This round-up of some of our favorite things should help you along your way today.
To keep on track with your goals requires immersion in learning and growth by those who’ve traveled ahead of you. Wisdom and inspiration can come from those in your field and completely outside of it, for learning and growth is multidimensional and universally applicable.
Tuning into the stories and experience of others can help bolster you whenever your motivation is lagging.
Immersion and Mentors
If you’re planning a trip to a place you’ve never been before, you do what you can to learn about that place from others who’ve been there before.
We learn most from experience. The next best thing is to learn from the experience of others… from those who are where we’re going. Toward immersion with successful kindred creators, we’re sharing some of our favorite things from this week.
The greatest insights come from experience, not from school.
~Scott Belsky, entrepreneur, executive, author, investor, creator
Favorite Things – Sharing Inspiration
The Messy Middle by Scott Belsky. We love that Scott Belsky started as a creator as founder of the platform for creators, Behance, which he sold to Adobe for $150 million dollars in 2012. And now… he’s returned to Adobe as an executive on a mission to continue serving creators.
The “messy middle” is that place where so many startups and creative endeavors flounder, so if you’re determined to see your business goals to fruition, this book will help you through the entrepreneurial chaos.
Creative block is the consequence of avoiding the truth. And when you pierce the truth, it flows.
~Scott Belsky, entrepreneur, executive, author, investor, creator
Ryan Moran’s podcast, The One Percent with Dr. Loretta Bruening. This is a very insightful podcast with interesting insights on what motivates and impacts us to do the things we do. Dr. Bruening is also author of several books, including the one most referenced in this episode, Habits of a Healthy Brain.
“In nature, there is no free happy chemical. To get more, you have to do more.”
~Loretta Bruening, PhD, researcher, author
Tim Ferriss with Samin Nosrat, Master Creative, Master Teacher & Chef. This episode speaks a lot to the power of visioning, and also the essentiality to being okay with mistakes, imperfection and letting go of self criticism.
You achieve things when you plant a seed and you’re really clear about it. Specific goals come to life.
~Samin Nosrat, Master Creative, Master Teacher & Chef, on Tim Ferriss’s Podcast
The more clear I am about what I do want to do, the more easily I can say ‘no’, or make a better decision about where I’m headed.
~Samin Nosrat, Master Creative, Master Teacher & Chef, on Tim Ferriss’s Podcast
Interview Shows
Bedros Keullian with Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory. Talk about kick-in-the-butt inspiring… if you’re feeling unmotivated and stuck, this should help push you off your chair and into action. Now, with a net worth of over $100 million, the odds were stacked completely against Bedros. Learning how he fought his way from poverty and poor self-image, to success and charity will inspire you to push through to your aspirations.
If you grow your emotional and adversity quotient, you will be a well-rounded human that can deal with anything.
~Bedros Keuilian, founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp International
Musical Inspiration
If you need some incredible music to get those creative juices flowing, the Now We Are Free track from Gladiator’s soundtrack is one of our all-time favorites. Hans Zimmer’s composing mixed with Lisa Gerrard’s vocals are a sonic masterpiece! 🙂
Get the full Gladiator album on iTunes or on Amazon.
Thought Provoking
The Brain and Learning
Featuring 4 minutes of invocative inspiration on learning.
Rap Inspiration
#Truth!! This is a powerfully poignant message from David Brown of BoyInABand.
Immersion Eliminates Diversion
So… be sure to immerse yourself each day in the positivity of working on your goals, nurturing your mind and spirit, and associating with those who are doing as you are doing and aspiring to, because as Dr. Bruening says:
We are born to wire ourselves from life experience.
~Loretta Bruening, PhD, researcher, author
CREDITS: Cover photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.
The Day is the Way.
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
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