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120+ Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes for Creating a Phenomenal Life

We started a list of Dr. Joe Dispenza quotes because there were just so many incredibly poignant ideas in his presentations, interviews and work.

If you’ve not yet tuned into the incredible work of Dr. Joe, you’re in for a treat of discovery, insight, transformation and healing. We’ve been viewing many of his interviews and lectures and accumulating many great Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes to share with you.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Dr. Joe’s work is monumentally groundbreaking and life transforming. These Dr. Joe Dispenza quotes reveal snippets of this work and the truth that the ultimate creativity of our human birthright is to create the life we want to live… and to heal.

Table of Contents

Speaking from Personal Experience

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s coaching along with his books are helping me heal a lifelong battle with cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped) which began in childhood and has escalated gradually, and then dramatically in recent years. It has also contributed significantly to resolving anxiety leading to escalated stress hormones leading to panic attacks and an inability to sleep. And… to forgiveness of injury from others.

Through immersing in his work, I have healed, as have thousands of others in documented cases that can only be described as miraculous. This is real, folks… the next evolution of the biblical proverb, “Physician, heal thyself.”

Our lives are about the visions we create, the choices we make and the actions we take.

For more on visioning, you may also enjoy this article on the visioning tools as well as this on the power of belief.

May you go forth boldly into your vision for your future.

Action Quotes by Dr. Joe Dispenza

[Don’t put off doing the hard things]. “If not now,, then when? Now is the new later, so let’s do it now.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/24/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny CLIP

Adversity and Struggles

When you’re confused you’re always about ready to learn something. Remember that.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/24/1962

SOURCE: Progressive workshop course

“We are all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. There’s always a door and that’s how we evolve.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/62

SOURCE: Interview with Lewis Howes
DR. JOE DISPENZA QUOTES ON OPPORTUNITIES. "We are all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. There’s always a door and that’s how we evolve."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author #JoeDispenzaQuote #Inspiring #Quotes #DrJoeDispenzaQuote #OpportunitiesQuote #GrowthQuote #iCreateDaily
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

“All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness. It’s to call out something greater in us.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

"All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness. It's to call out something greater in us."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/24/1962 #JoeDispenzaQuote #Inspiring #Quotes #Greatness #Adversity #DrJoeDispenzaQuote #OpportunitiesQuote #GrowthQuote #iCreateDaily #RiseUp
Image by Hermann Steurer from Pixabay


“Becoming the person you aspire to be requires that you stop being that old self.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

DR. JOE DISPENZA QUOTES ON BECOMING. "Becoming the person you aspire to be requires that you stop being that old self." #JoeDispenzaQuote #Inspiring #Quotes #DrJoeDispenzaQuote #Aspiration Quote #GrowthQuote #iCreateDaily #Becoming

Attention and Focus Quotes

“Nerve cells that fire together, wire together.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Keep your mind clear. Master the next moment… master the next moment, and ultimately you’ll master yourself.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Dr. Joe Dispenza-guided meditation

Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. If all of your attention is in the present moment, you’ve got a lot of energy to create with.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview

Awakening Humanity Quotes

As more and more people start to wake up to information, there’s a change in energy, because change in consciousness requires a change in energy. And a greater energy causes systems that were once stable to become unstable… to become chaotic, and chaos is just unpredictable order. It’s novelty, it’s newness, it’s an unraveling of systems. So hang on. This is a really profound time because it’s got to break, and when it breaks, something better will come out of it.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

Behavior and Programming Quotes

Take a little time to become aware of who you no longer want to be. Then:

1. ‘Think about who I want to be when I open my eyes.’
2. ‘What thoughts I do want to fire and wire in my brain?’
3. ‘What behaviors I do want to demonstrate?’

