We all have a great capacity for making something from nothing… likely far beyond what even most fertile creative minds have imagined.
As children, teens and young adults we tend to make a big deal out of little things. It’s as if we’re wired to create drama and be drawn to the rollercoaster throes of emotional highs and lows, living from drama to drama.
As we age, hopefully, we evolve out of that crazy ride. If we’re learning and growing, like fine wine, we get better with age, becoming more compassionate and understanding, more peaceful and stoic.
Through creativity, we learn how to turn negatives to positives by channeling our energy into creative outlets, projects and efforts. The more we discover of our power to change our state by what we focus on, the more we choose to focus on that which is positive and productive, creative and contributive.
Creativity and art and the ability to create beauty becomes our next realm for growth. Instead of creating drama and making a big deal out of little things, we choose to create beauty. We discover the power we have to make something good from nothing more than an idea or a thought.
We can create something that never existed before. The alchemy of transformation through the transmutation of converting negatives to positives comes increasingly easier. We become positively addicted to immersion in positivity and creative productivity.
Table of Contents
- Audio Article – Something from Nothing
- Making Muscle
- Making Something from Nothing
- Manifestation – the Creator’s Calling
- What are You Creating Today?
- The Color of Life
- Creativity and Divinity
- Nothing is Actually Something
- An Interview NOT to Miss
Audio Article – Something from Nothing
Making Muscle is Making Something From Nothing (almost)
This article isn’t about fitness, but the idea for it started there.
This morning I did what I do every morning, first thing, right before showering: drop to the floor for 25 push-ups from the toes followed by 35 fast squats while the water warms up. (We’re on well water, so it can take awhile, am I’m not into cold showers yet). ?
Just those two things aren’t a lot if you work your way up to it over time. I mean it’s not a workout, but it is enough to wake up, get energized and get my circulatory system going. In just those couple minutes, I’m making muscle and making energy… making something from nothing.
Of course it’s not really from nothing, but we’ll get to that in a minute. Meanwhile, it’s close enough. It’s making more than was there before, with just a little effort; effort that literally increases health and energy, and stores it as more muscle.
EXERCISE… is the best return on investment (ROI) ever. Just 3 minutes to gain 1,440+ minutes. Just 3 minutes that buy you improved health, circulation and strength with results that last longer than a day.
LeAura Alderson, MyTrainerFitness.com
The ROI of Effort
The action took less than two minutes, but the energy stored lasts more than a day. That’s a pretty good return on investment: 2-3 minutes to gain 1,440 minutes of benefit and more. So while it’s actually making more from less, rather than from nothing, stick with me for this productive mind trip.
It’s the privilege of all creators — of humans — to make something from nothing; from less than was there before.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
Make More Life
I have a body scan calculator… an awesome digital bathroom scale that shows not only your weight, but also your fat percentage, muscle weight and biometric age.
On any given day, if I exercise a little more, I can see a clear increase in the muscle mass and a decrease in body fat, both of which reduce the biometric age. And vice versa. On any given day if I don’t exercise at all, the next morning’s reading shows less muscle, more fat, and more age, aka “real age” or “health age”.
If you take care of your body, it will take care of your life, so don’t neglect your one body.
~LeAura Alderson, founder MyTrainerFitness.com
Making Something from Nothing
I’m not perfectly fit right now because my work requires me to spend too much sitting. #WritersLife. Most creators can relate since much of our work requires sitting in order to do it. However, I still prioritize doing something physical each day.
A vital life begins with vigorous movement, so remember to move! AND… our movement and activity stimulate ideas and creativity!
It’s a miracle how capable we are as humans to create something from nothing… to make more than was there before.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
Manifestation – The Creator’s Calling
The Law of Attraction principles introduced to mainstream via The Secret book and movie, is available to everyone.
‘The movie, The Secret, only skimmed the surface on that topic and made it seem like a wish and a prayer were all you needed to make your dreams come true. We know better of course, however the widespread success is likely not only because of the magic wand longing people tend to have, but more than that, because of something deeper.
Perhaps it is because we sense the truth of our destiny.
“Conscious creation is our destiny… and we innately know that creation is our birthright.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
What are You Creating Today?
We know innately, that creation is our birthright. We are all wielding this law every moment of every day. Best to do so consciously, purposefully, and positively.
But we are as children wielding crayons, often indiscriminately, as yet unaware as to what we are creating. We are still unskilled in just how much more we can do — will be able to do — with practice and training over time.
The more conscious and aware we become, the more we can consciously and purposefully create more of the life we wish to live. Conscious creation makes all the difference in achieving the outcome you want.
