaissance at a Glance
The Italian Renaissance began as an artistic movement in Florence, Italy between the 14th and 17th Centuries AD.[1]https://www.history.com/topics/renaissance/italian-renaissance
Noted Renaissance professor and author, Ian Goldin places the heart of the past Renaissance dates as 1450-1550 AD in his richly informative book, Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance.
That European Renaissance lifted the world from the darkness of the early Middle Ages to a time of greater creativity, intellectual inquiry, growth and prosperity. The seeds of this period of rebirth were planted in the soil of the Dark Ages, and blossomed to flourishing over the next 300 years.[2]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance
“We are in a New Renaissance… an awakening… a quickening of consciousness and an urge to create.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

An Awakening of Consciousness
The Renaissance was an awakening of consciousness.
People were awakening to higher impulses of creativity and inquiry, which manifested in greater attention on — and appreciation for — beauty and the arts.
This period of awakening, escorted the western world into the Age of Enlightenment, also called the Age of Reason, between 1600-1800 AD. Every area of society was affected, in particular, by innovations in art, science, politics, and philosophy. Old systems and ways of thinking were failing and replaced by new ones.
Hmmm… sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
It’s happening again through the pain and conflict of these transitional times. We’re in another awakening of consciousness and societal transformation, a new renaissance precipitating a new era of human evolution.
“Every area of renaissance has come out of new freedoms for peoples. The coming renaissance will be greater than any other in history, for this time, all the peoples of the earth will share in it.”
~Pearl S. Buck, American writer, novelist, Pulitzer Prize winner, 1892-1973

A Time for Growth
The advent of the printing press around 1439, began the ascent into greater access to knowledge through books and reading for the masses. Imagine a time where people are hungry for books and access to knowledge for self development, and a time where there’s great societal upheaval
Sounds a lot like today’s proliferation of easily accessible content online. Only today it’s vastly easier and more accessible.
All growth comes through struggle and strife. Turmoil and chaos ever precede greater order.
“This is a period of momentous change… it’s a period of transformation… a period where we will reinterpret our relationship with the world, just like the Renaissance.”
~Ian Goldin, South African Oxford professor, author, b.1955

Deja Vu!
It is when the light is brightest that the flaws are revealed. So today, when we see so much that is wrong, bad or disturbing, we can take heart that it is because the light and the good is also increasing.
The renaissance was birthed on the threshold of the Gutenberg press. This New Renaissance is birthed by the world wide web, where every individual can have access to the internet of knowable—and shareable—things. Where every creator has infinite access to infinite creativity.
As the shrouds that conceal the shadows are peeled back, that lurking in the dark is revealed. If we focus on the scurrying negatives, and unthinkable horrors, that is what we will see most. If we focus on the shadows, we’ll miss the light. When we focus on the light our lives are illumined and the shadows recede.
This is not the time to recoil and shrink. It is the time to sing, to dance and to let your creative light shine. A time for reflection, introspection, meditation, and study.
It is a time for a quickening of our aspirations and highest inclinations… to step up our pace and heighten awareness and consciousness. This is a time of becoming our most alert, aware and thoughtful, as we would on any new journey. For we are on a new journey.
It is when the light is brightest that the flaws and shadows are revealed… and healed.
“Every renaissance comes to the world with a cry, the cry of the human spirit to be free.”
~Anne Sullivan Macy, American teacher, life companion of Helen Keller,

A New Renaissance
Now we are again in a Renaissance… an awakening… a quickening of consciousness and an urge to create.
For the first time in history, we are in an era in which masses of people have greater freedom to choose the work they do, and the life they live.
Imagine a society where the majority of people love what they do full time. Imagine a society led by creators: artists, entrepreneurs, inventors on fire with passion, purpose and vision. Can you conceive what that will do to the mass consciousness of humanity?
How beautiful the vision of the masses creating, not destroying… encouraging instead of criticizing, loving rather than hating. When humans are aligned with the creative soul, we open ourselves to more good.
“The most powerful force on earth is the human soul on fire.“
~Ferdinand Foch, French general and military theorist, 1851-1929

