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The Benefits of Gratitude Will Surprise and Amaze You…

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Benefits of Gratitude. Northern Lights. Magnetic.

The benefits of gratitude are immense, continual and expansive, and they compound, where one gratitude builds upon the other and then another. Daily gratitude makes a magnitude of difference. Simple. Free. Effective.

With genuine gratitude orbiting your aura, you will attract more positivity and happiness into your life, and quickly observe for yourself, the benefits of gratitude.

Gratitude sets the Law of Attraction to work for you.

“An attitude of gratitude makes a magnitude of difference. Daily does it.”
~LeAura Alderson,®

An attitude of gratitude makes a magnitude of difference. Daily does it. ~LeAura Alderson,® #GratitudeQuote #Attitude #PersonalDevelopment #BenefitsOfGratitude #iCreateDaily

The Gravity of Gratitude

Gravity is described as a force that draws objects to its center. An invisible magnetic central core, gravity keeps all things in balance and grounded.

Daily gratitude becomes a core gravity at the center of your life, naturally attracting and anchoring more good to you, and from within you. Once gratitude becomes a way of life, life changes for the better, no matter what happens.

Gratitude is magnetic; it attracts more good for which to be grateful.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator®

Image by mcbeaner from Pixabay
An attitude of gratitude makes a magnitude of difference. Daily does it. #GratitudeQuotes #GratefulDaily #DailyGratitude #BenefitsOfGratitude #PowerOfGratitude #AttitudeOfGratitude #iCreateDaily
Image by mcbeaner from Pixabay

Enjoy over 100 gratitude quotes here.

Benefits of Gratitude

Physical Benefits of Gratitude

  • Healthier overall
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Stronger immune systems
  • Faster recovery from illness
  • Fewer troubling aches and pains
  • Inclined to want to:
    • sleep better
    • eat healthier
    • exercise more
    • take better care of health

Psychological Benefits of Gratitude

  • Joy
  • Happiness
  • More energy
  • Alert, aware, engaged
  • Optimism and positivity

Social Benefits of Gratitude

Grateful people are Inclined to be more...

  • kind
  • helpful
  • friendly
  • positive
  • forgiving
  • outgoing
  • generous
  • thoughtful
  • compassionate

RESOURCES: includes article by gratitude expert, Dr. Robert A. Emmons for the Berkeley Greater Good Magazine

Gratitude is deeply rooted in human — and animal — genetics.
~SOURCE: Article in Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine by Malini Suchak

Studies on the Effects and Benefits of Gratitude

  • BRAIN: Gratitude changes your brain and improves thinking and learning [1]
  • HAPPIER: Giving thanks makes you happier.[2]
  • RELATIONSHIPS: Gratitude strengthens relationships.[3]
  • DNA: Gratitude is deeply rooted in human — and animal — genetics.[4]
  • HEART: Gratitude improves heart health.[5]

RELATED: JOURNALING: The science on the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal.

The best way to practice gratitude is to integrate it into everyday life.
~Robert A. Emmons, PhD., psychology professor, author

Simple Tools for Elevating Attitude Through Gratitude

  • Gratitude Journaling of daily gratitudes
  • Meditations (and/or prayers) on Gratitude
  • Weekly “Count Your Blessings” summation
  • Thinking about someone for whom you are grateful
  • Cultivate the habit of saying thank you with meaning
  • Writing and sending gratitude letters and thank you notes

    Excerpted from Gratitude Study by Dr. R. Sansone[6]

“Just spending 15 minutes before you go to bed, writing down what you are grateful for, according to a 2011 study published in Applied Psychology Health and Wellbeing, will enable you to have a deeper, more restful sleep.”
~Jay Samit, serial entrepreneur, investor, author, b.1/31/1961

Gratitude is the light that opens the blossom of the heart from which the seeds of kindness grow.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator®

Enjoy more than 100 gratitude quotes from here.

GRATITUDE QUOTE - Benefits of Gratitude. #GratitudeQuote #BenefitsOfGratitude #Gratitude

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