~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“Do I react in my life? Yep, I do. But the question is, how long are you gonna react? Because if you keep that reaction going for an extended period of time, sooner or later it will become your identity.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“Whenever you say, ‘I am’ anything, you’re commanding your mind and your body towards a destiny.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“How you think and how you feel creates your state of being. The quantum field responds to who you’re being.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

Belief – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

When you believe in yourself, you believe in possibility. You can’t have one without the other.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

I’m not prone to believe that guy in that tube telling me the way it is and nobody should.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

“Can you believe in a future that you can’t see or experience with your senses yet, but you’ve thought about it enough times in your mind that your brain has literally changed to look like the experience has already occurred?”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

Give yourself time to meditate… to disconnect, because when you invest in yourself, you invest in your future. And when you believe in yourself, you believe in possibilities. And when you believe in possibilities, you believe in yourself.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview [1]

The Brain – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

“Matter has mind, and mind is matter.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

The latest research in neuroscience says you can change your brain just by thinking.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“Like feeding a plant or a garden, tend to your future every single day, and the delight that comes with that vision causes the brain to literally change over time.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“Neurons that fire together wire together.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

Cause and Effect – Karma

Instead of living by cause and effect, let’s [learn] how to cause an effect.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

The quantum model is about causing an effect.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Change – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

“The moment you decide to make a different choice, get ready to be uncomfortable.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“We are not doomed by our genes. We’re not hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of our lives. We are marvels of adaptability and change.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author,, b.3/22/1962

Most people wait for crises or trauma before they make up their mind to change. My message is ‘why wait’? You can learn and change in a state of suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author,, b.3/22/1962

“Whenever you say, ‘I am’ anything, you’re commanding your mind and your body towards a destiny.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory

“Nobody changes until they change their energy. If you change your energy, you change your life.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

To change then, is to be greater than your environment… to be greater than the conditions in your world and the environment.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

A change in consciousness requires a change in energy.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

When you understand that change really requires becoming uncomfortable to a certain degree, and that’s normal, you’re leaving the known and step into the unknown.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview

Creation & Creativity Quotes by Joe Dispenza

When you love yourself and all of life, you’ll create an equal.
Now you’re causing an effect.
That’s the difference between living as a victim… saying:
‘I am this way because of this person or that thing or this experience’.
‘They made me think and feel this way.’
When you switch that around you become the creator of your world.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory with Dr. Joe Dispenza

“It’s so important for people to remember that we’re the creator of our lives instead of the victim of it.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Interview with Lewis Howes

SOURCE: Interview with Lewis Howes

Hell is living in survival, and you either live in survival or you live in creation. Living in creation is such an elegant moment because we have to disconnect from everything known. And you have to get so present that time is no longer of the essence, you are in the internal present moment.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

On some level we are all divine creators.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Joe Dispenza on Quantum Physics

“We are wired to be creators.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: This Works Like Magic

The heart is our creative center and our heart begins to drive our brain into more alpha patterns… more creative patterns.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

“My definition of creation is when I forget about myself, because that’s when you’re free.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview
DR. JOE DISPENZA QUOTES: "My definition of creation is when I forget about myself, because that’s when you’re free."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author
#DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #JoeDispenzaQuotes #DrJoeDispenza #FreedomQuote #Creation


“When your consciousness merges with the greater consciousness… when you’re connected to source you will emulate the divine. And how would the divine live if it was you?”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Dr. Joe Quantum Physics compilation

“Sit up like a noble being, divine in your nature.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist, author

SOURCE: Ascending Your Energy audiobook

Emotions and Feelings Quotes

You can’t think greater than you feel. Our feelings have become the means of thinking. By the very definition of emotions, you’re thinking in the past, and for the most part you’re going to keep creating the same life.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

If emotions are the record of the past, and those emotions are derived from the hormone of stress, they’re thinking in the past. I learned that if I got the person past the emotion… across the river of change with me — forget about the emotion, just keep overcoming it — forget about the past. Dragging people out of their past is the Work.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

“An emotion from a past experience is the chemical residue of the past.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC., neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“The hardest part is to teach our body emotionally, what the future will feel like ahead of the actual experience.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

The emotion is the handmaiden to the creative process.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC., neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

Emotions aren’t bad.
Emotions are the end product of an experience.
The memory without the emotional charge, is wisdom.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“When you use feelings as a barometer for change, you’ll always talk yourself out of possibility.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Rewired series, S1:E2 

Energy – Dr. Joe Dispenza on Energy

“Life is about the management of energy.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

DR. JOE DISPENZA QUOTES ON LIFE AND ENERGY. "Life is about the management of energy."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author #DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #JoeDispenzaQuotes #DrJoeDispenza #EnergyQuote #Creation #Life #Energy

