For a boost in your belief in yourself, immerse in these Ed Mylett quotes and video interviews. We created this during a bing on Ed’s content. Immersion in success thinking and attitudes is a powerful way to start the day and get your mind right and focused on your goals.
Ed is a self made man. He’s cheerfully intense and such a wonderful example of someone who works to uplift himself, and all those around him. He can be intense in his delivery in keynote speeches because he’s so passionate about helping others achieve their own greatness, whatever that is for them.
Self confidence is the process of keeping the promises that you make to yourself.
SOURCE: Motivation w/ Alex Rodriguez
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
We tune into Ed Mylett regularly for the positivity and motivation he inspires. Ed is an incredibly bright light in the world, and following him regularly will boost your resolve to push through the hard stuff on the way to your dreams.
Blame Quotes by Ed Mylett
You can’t be grateful and be a victim at the same time. Stop playing the blame game.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Clarity Quotes
The reason so many people do not achieve their goals is because they did not get specific and clear.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Commitment Quotes by Ed Mylett
A primary trait in elite performers is their commitment to attacking their day early – to #MaxOut each day.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
If you have truly committed to your dreams, there is no obstacle too big.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Confidence Quotes by Ed Mylett
Develop your confidence by keeping promises to yourself.
~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Conflict Quotes
“Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself.”
~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Critics Quotes
“Whoever is trying to bring you down is beneath you. They can make NO IMPACT on your life as long as you don’t let them.”
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“The thing that’s going to kill your dream is the obsession about what other people are going to think about you.”
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Decision Quotes
Where you are now in life is the sum of the decisions you’ve made.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“Where you are now in life is the sum of the decisions you’ve made.”
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“What you allow is what will continue.”
~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Make decisions, set standards and take actions that will get you closer to becoming the best version of you and the person you were born to be.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Doubt Quotes – Ed Mylett
“You don’t have to believe everything you think.
SOURCE: Motivation w/ Alex Rodriguez
Not every thought you have is true.
Take time to be intentional about your thinking.”
~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
You don’t get rid of self doubt. What happens is you build your self confidence and it minimizes the impact self doubt has on us.
SOURCE: YouTube – Self Confidence | Ed Mylett
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
The “adversary’s” greatest tool that he can use against you, to get you to lose in your life is to get you discouraged and doubting.
SOURCE: YouTube – Self Confidence | Ed Mylett
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“You gotta have a little bit of mess in your life in order to build something great with your life.”
SOURCE: Ed Mylett – How to Change Your Life Fast for D2Dcon
~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“Doubt is just another form of distraction. Ignore it.”
~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Dreams – Ed Mylett Quotes
One of the great distractions of chasing our dreams is the thing that goes off in our head as we’re negotiating the price we’re paying.
SOURCE: YouTube – Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Make your dreams big enough that the dreams of others can fit inside of it.
SOURCE: Ed Mylett – How to Change Your Life Fast for D2Dcon
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Ask Yourself:
What are you willing to risk to make your dream come true?
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
The price you will pay for not making your dream come true is far greater than the one you will pay to make it come true.
SOURCE: YouTube – Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Effort Quotes by Ed Mylett
The truth is, if you are not putting in the time, effort and energy every single day, someone else is.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Empowerment Quotes by Ed Mylett
What if you started each day asking yourself, what are you happy and excited about; what are you proud of? Can you see how empowered you would feel?
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Failure Ed Mylett Quotes
Most people’s dreams can be bought. With enough failure, with enough rejection… They can take a little bit but when it gets too hot they go “boom”… sold. ‘Buy the dream, you can have it. It’s not worth it to me.’ And their will to win is buyable.
SOURCE: Ed Mylett – How to Change Your Life Fast for D2Dcon
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Fear Quotes – Ed Mylett
Fear blocks us from our gifts. On the other side of fear a gift will be revealed to you.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“If you’re feeling helpless, get helpful.”
SOURCE: Motivation w/ Alex Rodriguez
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, b.4/27/1971
“If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, DO NOT spend more than 5 minutes being upset by it.”
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, b.4/27/1971
Goals Quotes
Having an intentional, specific and simple growth plan leads to the biggest gains in your life.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Habits Quotes by Ed Mylett
Habits and rituals are what carry us through on the days when we aren’t motivated.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
I urge you to take an inventory of what your current habits and rituals are and begin taking steps immediately to control them.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Happiness Quotes by Ed Mylett
One of the pathways to true happiness, to bliss, to true fulfillment, is to always be changing, always be growing, always be evolving… always chasing the ultimate version of ourselves… on an hourly and daily basis.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
The key to a fulfilling life is being happy while still desiring the next level.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
The pathway to happiness is growth.
