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Excellence Expected and Achieved with Mark Asquith

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Excellence Expected and Achieved with Mark Asquith #iCreateDaily

Our guest today is Mark Asquith, a serial entrepreneur, who started several successful businesses which have led to his primary focus today: That of helping other entrepreneurs and podcasters start, sustain and grow their business.

Mark is co-founder, of a podcast hosting company called Podcast Websites, which is the podcast hosting company we use, and we interviewed his partner Kieran McKeefery a few sessions ago. Podcast Websites is an awesome company with everything podcasters need from A-Z and with the best customer service, you could ask for.

Mark is excellent at branding, as evidenced by his fantastic personal brand, Excellence Expected, where he consistently hosts free weekly coaching sessions and the 7 Minute Mentor podcast.


“Professionalism is just turning up, doing the things you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do them.”  ~Mark Asquith

Bonus Quote: 

While we never talked about that particular quote, it’s definitely apparent that Mark is all about the pursuit of excellence, so we’re sharing this favorite.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” ~Aristotle 

Topics Covered:

  • Mark’s story of how he left corporate
  • His journey from freelancing to creating PodcastWebsites
  • The 3 things creator’s who want to earn a living should focus on
  • How awareness will serve you in figuring out what you want
  • The struggle of looking forward but also the importance of enjoying the current moment
  • Questioning the status quo and traditional expectations in life and work
  • Mark’s tips on how he is so productive, prolific, and consistent
  • What Mark does instead of vision boarding
  • How to figure out what you want to do and evolving over time
  • Current struggle Mark is facing and the growth phase in his business
  • Figuring out the best medium for sharing your message
  • Where Mark gets his inspiration
  • Mark’s book recommendations
  • Building your network
  • Sticking to your goals, values, and ethics

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Professionalism is just turning up, doing the things you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do them.”  ~Mark Asquith #iCreateDaily

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