“Our life begins to change when we change our energy, and we begin to take our power back.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“When you change your energy, you change your life.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

Environment / Your Environment

Does your thinking create your environment, or does your environment create your reality? To change is to be greater than your environment.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Future Quotes

“When people get so connected to their future they stop telling the story of their past.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

“Like feeding a plant or a garden, tend to your future every single day, and the delight that comes with that vision causes the brain to literally change over time.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Fear & Courage Quotes

“Right on the other side of your fear is courage. Right on the other side of your pain is freedom. It’s the same energy.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Freedom Quotes

“Right on the other side of your fear is courage. Right on the other side of your pain is freedom. It’s the same energy.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Gratitude – Quotes

Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes, [2]

The moment you feel gratitude your healing begins.
~~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Interview compilation with Lewis Howes

We are who we practice to be. So if you practice gratitude, you’ll be grateful.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview
"We are who we practice to be. So if you practice gratitude, you’ll be grateful."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/24/1962 neuroscientist, lecturer, author 
#JoeDispenzaQuote #Inspiring #Quotes #DrJoeDispenzaQuote #GratitudeQuote #VisioningQuote #iCreateDaily

There are about 1200 different chemical reactions that go on in the body, that begin to repair and restore the body in a state of gratitude. We’ve done the research to prove that.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“Gratitude becomes the emotional signature that it’s already happened. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview
"Gratitude becomes the emotional signature that it’s already happened. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author 
#JoeDispenzaQuote #DrJoeDispenzaQuote #GratitudeQuote #VisioningQuote

The old model of cause and effect is to wait for something to happen outside of us to change how we feel inside of us.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory[3]

Goals Quotes

“Never make it be about the end result. Make it be about effort.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Jay Shetty Show

Greatness Quotes

“I think that we’re greater than we think, more powerful than we know, more unlimited than we could ever dream…”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: How to become supernatural, Dr Joe Dispenza 

“Be greater than the conditions in your environment… be greater than the emotional habits and addictions of the body.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness. It’s to call out something greater in us.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“Wouldn’t it be a great idea everyday to ask yourself:
What is the greatest expression of myself that I can be today?’”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: YouTube of Growth Events Talk – Break the Addiction to Negative Thoughts & Emotions
"Wouldn’t it be a great idea everyday to ask yourself:
'What is the greatest expression of myself that I can be today?’”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author
#GreatnessQuote #PersonalDevelopment #DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #BestVersionOfYourself #PersonalGrowth #DailyAffirmation

Habits and Joe Dispenza Quotes

How you think, how you act, and how you feel is called your personality, and your personality creates your personal reality. When you change your personality, you change your personal reality.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Revisit the unknown every single day until it becomes a known.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“Be greater than the conditions in your environment… be greater than the emotional habits and addictions of the body.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“Becoming the person you aspire to be requires that you stop being that old self.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Healing – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

If you could just trade fear and frustration and resentment and suffering for an elevated emotion, and truly open your heart and practice doing that, it will heal.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

The moment you start feeling whole, your healing begins.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory with Dr. Joe Dispenza

The emotion is the handmaiden to the creative process. That means you’d have to feel whole before your healing… to feel abundance before your wealth. That means you’d have to feel awe before the mystical moment… to feel love before your new relationship… you’d have to feel empowered before your success.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Dr. Joe Quantum Physics compilation

“All healings happen in the heart.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

For quotes on health, hope and spirituality, you may enjoy these Caroline Myss quotes.

Health and Wellness

“Health and wellness can be as infectious as disease.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: London Real Interview: Unlocking the Human Mind


It’s not enough to have a clear intentions because clear intentions have very little effect on the nature of reality. The driving force… the handmaiden to all of that is an elevated emotion. When you combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion, it is the elevated emotion that begins to amplify the field around your body, and in that moment you become more energy and less matter.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Joe Dispenza on Quantum Physics

Knowledge and Experience

Knowledge is for the mind and experience is for the body.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know. This is a time in history to know how.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

Law of Attraction – Quotes by Dr. Joe Dispenza

The old model of cause and effect is to wait for something to happen outside of us to change how we feel inside of us.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

That which we are seeking is seeking us.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview

