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Legacy of the Heart With Creative Art

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Create Your Day

Creative art is a legacy of light… a legacy of love. Creating art is creating beauty, and beauty is the legacy of the heart.

You are a creator.

You are the artist of your day. Prepare to create art.

Seriously, imagine awakening each day with the thought of creating beauty.

You are a creator and it’s your prerogative to bring forth beauty in art and attitude, relations and conversations.

Consider what a difference it will make in your life to welcome each day in grace and gratitude.

The magnificent power of this simple decision is as close as your next thought or word, your next act or deed… and you need not wait until the next morning.


Decide your attitude,
no matter the multitude.
Don’t let storms along the way
knock you astray.
Abide in gratitude today.

~LeAura Alderson,

Let Love, Light and Beauty Be Your Creator’s Creed

I think we can all agree that our world needs more beauty and positivity… art and humanity. The most profound thing about positive conscious creation is that it serves the perceiver and the creator alike. Like a well planned gift, it graces both giver and recipient. It’s the same with kindness, generosity and love.

You, your family, your environment, your friends, the world, all need more lightness and brightness. In doing your work… the work of your heart, more of your light is revealed. Light is consciousness… awareness…light is connectedness… and the art you breathe into life brings beauty from heart and soul.

And creative art is all these things. Creative art is love, passion, consciousness, kindness, generosity and beauty. You have within you at your fingertips and lips, from mind to matter, to make something that transforms you and beyond you.

This Mary Oliver quote is perfect for artists and creators relative to your contribution to the world. To dazzle and delight… to bring ideas and beauty to life… and to create something more than was there before. Your purpose is to bring to light what is within, mold it, shape it, love it and share it.

“Still, what I want in my life is to be willing to be dazzled, to cast aside the weight of facts and maybe even to float a little above this difficult world.”
~Mary Oliver, Pulitzer Prize winning poet, 1935-2019

Table of Contents

Audio Article: Legacy of the Heart

Our real life comes to the surface and its light awakens the concealed Beauty in things. When we walk on the earth with reverence, Beauty will decide to trust us.
~John O’Donohue, author, Irish poet, celtic spiritualist, 1956-2008

Our real life comes to the surface and its light awakens the concealed Beauty in things. When we walk on the earth with reverence, Beauty will decide to trust us. ~John O'Donohue, author, Irish poet, celtic spiritualist, 1956-2008 - #Quotes #Inspiration #Poetry #CreativeArt #Beauty #Reverence #iCreateDaily #JohnODonohue #IrishPoet

Becoming Through Creating

A child enters this world full of light and love… enthusiasm and inquiry. As the child moves through life, many things dim the light, layer upon layer, like cloths tossed onto a lampshade. That is often the case at this point in civilization, where the young light that is to be intensified and fanned to flame ever brighter is actually dimmed, unwittingly.

Layer upon layer, year after year, the light from that lamp grows dimmer as the layers of cloth pile up thicker and heavier upon the lampshade of life.

Some people feel the need to spend time and energy removing the layers through therapy, where they discuss each one, who tossed it on them and the pain of that event. There is a time and place for that, especially if you believe it is necessary for you.

And there is another way.

Creating. Doing. Becoming. Becoming through creating.

Any time you feel dark and heavy, do not crawl into hiding. Seek beauty. Create beauty. Find the beauty in whatever may be before you. For there is always beauty somewhere.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Any time you feel dark and heavy, do not crawl into hiding. Seek beauty. Create beauty. Find the beauty in whatever may be before you. For there is always beauty. Somewhere. ~LeAura Alderson, #Quotes #Inspiration #CreateArt #SeekBeauty #CreateBeauty #Artists #ArtQuotes

Creative Art from the Heart

When we focus on those layers of cloth we see dark burdens and fabric stained with past pains. We can remember the pain that came with each one, and often our thoughts and feelings get trapped there… under layers of the past, dimming and diminishing our light and life force.

When we focus on creating, the fresh wind of creativity lifts the layers of cloth bit by bit. With each creation we have less burden, less shade and more light.

“Remember to smell the flowers” is not trite; it’s true. Remember to pause for a sunset… to make eye contact and smile to the clerk who served you… to find something good wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.

