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Mental Focus – Make it an Obsession

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mental focus, obsessive entrepreneur

Success is just obsessive mental focus. It’s funny. We tend to think of our goals and dreams as some distant and hard-to-attain summit achievable by the extraordinary few. We often think that others have the answers for us, and to believe the marketers who tell us they have the secret to our success. Well… they don’t.

Your success is in your hands—and head—through obsessive mental focus.

Extraordinary, is after all, extra-ordinary. Success is available to ordinary folks who put forth extraordinary effort, consistently, over time.®

Table of Contents

Audio Article – Obsessive Mental Focus: 

The Key to Success

The key to success is obsessive mental focus doing work you love.

If you don’t love the work you’re doing, change it. If you can’t change it yet, then discover the joy where you are by focusing on gratitude for what you do like, and for a job that pays the bills.

You can pursue the work you love in your free time and focus on transforming your avocation into your vocation. After all, when we do the work we love, it doesn’t feel like work!

Think about whatever it is you’re passionate about. It’s easy to immerse in it and lose time in the creative zone, only to surface still energized, and mentally immersed in thinking about it isn’t it?

When my son was around nine, he was diagnosed with acute dyslexia, dysnomia and ADHD, with the latter contributing to his inability so sit still and focus. However, on his birthday when he got to choose his day, he chose to SIT in front of a computer game for nine hours.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t focus, it’s that it had to be something that captivated his attention.

Devotion takes your work beyond avocation to vocation. Become devoted to achieving your goals… and you will!
~LeAura Alderson,®

The key to success is obsessive mental focus doing work you love.#quotes #focus #goals #ObsessiveMentalFocus #MentalFocus #iCreateDaily #ObsessedWithSuccess

The truth is that success is a simple matter of determination, perseverance, and obsessive mental focus. Repeated daily.
~LeAura Alderson,®

The truth is that success is a simple matter of determination, perseverance, and obsessive mental focus. Repeated daily.
~LeAura Alderson,® #quotes #focus #goals #ObsessiveMentalFocus #MentalFocus #iCreateDaily #ObsessedWithSuccess #Goals

Become Obsessed with Your Goals

Highly successful people know the secret and they all say the same thing:
Become obsessed with your success, work hard and you will succeed.

Notice they say to become obsessed with your success. We would also phrase it as become obsessed with achieving your goals.

Too often we spin our wheels in the vicious muddy circle of what’s not working. Spiral out of that rut by focusing on where you want to go, then be willing to do whatever you need to do to get there.

You have to be obsessed to achieve success.
~Lilly Singh, comedian, entertainer, actress, entrepreneur, author

Highly successful people know the secret and they all say the same thing: 
Become obsessed with your success, work hard and you will succeed.  #quotes #focus #goals #ObsessiveMentalFocus #MentalFocus #iCreateDaily #ObsessedWithSuccess #Goals #LillySinghQuote

Thread the Needle of Mind, Dreamweaver

To thread a needle, you moisten the thread and roll it between your fingers to sharpen it to a point. Then you focus on that tiny opening in the eye of the needle.

If you’ve ever threaded a needle—or seen it done—you’ll know that it takes keen focus, determination, repeated attempts, and a sharp focused eye to succeed.

When it comes to you, your dreams and mental focus, metaphorically, you smooth out your schedule to eliminate the distractions. Then sharpen your focus and thread that needle!

To do it’s job, the needle must have thread. To achieve your goals, your “thread” is daily focus on getting your goals done. Each day a stitch in time, sewing together the tapestry of your dreams.

You can’t thread a needle without focus. And it’s hard to thread a needle with frayed thread. You do not focus on what you do not want, (the fray). You trim it off and proceed.

Thread the needle of mind, Dreamweaver. You have galactic tapestries to sew.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Thread the Needle of Mind, Dreamweaver. You can’t thread a needle without focus. And it's hard to thread a needle with frayed thread. You do not focus on what you do not want, (the fray). You trim it off and proceed. #quotes #focusQuote #ObsessiveMentalFocus #MentalFocus #iCreateDaily #ObsessedWithSuccess #Goals

Trim the Brush

You can’t paint a clear line with a frayed brush. To paint the line you want, you need to trim the fray and focus intensely on the line you want to create. You don’t focus on what you don’t want, instead, you trim it off and proceed.