Leadership Quotes

True leadership has to do with a vision of the future.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

There is no one leader. Everybody’s got to lead. Just like those birds that move in one direction, or those fish that are all in a school. You study that principle in biology, it’s called emergence. You think there’s one leader that everybody is following but everybody’s leading.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

Love & Compassion

If you practice—against all odds—opening your heart… when no one else will… that’s supernatural.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

Meditation – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

Give yourself time to meditate… to disconnect, because when you invest in yourself, you invest in your future. And when you believe in yourself, you believe in possibilities. And when you believe in possibilities, you believe in yourself.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Dr. Joe Dispenza with Ed Mylett

“There’s no such thing as a bad meditation. There’s only overcoming yourself a little bit more.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview

Mind and Mindset Quotes

“Matter has mind, and mind is matter.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

The latest research in neuroscience says you can change your brain just by thinking.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“Whenever you say, ‘I am’ anything, you’re commanding your mind and your body towards a destiny.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory

Morning Rituals – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

“When I wake up in the morning, I ask myself the same exact question every day:
What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today?’
I do not get up from my meditation until I feel like that person.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Hay House interview[4]
Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes - When you wake up in the morning... #JoeDispenzaQuotes #DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #Visioning #Manifestation #PersonalDevelopment


Science is the contemporary language of mysticism.” 
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

Pain and Suffering Quotes

“Right on the other side of your fear is courage. Right on the other side of your pain is freedom. It’s the same energy.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Why wait to change? You can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering, or you can learn and change in a state of joy an inspiration.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Passion Quotes

Whatever it is that is your vision, you’re just going to have to be passionate enough to invest your attention and your energy into that future, over and over again, until all of a sudden, you start seeing feedback in your life.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Past, Present and Future

The familiar past will soon be the predictable future.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Dragging people out of their past is The Work.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

“An emotion from a past experience is the chemical residue of the past.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“Most people’s biology is—for the most part—their past. So if you’re not being defined by a vision of the future, some new possibility in your life, you’re only left with the old circuitry in your brain and the emotions of the past. “
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Stop telling the story of your past and start telling the story of your future.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

DR. JOE DISPENZA QUOTES ON letting go the past in order to envision the future. "Stop telling the story of your past and start telling the story of your future."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author #JoeDispenzaQuotes #DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #Visioning #Manifestation #FutureVision #PersonalDevelopment #iCreateDaily
Image credit – Dr. Dispenza speech at a church on YouTube

Past, Present and Future – continued

“If you’re not being defined by a vision of the future, then you’re left with the old memories of the past… then it’s no longer that your personality is creating your personal reality, your personal reality is creating your personality.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory

People who create amazing things in their life, just were more in love with their future than their past, and they kept it alive in their mind every day.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

True leadership has to do with a vision of the future.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“Like feeding a plant or a garden, tend to your future every single day, and the delight that comes with that vision causes the brain to literally change over time.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

People who live in the past are asleep in the present.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

Peace Quotes

“It’s not enough to just meditate on wholeness and oneness for this planet. It’s going to require all of us to demonstrate it in all areas of our life… at the change we want to see in the world has to first start with ourselves.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Healing Meditation

If there are things we don’t like within the world, we should first look to see if any of that is within us.

If we work on making those changes within us, and demonstrate peace and demonstrate change… not in a violent or arrogant way, but in an empowered way, if we keep demonstrating over and over again we will become the very change we would like to see in the world.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Healing Meditation

Perception Quotes

“We don’t perceive things the way they are, we perceive things the way we are.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: A Meeting of (Supersized) Minds


“How you think, how you act, and how you feel is called your personality, and your personality creates your personal reality. When you change your personality, you change your personal reality.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

How you think, how you act, and how you feel is called your personality, and your personality creates your personal reality. When you change your personality, you change your personal reality.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author
#DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #JoeDispenza #PersonalityQuotes #PersonalDevelopment #CreateYourLife #ChangeYourLife

Quantum Field – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

The quantum model is about causing an effect.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

“The Newtonian world is all about the predictable, about predicting the future. But the quantum model of reality is about causing an effect.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory

“How you think and how you feel creates a state of being. The quantum field responds to who you’re being.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962


Science is the contemporary language of mysticism. 
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