SOURCE: YouTube – The BIGGEST MISTAKE NO ONE is Talking About
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, b.4/27/1971
Having a healthy, physical lifestyle gives you longevity and mental clarity, as well as building your self-confidence.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
You can change the chapters in the book of your life if you want to.
SOURCE: D2D Experts Keynote – How to Change Your Life Fast
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
You’re the lead character in the story of your life, but too many of you let what I call “the “extras of life”dictate where you’re going.
SOURCE: D2D Experts Keynote – How to Change Your Life Fast
How ’bout you start playing the game for the main characters.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Remember, the quality of your life is equal to the quality of the questions you ask yourself.
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Life’s going to give you—ultimately—what you’ll fight for.
SOURCE: Unlock Your Highest Potential – MINDSET with Ed Mylett on Impact Theory
~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Love Quotes by Ed Mylett
“Creating out of love is the ultimate expression of any human being.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Momentum Quotes by Ed Mylett
Momentum is a magnifier… it takes everything and magnifies it to it’s maximum capacity.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“It’s what you do when you aren’t motivated that determines success or failure.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“Momentum is generated by small wins.
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, b.4/27/1971
“Momentum is the X-Factor in growth. Momentum is what allows the average to do something extraordinary.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“The key to the ultimate version of you is the combination of momentum and growth.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“You must generate life momentum and the way we do that is with small wins. Small wins beget big wins.“
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“The ultimate killer app is growth with momentum.“
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Momentum can magnify average ordinary people into doing great things.
SOURCE: Motivation w/ Alex Rodriguez
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Obsessions Quotes
Your obsessions become your possessions.
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, b.4/27/1971
Personal Development
It’s a fine line between self assessment and self judgement.
SOURCE: Ed Mylett interview with Brendon Burchard
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
“We should always be in the process of changing and becoming the next, best version of ourselves.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Responsibility Quotes by Ed Mylett
“The instant you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you acquire the power to change it.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Self Confidence by Ed Mylett Quotes
Self confidence is an internal game. You do not need external accolades… external admiration in order to build self confidence. It’s all done internally and you control this by beginning today to keep the promises you make to yourself.
SOURCE: YouTube – Self Confidence | Ed Mylett
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
When you just begin to do the things you tell yourself you’re going to do, you begin to build self confidence, which is this reputation with yourself.
SOURCE: YouTube – Self Confidence | Ed Mylett
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
To Develop Self Confidence, Ask yourself:
SOURCE: How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE
‘What is one promise I can make and keep, starting this minute?’
Then you begin to stack things you commit to do, and you deliver on them and acknowledge them to yourself. [Now] you’re in the process of building self confidence.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
One way to generate self confidence is to move your body into a strong state of being. Movement creates confidence.
SOURCE: How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
The process of building self confidence is actually very easy.
Self confidence is self trust.
Self confidence is building a reputation with yourself…
that you keep your word to you,
that you keep the promises you make to you.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
SOURCE: YouTube-How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE
Strength Quotes
“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Success Quotes by Ed Mylett
Sustainable success is not built overnight. Real success is the result of consistent, sustained effort.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
How to achieve your goals?
SOURCE: YouTube-How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE
Outwork everyone and convince yourself you deserve to win.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
I need to embrace the suffering. Suffering and sacrifice and hard work is an indication of progress towards our dreams!
SOURCE: YouTube – Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Embrace the fact that in order to achieve something big, you’ve got to get rid of these distractions.
SOURCE: YouTube – Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Suffering and sacrifice and hard work, is an indication of progress towards our dreams.
SOURCE: YouTube – Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Success is inside; it comes from you.
~Ed Mylett, coach, author, b.4/27/1971
Once you get some momentum in life… there’s a rhythm to life when you succeed. There’s a rhythm to success.
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Trust and Ed Mylett Quotes
“Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.”
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Winning Quotes by Ed Mylett
“At some point you have to stop negotiating the price and decide your will to win is not for sale.”
SOURCE: Ed Mylett – How to Change Your Life Fast for D2Dcon
~Ed Mylett, entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971
Ed Rocks This Interview With Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory
How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE – Ed Mylett
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
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