“The difference in our consciousness makes the difference in our creation.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
The Color of Life
We Wield the Brush That Paints Our Day
This concept can seem so simple that it’s easy to miss the power of this seed thought. The hardest part to completely grasp, yet the most important, is how it is that we are painting our lives into existence every day.
Each thought, decision and action is another stroke on the canvas of life. If you saw the movie, The Adjustment Bureau, you’ll have a cool visual of this concept.
You are painting your life into existence every day. Each thought, decision and action is another stroke on the canvas of your life.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
Transformation – The Artist’s Prerogative
An artist understands that to swipe a brush across a canvas is to create color and image that wasn’t there before. The potter that takes a clump of clay and molds it into a cup, has given shape to the shapeless… to a form that didn’t exist before.
The writer who forges the fantasy fiction novel has pulled an idea from his head and crafted it into a world that others can enter. A game maker has created a world that others can enter and engage. A composer as well; bringing to life a song that didn’t exist before and which others can now enjoy.
The audience is transported because of the artist’s creation… that pouring forth of passion… of love… of creativity and artistry. She births ideas into existence, transforming materials, space, time and… herself. Her audience and those who admire her work are also touched and transformed.
The creator is bringing to life a creation that will enjoy a life of its own. Creating something that was virtually nothing before she gave it greater life through greater form.
To manifest is to take a moment in time that was neutral, like the painter’s canvas, and make it more than it was before.
“That is our destiny as creators, and as humans… to take this idea… this life, and make it more than it was before.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
The Alchemy of Creativity
Creators are making something from nothing. Almost. Of course, the artist uses materials and energy and effort to bring her creation to life. It is an alchemical process of taking elements and making them into something more than they’ve ever been before… more than the sum of their parts.
“The degree to which you consciously create is the degree to which you change your fate.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator iCreateDaily.com®
Creativity and Divinity
The creative process is related to divinity.
Creative manifestation requires consciousness, will, love and matter. Those are all the elements—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—that make the hybrid of angel and animal called human.
What preceded the creative process… the gathering and crafting of materials, was the idea. That something… that ephemeral spark of bright, traveling at lightspeed across the mindscape, and caught in the dreamcatcher’s web of awareness… waiting for the artist to pluck it down from the ether and dream it to life.
What have you created that seemed to take on a life of its own?
“Idea. That ephemeral flash at lightspeed through ether, caught in a dreamcatcher’s web, a star set free to be… by artist, by author, by builder… by you.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder iCreateDaily.comⓇ
Nothing is Actually Something
Quantum physics is fascinating, especially when it’s correlated with consciousness and creation. Without going nerdy here, it’s worth sharing this snippet on the particles of light in a vacuum. The correlation to our topic here is that physics has discovered that even a vacuum — that previously supposed void of nothingness — is actually filled with flitting bits of light.
So even nothingness is filled with somethingness. We muse that this is like the mindspace where ideas are conceived… as sparks of light that leave the vacuum and become shooting stars waiting to be caught by the dream catchers of the creative mind.
“Ideas are packets of light… ready to land in kindled minds.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder iCreateDaily.comⓇ
Packets of Light
A vacuum is never completely empty, but instead buzzes with so-called “virtual particles” that constantly wink into and out of existence.
Photons are packets of light that can pop in and out of a vacuum.
~Charles Q. Choi, in Scientific American
“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.”
~Elizabeth Gilbert, speaker, author
Your Mind is Your Solar System
Your mind is the solar system of your being… its space and capacity as relatively vast as the sky. There’s no limit, and no end to the creativity possible to you and through you.
What treasures… what packets of light are you bringing to life today? Reach up and pluck a star… and make something from nothing.
“Your life is your greatest work of art. Give it your all.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder – iCreateDaily.comⓇ
The creator discovers she can create the beauty she wishes to see. She can make something out of nothing… or more than was there before.
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An Interview NOT to Miss
For a PHENOMENALLY INSPIRING conversation, watch this interview for a transformative 35 minutes. Jay Shetty is a former monk and is as beautiful inside as out, and steeped in ageless wisdom, gratitude and humility.
“Refining your intentions every day is important… which I classify as seeds and weeds everyday. So I want to plant more seeds… it’s so easy to confuse the weeds for the seeds.
~Jay Shetty, Host, Storyteller, Video Maker, Former Monk, Coach
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of iCreateDaily.com®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
Want to submit your photos, videos and/or article content for publication? We love to consider your contribution for publication! creators@icreatedaily.com