Spiritual / Spirituality

When your consciousness merges with the greater consciousness… when you’re connected to source you will emulate the divine. And how would the divine live if it was you?
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Dr. Joe Quantum Physics compilation

Only when you’re truly conscious and truly aware are you beginning to affect the nature of reality.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Dr. Joe Quantum Physics compilation

Stress Quotes

The hormones of stress create seperation.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny


If you practice—against all odds—opening your heart… when no one else will… that’s supernatural.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Success – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

The moment you start feeling abundant and worthy, you are generating wealth. The moment you’re empowered and feel it, you’re beginning to step toward your success.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Impact Theory[5]

People who create amazing things in their life, just were more in love with their future than their past, and they kept it alive in their mind every day.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Transformation – Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes

“Becoming the person you aspire to be requires that you stop being that old self.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

"Becoming the person you aspire to be requires that you stop being that old self." ~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author
#DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #JoeDispenza #PersonalDevelopment #Visioning #Create #Creation iCreateDaily #Becoming

“If you want to become someone else, you gotta become aware of who you are. That means you got to think about what you’ve been thinking about. You’ve got to start paying attention to how you speak. You’ve got to be conscious… self aware.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

[During Covid-19 lock down]
☀️ Who do you want to be when those doors open up again? Retreat from your normal life, your normal routine. Take time and ask yourself:
❣️ What is a greater expression of myself?
☀️ Who can I forgive? How can I change?
❣️ How can I love more?
☀️ What is it that’s stopping me from believing in my future?
❣️ What do I need to learn about myself, instead of mindlessly getting lost in all those distractions of social awareness, why not get lost in yourself?
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Lewis Howes interview during Covid19 Pandemic

Truth Quotes by Dr. Joe Dispenza

This is a time in history to not die for the truth… this is a time in history to live for the truth.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny

The Unknown

Revisit the unknown every single day until it becomes a known.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

Visioning Quotes by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Biologically, remembering [visioning] your future is the same as remembering your past. You can’t create a new future if your biology is stuck in the past.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Aubrey Marcus interview

Take a little time to become aware of who you no longer want to be, then:

1. ‘Think about who I want to be when I open my eyes.’
2. ‘What thoughts I do want to fire and wire in my brain.’
3. ‘What behaviors I do want to demonstrate.’

~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

“What’s important is that you latch onto a vision and you learn how to create it.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

DR. JOE DISPENZA QUOTE: "What’s important is that you latch onto a vision and you learn how to create it."~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author
#DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #JoeDispenza #PersonalDevelopment #Visioning #Create #Creation iCreateDaily #Visionboard

“Visioning is rehearsing the future.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

"Visioning is rehearsing the future." ~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author
#DrJoeDispenzaQuotes #JoeDispenza #PersonalDevelopment #Visioning #Create #Creation iCreateDaily #Visionboard

Visioning Quotes – continued

Are you going to be defined by a vision of the future or are you going to live by the memories of the past?
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview

Whatever it is that is your vision, you’re just going to have to be passionate enough to invest your attention and your energy into that future, over and over again, until all of a sudden, you start seeing feedback in your life.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

If you can begin to observe a vision that represents a future, and you can hold steadfast to that vision, and you can see that vision clearly in your mind, and every day you understand that where you place your mind is where you place your energy, then you would be investing your energy into the future. And the image that you see could literally be the template for trillions and trillions of atoms to organize into patterns of information called an event in your life.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Joe Dispenza on Quantum Physics

Visioning transforms your brain from a record of the past to a map of the future.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview

Wealth Quotes

The moment you feel worthy and abundant, you’re generating wealth.
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Interview compilation with Lewis Howes

Powerful Interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza

We got many of our Dr. Joe Dispenza quotes from this interview with Ed Mylett, but just about anything you find online with him is fantastic, and there are many.

Please do treat yourself to this elevating conversation on possibilities.

Another Incredibly Inspiring Conversation With Dr. Joe and Aubrey Marcus

SOURCE: Podcast with Aubrey Marcus, The Formula to Choose Your Destiny, from which many of these quotes were extracted.

And Remember….

“How you think and how you feel creates your state of being.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C., neuroscientist, author, b.3/22/1962

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