The Age of Art and Innovation — Art-Inno
We are in the Age of Artists and Innovators of all human and planetary endeavors.
Perhaps we can call this new era of opportunity for artists and innovators, Art-Inno, or the Age of ArtInno for art and innovation. ?
Just as the weather that is here today, could be the weather on the other side of the earth in a few days, so too does human progress and possibility live in the “clouds” of the internet. Today we can easily access people, knowledge, skills and services of all kinds around the world, faster than the weather… faster than the space shuttle.
In an instant, the world at our fingertips, and with it, the world of possibilities.
The New Renaissance of Art and Innovation – 21st Century, Planet Earth.
A Rebirth of Consciousness, Compassion and Creativity.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

The Internet is Your Gateway to the World
At iCreateDaily, we’ve employed freelancers from India, Philippines, Bulgaria and the US. It’s not unusual for us to have several Skype chats happening—sometimes almost simultaneously—with outsourcers all around the globe.
The Internet is not just “a gateway to the world”, but your gateway as well, and the world’s gateway to you and your work.
Today, over 51% of the world’s people are online and virtually everyone in developed nations has the world at their fingertips. Less developed nations are rapidly coming online as well. [3]https://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm [4]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Internet_usageWith the advent of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the number of people actively using the Internet for working from home has increased exponentially.
Those wishing to succeed in today’s world do best engaging the “New Renaissance” by taking advantage of the vast opportunity to learn anything about anything, and often for free. Visual artists who learn digital art-making will be able to multiply and proliferate your work more readily into all kinds of mediums and forms.
An artist paints, dances, draws, writes, designs, or acts at the expanding edge of consciousness. We press into the unknown rather than the known. This makes life lovely and lively.
~Julia Cameron, American artist, author, teacher, poet, writer b.3/4/1948
The Era of Entrepreneurs
Peter Diamandis, founder of The X Prize —and others like him—are offering prizes for innovations to anyone in the world. A villager in Africa could submit an application with an idea to be considered equally to an astrophysicist, which is extraordinary.
Here’s a statement from an 2018 XPRIZE Visioneers Design Challenge:
“Crowdsourced innovation is about finding the best ideas that exist, regardless of their origin.”
Today’s opportunities are unparalleled in known history. That’s the light. So it’s no wonder that there are also problems. That’s the dark, and the opportunity.
Mega successful entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk, of Vaynermedia, and Tom Bilyeu of Impact Theory, hire for attitude. Positive attitude and creative thinking are in demand and with that, the ability to learn the skills needed.
The greatest skills for today: a positive attitude, a learner’s mindset, and the discipline to do the work.
~LeAura Alderson, Cofounder-iCreateDaily®

