Short Story Submissions and Ideas for Writers and Poets
If you’re looking for short story submissions, chances are you’re hoping to get your story, published, right? That’s great, and...
Motivational Quotes and Ideas for Life – Your Life
It’s like Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we...
Mother’s Day Poems and Quotes for When You Need a Little Help With Words
We’ve only just begun collecting Mother’s Day Poems and Quotes and will be adding many more over time. Glad to publish...
Don’t Wait for Your Dreams… Choose to Live Now
Don’t wait for motivation to inspire you. Do the thing and motivation will catch up to you. Don’t wait until you feel...
Love and Forgiveness for Healing Aching Hearts
In the Disney Star Wars series, Mandalorian, the Mandalorian motto is, “It is the way.” Here, on planet earth, Love...
Rupi Kaur Quotes and Poetry to Love and Share
We were delighted to discover the poet, illustrator, spoke poet – Rupi Kaur. When it comes to poetry, often every...
What is Your Identity? Because it’s Up to You
Your Are the Designer of Your Destiny Are you conscious of your identity, present and future? Do you spend more...
The Cognitive Restructuring of the Learner’s Mind
We’re all familiar with the term, “think positive”, also known as reframing. Cognitive restructuring is a newer term used primarily...
Personal Accountability and the Ultimate Critic
Personal accountability is an ultimate goal of most creators. Why? Because self accountability is autonomy. It’s about answering to oneself…...
Change Your Story and You Will Change Your Life
Transformation Through Creation – Divinity in Motion You are a creator. You have the power to create the life you...
It’s Not Personal, It’s Pain
If you’ve ever been slighted, betrayed, wronged or hurt by another, it helps to realize that it’s not personal. I...
Jay Samit Quotes – Entrepreneur, Creator, Innovator on a Mission
Jay Samit is on a mission to help create more entrepreneurs… more individuals creating wealth through their ideas, creativity, ingenuity...
What is the Point of Life Anyway?
Approximately 8,100 people per month search the term: “What is the point of life?” Another 90,500 people per month search the...
Love What You Do When You Can’t Do What You Love
If you haven’t landed that dream job yet, don’t fret, for the jobs we don’t love are bootcamp to get...
How to Stop Seeking External Validation from Others and Tune Into the Truth of You
The less at ease we are with ourselves, the more inclined we are to seek external validation, stimulation and significance...
Nature. Calorie Free Food for the Heart and Soul
Nature Nurtures Our Nature and Feeds the Soul If you’re looking for an article on nature vs nurture, that’s not...
60 Creative Writing Prompts to Prime Your Prose Daily
Whenever you find yourself at the whim of creativity, waiting for your muse to appear, creative writing prompts can be...
Yes, You Can Do Hard Things – More Than You Know
You can do hard things. And when you do, you will transform yourself and your life. This probably won’t be...
Make the Most of Your Time
Do you typically make the most of your time? Is focus, efficiency and productivity something you think of regularly, even...
Examples of Habits and How to Create Better Ones
Do not underestimate the power of habits to make or break your dreams. We’re listing and discussing examples of habits...