Do you typically make the most of your time? Is focus, efficiency and productivity something you think of regularly, even daily? If you’re goal focused, chances are it’s a daily tweaking and adjusting. If not, these questions may put you on the spot or cause discomfort, but can make a huge difference toward living a more fulfilling life.
It’s far better to evaluate this question deeply and honestly now than to live with regrets that cannot be reversed. Few things are worse and more embittering than to get to the end of one’s life with regrets of time wasted and goals not achieved and dreams left to die. To avoid that scenario, it may be worth your time to engage these questions, ideas and reflections.
To make the most of your time, set goals, work them daily and share progress updates with accountability or mastermind partners.
~LeAura Alderson, iCreateDaily.com®

Make the Most of Covid-19 Lockdown Quarantine
Many people have had more time over these past couple months of quarantine and “lock down” than they’ve had for years. For those of us whose work is online, day-to-day work life is much the same. It’s been business as usual, and in some cases, even better or busier than usual.
But for those whose work has slowed or stopped during this time, what have you done or are you doing with your most precious asset of time? If you’re a creator with ANY aspirations or possible aspirations to grow your creative brand, what have you created, studied, learned, or mastered during this time?
Some people complain of being bored.
Creators Are Never Bored
I can’t imagine that. In fact, as our kids were growing up, we purposefully never used the word ‘bored’. They actually learned the use of it at school, during the few years they attended private school versus homeschooling.
When they started using it, they quickly learned that if they expressed boredom, I’d find something for them to do. And… since whatever was presented may not always be their first choice, they became rather adept at applying creativity toward entertaining themselves, and
Creativity Dissolves Boredom
Creativity is the antithesis of boredom. To be bored is to be waiting to be entertained or directed into some occupation or recreation by others. Social media can be like going to the mall without a specific plan… scrolling through timelines and notifications, like window shopping, until something catches our attention that we want to partake.
Some spend hours meandering down that rabbit hole. Some end up spending their time playing games.
There’s nothing wrong with games in the context of a productive life. We all need some form of recreation for a break. To “recreate”, like rest, is to “re-create” energy. The problems come when consumption outpaces our creative productivity.
No one gets to the end of life reflecting happily on all of the games they played, or how many TV series they binged on. Based on many life’s end conversations, the focus of a life well lived concludes foremost with the legacy of family, relationships, and contributions. Secondarily around ones work in the world.
A life well lived is about love, contribution, growth, creativity, and productivity.
Creators are never bored.
~LeAura Alderson, iCreateDaily®

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Alignment With Nature
To observe nature is to discover more of our own nature, for we are after all, part of it. Nature’s destiny is growth and evolution. Same for us. Our nature is to be the best versions of ourselves we can be… to grow into our greatest potential. To observe nature in spring… a flower, a tree, an army of ants or a hive of bees… all of nature reveals to us our own.
Nature is always productively engaged. Even in winter, the soil and underground life are hibernating to conserve energy for the spring to come. And then she gives it her all.
We’re at our best too when we’re productively and creatively engaged.
So… if you have time on your hands, and you have aspirations to grow your creativity into something more than it is now, carpe diem and make the most of the time you have. All life on planet earth is happiest when it is doing what it’s here to do: to grow and evolve.
If you need a job, or want a better job… something you will enjoy more than the one you have or had, now’s your time to learn new skills in the area in which you’d like to work. Now is the opportunity to create and take on those things on your bucket list or vision board… to set goals and work them daily.
Three Ways to Make the Most of Your Time
- Learn – preferably a new skill that will help you achieve your goals
- Create – something that will grow your creative body of work or experiment with something new
- Contribute – help somebody else… even if it is to just answer a question in a social group
- Plan – work on refining, performing and tracking your goals daily
- Vision – Meditate on seeing and experiencing yourself and your life once your goals come to fruition
No matter your goals and dreams, here are three all time favorite classic books that will help you in your visioning work and bringing your dreams to life.
Best Classic Visioning Books
- As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen
- ‘Science of’ Trilogy of books by Wallace D. Wattles
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Learning Opportunities that Make the Most of Your Time
New skills… are only a few lessons away
Social media opportunities proliferate on all platforms. It’s still the new media, and while significantly more congested than even just a few years ago, this medium for reaching your prospective audience and fans is vast.
In just a little bit of free time, you can learn how to make the most of these platforms for yourself. Or, you may wish to become a social media freelancer. If you enjoy socializing, connecting, commenting and conversing with others through any of the social media platforms, start there, with your favorite platform.
There are many business people and creators who would rather pay someone else to manage their tasks and accounts than to do it themselves. Start with whichever social platform you enjoy most. You can become an expert in short order by studying and implementing what you’re learning. Soon, you will be ready to offer your services.
Skills You Can Learn Quickly
One of the first things to do is make use of some of the plethora of free content available for learning. For example, YouTube has its own Creator Academy with free courses and tutorials.
Free Training
- Scour the respective platform itself for training tutorials
- Search on YouTube using the social platform name + “course” or “tutorial”. E.g., “How to Write Articles for Pay tutorial”
- Watch the most current videos that appear to offer what you need to know.
- Search how to articles and read a few of those
- Later, to progress further, you may take a well recommended course.
Top Social Platforms to Learn
- YouTube
Creative Classes
And these ideas have barely scratched the surface, so if you want more, check out this article on how to make money as an artist or creative business advice for creators.
Now consider how you will feel having a new skill at the end of a week of learning versus vanished hours playing games of chatting here and there. None of that’s bad… but this… making the most of your time toward your life goals, is better.
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of iCreateDaily.com®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
Want to submit your photos, videos and/or article content for publication? We love to consider your contribution for publication! creators@icreatedaily.com