Freedom and Opportunity
The gatekeepers in all industries are losing their jobs as the barriers of entry are eliminated, innovation by innovation, industry by industry. If you’re in a “gatekeeper” industry, it’s essential to learn a new skill or look for new opportunities within your niche of expertise.
“Middleman” jobs are dissolving and morphing. The following list cites some examples, but it’s happening in every area of the world.
Diminishing Industries
- Publishing companies – Writers can self publish and sell directly to the market.
- Universities – Education is available from so many reputable online institutions and individuals. Instead of spending years earning a degree, you can hone in on the exact area you wish to learn and become qualified in less time for far less money. We wrote more about that in this article on reasons not to go to college.
- Music label companies – Some of the most successful entertainers today started via their own YouTube channel offering lots of content for free such as cellist, Zoe, and violinist, Lindsey Stirling.
- Factory work – and other jobs that can be automated
- Transportation – Uber, Lyft and self-driving cars are impacting some areas of transportation services
- Travel lodging – AirBnB has transformed travel lodging
- Medicine – Some medical needs and practices, such as computerized diagnosing based on symptoms and home testing
- Creators in all genres can create and take it to YouTube, social media and to your own websites
Lifelong cellist, Zoe Keating created her music business on her own, direct to consumer (DTC). Even if you’re not a musician, you will likely enjoy her interview with Chase Jarvis of What technology cannot replace is the unique blend of consciousness and perception you bring to your work.
Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way.
William James, American philosopher, psychologist, author, 1842-1910
Growing Your Skills
If you’re looking for work as an artist, it will benefit you to expand your skills to include digital art and graphic design. The need is shifting more to online visuals such as wonderful photographs and interesting images, humor, and creative depictions.
So creators learning how to use digital art tools, and who are also skilled artists, will have an edge over those just trained in photography or paint on canvas, etc.
Foreign outsourcers are able to create beautiful work for a fraction of the cost to hire domestically. This competition places the responsibility on the creators to be innovative in their creations and offerings.
It’s as important to grow your portfolio of skills as it is your portfolio of art.
There’s a growing need for original digital art. As more companies move more industry online, some will want to commission photographers and illustrators to create original art for websites and books covers and product inventions.
The greatest Renaissance artists, are those who were crossed trained and continuously educating themselves across many disciplines. It’s much the same today.
The successful creatives in this new renaissance are also those who are innovating, learning, and creating. When you take initiative to step out of your comfort zone will you make the greatest progress. And the more you do it the it easier it gets.
Create… Learn… Apply… Daily.
Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.
~Lincoln Steffens, New York journalist, author, 1866-1936
The Age of Opportunity
What moved humanity forward during the Renaissance, is the same thing moving us forward today. Old systems, societal problems, dissatisfaction and failure, leading to action, innovation, creativity, awareness, inquiry, information and passion.
Growing Opportunities for Creators
This New Renaissance will provide increasing opportunities for creative thinkers, artists, writers, designers and authors to serve clients while doing meaningful work you enjoy. Corporations will need artists and storytellers more than marketers and sales people.
For creators and also fiction authors seeking to earn a living writing stories, this is great news!
This New Renaissance of Art and Innovation will employ many creative writers and artists and add value and depth to the corporate and consumer experience. Bringing art will bring heart and soul to commerce, and more wealth of commerce to creators.
You may find this article on how to make money as an artist, helpful.
Turbulent times of civilizations in flux lead to purpose driven entrepreneurs, artists and communities awakening to beauty, art, creativity, vision and purpose.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com

Job Opening: Artists Needed to Create Beauty
In the 14th century, the world desperately needed reform, transformation and awakening. It is the same today.
The collective consciousness of mankind is inspired by the human soul on fire with purpose. Humanity needs your passion… your fire… your art. As Howard Thurman said, “The world needs more people who have come alive.“
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
~Leonardo da Vinci, Italian Renaissance polymath creator, 1452-1519

Your Personal Renaissance
There are more incredible entrepreneurs and creators making positive change in the world today than ever before. Your story could be amongst these. You can be one of them… perhaps you already are. If not, step into a commitment to create daily, doing work you love, and in this journey, your way will become more clear.
The more you delve into living the life of your dreams, beginning here and now, the more you will connect with others who are doing this. As you associate more with others who are where you want to be, the more you will be able to do, learn, know and achieve, and the more likely you are to get there.
“Entrepreneurs and artists are leading the way of change today through commerce and creativity; art and innovation.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

Move Away from Mainstream Mania
Sure, if you tune into the mainstream media, you’ll hear how bad things are. That just leads to doubt and fear, anger and anxiety.
You don’t need that.
The good news stories are the ones you’ll rarely hear, unless you make the effort to seek them out. The best thing you can do for yourself—and the world—is to focus on the positive and to do the work you love. You can — and need — to birth your creativity into the world and to create positive forward momentum toward your goals.
In the garden we need manure to fertilize the plants, but that’s not what we focus on. We don’t stand around and stare at the manure. Rather, we focus on the incredible flowers and vegetables growing there. What you put your attention on is what grows in your life.
Focus on the good and beautiful and you will have more of that.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

