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Tech Geek Artist – Kieran McKeefery

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Tech Geek Artist – Kieran McKeefery #iCreateDaily

First off… apologies to Kieran!

Several times I asked him to increase his volume, but in the end, his sound was better than ours! Turns out it was our speaker output volume that was the issue and NOT his mic! #LifeLesson #MayBeItsMe! #LessonLearned! 

The other thing you’ll hear in the background on our end is NATURE! We love to sit outside whenever the weather is nice, which it was on this late winter day. The “peepers” in the bog (wetland area) down the hill thawed out to sing an early song of spring… and, they are very loud!

But back to Kieran, we thoroughly enjoyed our time discussing what he’s done and what he’s thinking of doing more of. We ended up doing a bit of spontaneous ideating around whether he’ll start his own podcast and what topic he might do. And while Kieran doesn’t consider himself an artist, as you’ll glean from this podcast, creativity and creating in the zone takes on all kinds of creative forms!

Speaking of lessons learned, in this episode we discuss:

  • Important metrics podcasters should tune into
  • How a passion for creating something transcends time and space
  • A favorite movie that blends math and art
  • Kieran’s daily productivity habits
  • The event that occured that made Kieran famous in UK forever
  • Brainstorm ideas for what kind of podcast Kieran might do as he embarks on that next adventure in his life.
  • Ideas for identifying what kind of podcast to do
  • Ideas for creating a different podcast format

Coding and numbers is a very creative process.

~Kieran McKeefery

Put everything you have into the work you want to do.

~Kieran McKeefery

“Any time you’re leaving work to go home and you can say to yourself how happy you are at what you’ve created… there’s no better feeling… it’s almost euphoric.”  

~Kieran McKeefery

It’s in the journey that the way becomes more clear.

~LeAura Alderson

Every conversation is an opportunity to practice.

 ~LeAura Alderson

Creating is more about the passion of making things as opposed to what is being made. 

~Devani Alderson

Table of Contents


“Put everything you have into the work you want to do.” ~Kieran McKeefery

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