“When we awaken to the call of Beauty, we become aware of new ways of being in the world. We were created to be creators. At its deepest heart, creativity is meant to serve and evoke Beauty.”
~John O’Donohue, author, Irish poet, celtic spiritualist, 1956-2008

"When we awaken to the call of Beauty, we become aware of new ways of being in the world. We were created to be creators. At its deepest heart, creativity is meant to serve and evoke Beauty." ~John O'Donohue, author, Irish poet, celtic spiritualist, 1956-2008 - #Quotes #Inspiration #Poetry #CreativeArt #Beauty #Awaken #iCreateDaily #Creator #Creativity #JohnODonohue #IrishPoet

In these moments of appreciation, of reverence for beauty, Light is exchanged. Appreciation is illuminating. Reverence invokes gratitude. Light lives there. Honor the creator in you and make something.

Gratitude and appreciation pull the shades of slumbering sadness from your brilliance.
~LeAura Alderson,®

CREATIVE ART FROM THE HEART... Gratitude and appreciation... sadness and brilliance. #Gratitude #Appreciation #CreativeArt #ArtFromTheHeart #iCreateDaily

Create Beauty and That You Shall Have

Become the light in your environment. Create beauty through your creative art, in whatever mediums you favor. 

Create with love and that is what you will manifest. More love. And that… that is what the world needs. That is what you need. More love… more of yourself.

Create. Beckon beauty. Illuminate.

“When we expect and engage the Beautiful, a new fluency is set free within us and between us. The heart becomes rekindled and our lives brighten with unexpected courage.”
~John O’Donohue, author, Irish poet, celtic spiritualist, 1956-2008

"When we expect and engage the Beautiful, a new fluency is set free within us and between us. The heart becomes rekindled and our lives brighten with unexpected courage." ~John O'Donohue, author, Irish poet, celtic spiritualist, 1956-2008 - #Quotes #Inspiration #Poetry #CreativeArt #Beauty #ArtQuotes  #iCreateDaily #JohnODonohue #IrishPoet

Poetic Inspiration

This article was inspired by the work, words and life of Irish poet, John O’Donahue.  We LOVE this… perhaps you will as well. One of the most profound poets of our times. John O’Donahue was lost way too early, but oh, what a legacy he left for us to treasure.

What a wonderful example of heart work… of following your heart and doing the work that matters to you.

Now… as you go through your day, inspired by his beautiful words, remember, you’re capable of creating your own legacy of beauty in the world. No matter how large or small… how simple or grand, creating art from the heart is to create more beauty in the world.

Grateful for You

We’re grateful for creativity and creators… and today in particular, an ode to the poets amongst us and who have come before us.

Today… take a few minutes to nourish your soul with these poetic video clips… let the world slow down around you and inside of you as the heartbeat of beauty quickens the legacy of your heart.

If you loved that, you will love this too. This is especially for creators!

Imagination as the Path of the Spirit John O Donohue

For more on John O’Donahue, here is his website.

A Life, Not a Legacy

There’s another perspective on legacy.

Most of us grow up thinking differently… that we as children are the legacy of our parents, and that our children in turn, are the legacy of us and our family.

There is another perspective, and it’s one that is freeing for both parent and child and leaving each more free to be, to accept and to love

“Our children may not look like us, 
nor not think like us;
need not act like us,
need not be us in any way.

A child is not a legacy…
It’s a life, and it’s an individual life.
It has to be what it has to be.

Influence is not important.
What is important is the
intrinsic intelligence
finding its full potential.
~Sadhguru, Indian mystic

SOURCE: Impact Theory, 9/3/1957

The Legacy of a Day… Legacy of the Heart

What’s possible when we begin each day with elevated thoughts of creating of love and beauty?

See which affirmation most resonates with you, or create your own, (and let us know). Then touch in and affirm it throughout the day for periodic reorienting to purpose.

Creative Affirmations

I bring love to life today, come what may.

Today is a beautiful day to love into being.

The Day is the Way.

Today is the way to my dreams

The day is the way to live the life you want to live.

Love moves in me, with me and through me.

I Am Love.

Get Gratitude.

The Day is the Way.

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