Bring Your Light to the World
If you awaken on a morning and feel that your contribution… your work is too small to make a difference… too small to count, think again. The great artists of the past did not have the world at their fingertips as we do.
This is your time.
Creativity brings more to life than the thing created. Enjoy a new renaissance into your personal era of renewal of life, vigor, creativity, opportunity, passion and purpose.
Bring your light to the world and it will illuminate your life.
Creating beauty makes space for positivity, for inspiration and for innovation. The act of creating is meditation in action, bringing peace and joy to the hearts that create it and the hearts that experience it.
Art from the heart expands love and hope in the world, and that, my friends, is good for all.
Consider the flower and how by doing what it’s here to do—to grow in beauty—it attracts all that it needs, while inspiring awe in the observer. Same for you and your art. Immerse in what you love to do, and grow your craft.
Grow like flowers in spring and you will create a legacy of beauty that goes beyond your palette; beyond your canvas, pen or keyboard. Create that which you’re compelled to bring to life.
If you enjoy this analogy, you may also enjoy more on this in this article on Your Zone of Genius.
Grow like flowers in spring. Do the work that brings you joy, and you will spread that joy to others.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
The New Renaissance Requires an Integrated Mind
Creative intelligence is rarely linear. Common parlance calls these “left brain” and “right brain” intelligence. While each type of mentality uses the entire brain, these terms describe those who predominate in using more of the type of processing or the other.
I like the concept of linear and radial intelligence. In his book, A Whole New Mind, author Daniel Pink, speaks of the mind for our times being that of a generalist who can synthesize concepts using the best of the left and right brain qualities in symphony.
If you have not yet read A Whole New Mind, you’ll probably want to. We consider Daniel’s book required reading for every creator. This book paints the picture of the vital role of creators in these dramatically transitional times and a world in need of your creativity.
Daniel Pink’s book, A Whole New Mind is considered required reading for any serious creator.
“Design. Story. Symphony. Empathy. Play. Meaning. These six senses increasingly will guide our lives and shape our world.”
~Daniel H. Pink, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
Artist Souls – an Era of Child Prodigies
This is an era where many old souls are being born as advanced artists and performers at incredibly young ages. This is no longer an isolated event for the internet is a platform for them to share with the world and for the world to find and be inspired by them.
These young stars have three significant qualities that truly sets them apart:
- Incredible talent
- Admirable work ethic
- A keen ability to imbue their performances soul power
Examples of Child Prodigies
- Angelina Jordan – singer, musician at 7 years old in 2014, and at 13 years old in 2020
- Angelica Hale – singer
- Darci Lynne – ventriloquist singer
- Jadyn Rylee – b.2/14/06, singing since age 2, over 19M views on Sound of Silence video 55M total views
- Karolina Protsenko – musician, singer
- Chinese toddler – violinist started at 2.8 years old
- 10 year old prodigy attending college
- Summary of 10 best kid performers on America’s Got Talent (AGT)
And this just scratches the surface. There are MANY MORE and we will be adding them to our list here as we find them again and discover new ones. But this phenomenon of incredibly talented young people should be enough to give us all faith in the renaissance that is already under way. (Feel free to share your favorite/s).
ADD – Art Deficit Disorder
Perhaps ADD is to stand more for “Art Deficit Disorder” than “Attention Deficit Disorder”, as artists and creators at heart are bursting at the seams of old constraints. Far too many budding artists had their natural creative impulses snuffed by discouragement, ridicule or drugs to calm them, but which often actually cloud them and their creativity.
ADD = Art Deficit Disorder.
ADD is creative energy seeking expression as artists and creators at heart are bursting at the seams of old systems.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com ®
Unleash the Creator… Renovate with Art
Instead of medicating active children who cannot sit still, lets unleash them and free them to do what they’re here to do. To create, explore and innovate.
In his landmark book, Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina is a voice of reason and common sense in contrast to the typical antiquated and oppressive classroom environment. You can read and see more on Dr. Medina’s concepts in this article while discovering whether you’re a morning lark, night owl or hummingbird!
Unleash yourself from the conditioning that has stifled your creativity. Let go the habits of consumption versus creation that devours your time without nurturing your spirit and inspiring growth.
Do the work of your soul. Not sure what that is? Just start in the direction that compels you. Not compelled? Start with that which interests you. Explore. Follow the breadcrumbs that show you the way.
“Creativity connects us to our divinity.”
~LeAura Alderson, creator iCreateDaily.com ®
Artful Innovation in the New Renaissance will Lead the Way
The Renaissance of the 14th-17th centuries AD, was a “rebirth” heralded by art, education and innovation.
The New Renaissance of today is much the same. We are riding the wave of societal transformation as we shake the dust off old systems that no longer serve and draw the curtains to a new dawn of creativity fueled by passion and compassion.
The Renaissance of today is another turn of the spiral of evolution of consciousness. Today, we can consciously choose to join the crowds of creators. There’s plenty of room for all, and plenty of need. We know the history and how the art and innovation of the European Renaissance continues to inspire us today.
Today, we are making profound history. What legacy will we create in this new renaissance of history in the making?
In this millennium there will be new Da Vinci’s, Michelangelo’s… new Raphael’s and Donatello’s. There will be new Shakespears, Chaucers, Spencers… plus pre and post Renaissance visionaries, Stoic philosophers and movement makers, such as the Platos, Aristotles, Mandelas and Martin Luther Kings of the world.
There already are.
We’ve written about and/or interviewed just a few to date, but there are many, which is hopeful, encouraging and powerful testament to more good to come for humanity.
“More good will come if we each do our part to create positivity, beauty, and love in each day.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
Follow the Leaders — and Become Your Own
Follow the visionary thought leaders online who are doing and being a voice for empowerment and positivity, for growth and connectivity. Avoid divisiveness and seek out and perpetuate inclusiveness. Create beauty and express love. Radiate your highest and best.
Here’s the start of our list on some of the visionary leaders of today – creators and innovators.
If you are compelled to create, then please create. Daily. Easy? No. Essential? Yes!
What are your highest creative aspirations?
It’s worthy of contemplation, isn’t it?
It’s essential to your happiness that you follow your highest creative aspirations. But do not worry about doing great art. Instead, do you, greatly, and often, and your work will become great.
We cannot lose out by following our highest aspirations.
It is ever the lighted life that illuminates the world.
~LeAura Alderson, creator iCreateDaily.com®

