The Alchemist Quotes by Paulo Coelho in His Famous Novel
The Alchemist Quotes shared here are the result of a recent revisiting of this all time favorite novel by Paulo...
Life Alchemy – You Are the Alchemist of Your Life
I’m recently re-read The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. I first read the book many years ago and loved it. Now...
Determination and Dedication are the Bricks and Mortar of Success
Determination and dedication are foundational to building your brand and staking your claim in the land of creators who succeed...
A Garden Metaphor on Creativity and Growth Spurts
We have a garden, in fact, we also have a gardening website! In writing an article about tomato plant problems...
Good Social Media Etiquette – How to Manage and Behave
The following social media etiquette information is relevant to membership in the iCreateDaily for Creators Facebook group. It’s also relevant...
Daily Habits of Successful People
Habits of Creative People It’s often true that creative minds tend to wander. We’ve learned from our own experience, as...
Karolina Protsenko – Sheer Creative Joy to Brighten Your Day
Sharing the delightful Karolina Protsenko, child violinist and singer, born October 3rd, 2008. Karolina is a multi-talented artist from a...
100+ Art Quotes to Inspire and Motivate Your Creative Spirit
Art has inspired the human soul for eons! From ancient cave paintings all the way through modern-day emojis, digital art...
The Best Slogan Generator for Your Brand
Slogan Maker R Us A slogan generator is usually an automated app that will generate slogan ideas for you. You...
The Most Successful Artists Today Find or Create a Unique Niche
And They Don’t Give Up It could be redundant to say “unique” and “niche” in the same title, but it’s...
Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird?
Are You a Morning Person? What is a Morning Lark? The morning lark is another more specific term for “early...
Jamie Kern Lima Quotes – an Inspiring Self Made Multimillionaire
A Woman Who Turned Tremendous Struggle to Tremendous Success We were SO INSPIRED by this creators truly self made multimillionaire’s...
Just Ship It Even Before You’re Ready
Don’t settle for less, but… don’t let ‘perfectionitis’, paralyze you. Just ship it! That’s what we’re doing with the brand...
15 Peter Crone Quotes from The Mind Architect
While tuning into several interview conversations with Peter Crone, I had to start this collection of Peter Crone quotes. A...
To Toot Your Own Horn is Essential for Your Brand Survival
It’s Not Gratuitous Self Promotion For you and your work to succeed in the world, it’s essential to toot your...
Joyce Carol Oates Quotes & Wisdom from a Prolific Successful Author
These Joyce Carol Oates quotes and article were motivated by an inspiring interview with Joyce on the popular Tim Ferriss...
Self Publishing Tips for Beginners
This is the beginning of a self publishing tips article from a newly twice published author in the iCreateDaily community...
New Book from a Dog’s Point of View
Book Review and Applause We’re thrilled to share iCreateDaily contributor and community member’s second published book!!! Shannon DeAnna Schofield’s first...
115+ Creativity Quotes to Spark Your Creative Flame
Quotes are wonderful tools for ideas, reflection, motivation, inspiration, and creative prompts. In fact quotes as conceptual prompts are our...
Finding the Good in the Bad…
… Of Covid-19 and Anything We can always find the good in the bad if we look for it. Sometimes we...