For creatives and energetic entrepreneurs and those of us with ADD/ADHD, corralling the mind to focus can be like trying to paint a thin straight line with a frayed brush. Or to thread a needle with a dull and frayed thread.

We must trim out what doesn’t belong in the future we’re aspiring to, and bring obsessive mental focus to the life we’re creating.

If you want an extraordinary life you’re going to have to pay an extraordinary price.
~Tom Bilyeu, Founder-Impact Theory
, Cofounder-Quest Nutrition, birthday-3/30/1976

If you want an extraordinary life you’re going to have to pay an extraordinary price. ~Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory #Goals #success #extraordinaryLife #ObsessiveMentalFocus #FocusQuote #MentalFocus #iCreateDaily #TomBilyeuQuotes #ObsessedWithSuccess

Your Brain is Waiting for Your Command

The needle without the thread is not so useful if you need to stitch or mend something. The real value is the relationship and connection between the thread and the needle and what they can accomplish together once threaded.

Mind is like the thread to the needle… the instrument of the brain. You have to thread consciousness through the needle and tether it to the task for work to get done.

Setting your daily goal is threading the needle.

Focusing on daily goals is sewing together the life of your dreams.

The extent to which you apply yourself and view your role in relation to your goals, is the extent to which you will achieve success.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Your Brain is Waiting for Your Command. #FocusQuotes #GoalsQuote #successQuote #MentalFocus #iCreateDaily #ObsessedWithSuccess #Achieve

Goal Setting

If you still struggle with how to focus, here’s a short list, that if you will but use it, will work wonders toward achieving mental focus on your goals, and subsequently, your success.

If you haven’t yet set your goals, this article on goals planning should help.

Mental Focus

The fastest way to achieve obsessive mental focus on your goals is to eliminate all the the most vital tasks on your list. So often we tend to allow the non-essentials hold sway early in the day and end up frustrated in the second half.

We get frustrated because we know we’re off track, and because now we don’t have as much energy with which to tackle the harder, more important things.

Whenever possible, do the hardest things first. You will be amazed at how that frees your mind and boosts your energy to do the next things on your list.

Success breeds success.

3 Simple Steps to Daily Success – “3×3”

The short list on how to achieve daily mental focus:


  1. Make a list – brain dump, all the things to do today.
  2. Decide the top 3 things that will move you closer to your goal.
  3. Do those first. Ignore all else to every extent possible.


  1. Any time you get those 3 things done with plenty of time, repeat this process.
  2. At day’s end, assess your progress and improvements.
  3. Plan tomorrow.

Remember to reflect on your day with gratitude and appreciate the wins.

SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS. 3 3 Simple Steps to Daily Success - "3x3"  How to set daily goals in 3 simple steps. #DailyGoals #GoalSetting #SettingGoals #iCreateDaily #DailySuccess #iCreateDaily

Hard Work is the Magic

Sure… there will be unavoidable exceptions, however, your mission is to tailor your day such that you can do what most needs to be done, first and foremost. No exceptions, no interruptions.

As with anything else, the more you do this the easier it gets, and you’ll become increasingly more efficient at organizing and honing in on your “3 things”, until it’s virtually an automatic response… even without a list.

This may require that you wake up earlier… that you lock your door, turn off your phone, turn on interruption free apps, such as Rescue Time. Then… get stuff done!!

Success requires obsessive mental focus and extraordinary work ethic, plus FUN! Remember to find joy in the doing, or else you may be doing the wrong thing!

Hard work is where the magic meets the morning.

There’s no tips and tricks, it’s just a lot of work.
~Lilly Singh, comedian, entertainer, actress, entrepreneur, author

Hard work is where the magic meets the morning. LILLY SINGH QUOTE: "There’s no tips and tricks, it’s just a lot of work." ~Lilly Singh, comedian, entertainer, actress, entrepreneur, author #LillySinghQuote #HardWorkQuote #Success #Goals #iCreateDaily

Obsessively Focused

Imagine the olympic athlete focused on the finish line… or the wide receiver focused on catching that football… or the sewer threading that needle. It requires complete mental focus. Do that with your goals… today… and again tomorrow, and you will succeed.

Goals planning is essential. Visioning is pivotal. Focus is non-negotiable.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Lilly Singh With Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory

Lilly Singh and Tom Bilyeu are two incredible examples of obsessive mental focus and incredibly inspiring and phenomenal success. We thoroughly enjoyed Tom’s interview with Lilly on Impact Theory. We think you will too.

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