Art Needed – Apply Daily
Too often in creative circles the notion of struggle accompanies the artistic persona. This isn’t a terminal sentence. It’s changeable. And we’re in a world that desperately needs positive change.
Art is about beauty, imagination, creativity, unity, diversity, shadow and light… all coexisting in the kaleidoscope of creation. Artists have long played vital roles in major revolutions, and are needed today more than ever to bring forth a New Renaissance through art, heart and creativity. And we can now.
Creating is vastly more than art. Creativity cultivates unity in humanity. Creation cultivates consciousness.

Create a better day… create kindness… create love… create joy… create your art. Create… because you can. Create because that’s who you are… a creator.
Transformation through creation.
~LeAura Alderson, creator iCreateDaily.com ®

They Didn’t Know
Those living during the Europe Renaissance didn’t know they were in it. They knew there was much upheaval and change, many new opportunities and also much war and strife. An era supportive of the arts and artists. But they didn’t know they were in the greatest renaissance in recorded history.
But with history to inform us, we can step back at all the many crises of today and get a sense that it’s happening again.
We’re in a new renaissance.
Artists, inventors and innovators have long played vital roles in major revolutions and societal change.
Creative, positively focused creators are needed today more than ever to bring forth a New Renaissance through art, heart and creativity. We are all needed to step forth and step up our individual aspirations and avocations.
Changing the world ever begins with changing ourselves, and every effort we make will also change us for the better.
This New Renaissance – It’s Yours… and Mine… It’s Ours
We are conscious creators and this is our revolution… our New Renaissance of ArtInno.
No matter your artistic or entrepreneurial endeavors, to achieve the success you’re capable of attaining, requires vision. To bring your work to life… and life to your work, you must also consciously create your life, your ultimate creation.
This is your renaissance… your revolution. On every level of human life today, we are all undergoing collective and individual revolutions leading to a personal renaissance.
As our lights ignite and glow more fully in the world, so too, the light of the world.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

You may also enjoy this podcast on consciousness and creativity.
“Idea to inception… mind to manifestation. That is the wondrous creator’s journey.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®

More Renaissance Quotes
“A renaissance is a contest for the future at a moment when the stakes are highest.”
SOURCE: Ian Goldin’s book, Age of Discovery
~Ian Goldin, South African Oxford professor, author, b.1955
The day is the way to create the life you wish to live. Transformation through creation.
Get Gratitude.
The Day is the Way.
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of iCreateDaily.com®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
Want to submit your photos, videos and/or article content for publication? We love to consider your contribution for publication! creators@icreatedaily.com