This is the beginning of our collection of Paul Selig quotes which are primarily channeled words from spiritual guides.
Paul is an unlikely spiritual medium. Unlikely because he was raised as an atheist. However, a personal dark night of the soul followed by a spiritual experience catalyzed his journey as a remarkable clairaudient medium who channels wisdom from inner workers he calls guides.
If you’re skeptical, that’s a healthy thing. Paul was (and sometimes still is, skeptical himself). But to tune into Paul’s interviews and then to witness his agile, rapid and ongoing channeling, (after an initial period of getting used to the awkward repetition – that Paul calls “messy”) is truly inspiring and clearly authentic.
No one could make up what he’s doing as he’s doing it, nor write books from beginning to end without many, many edits, let alone NONE as has been done here. Nor could any of us, even the most articulate, channel volumes of astute wisdom without a single “and” or “ah”.
Paul says that while the seminars and books bear his name, he did not write them and cannot claim to be any sort of guru… just a channel through which greater messages are shared.
The world is a better place for it and certainly, our lives bettered for having read all his current 10 books, (see a list of Paul Selig books-in-Order here, at the end of this article.
You’ll find a complete list of Paul Selig books in order of publish date at the end of this article.
“The guides I work with teach alchemy.”
SOURCE: Brian Pierrgrossi podcast
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“The alchemist is in the present moment. That is where the magic occurs. Not yesterday or tomorrow, but in the present moment.”
SOURCE: The Kingdom, Book 3 of ‘Beyond the Known’
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“The flower that is you is blooming and to hinder the petals from opening to the sun, would be to preclude the grace that is present now and seeking to be realized through you.”
SOURCE: Paul Selig book, REALIZATION, Beyond the Known trilogy – book 1 of 3
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Change Quotes
This is the time of change. And it is the time of choice.
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, channeled by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“If you can understand loss as change, you can move through it more quickly.”
SOURCE: ‘When Things Change‘, online series 7-5-23
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“Be grateful for change in whatever form it arrives in.”
SOURCE: ‘When Things Change‘, online series 7-5-23
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Children Quotes
“Love your child as s/he is and not as you want them to be. That is the gift you give your child and that is the gift of truth.”
SOURCE: YouTube interview with Michael Sandler: Your spirit guides and how to listen to a higher dimension
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Choice Quotes
This is one of my favorite attunements that I employ almost daily.
“I may see anything and everything in a higher way.
SOURCE: Paul Selig book 7 – REALIZATION, Beyond the Known trilogy – book 1 of 3
I may know anything and everything in a higher way.
I may choose anything and everything in a higher way.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Christ Frequency / Christ Consciousness
You cannot be in the Christ frequency without honoring the Christ in another. It cannot be so. It cannot be so. It cannot be so.
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, channeled through psychic clairaudient medium, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“This is the promise of this time, that the Christ will be made manifest in man.”
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, channeled through psychic clairaudient medium, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“I am now choosing to stand in my awareness as The Creative Source that brings about the change that is required in my life. I am doing this through intention.”
SOURCE: The Book of Love, channeled by Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“When the creator is creating, he is a vessel for the expression of the Divine, and the manifestation is the art he makes.”
SOURCE: The Book of Truth channeled by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“Respond from your knowing.”
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, channeled by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
“When you do this with the intention to acknowledge yourself as a co-creator of your life, you stop being a victim. When you are not a victim, you have choice. When you are in choice, you are in your power and you are not frightened.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Darkness – Paul Selig Quotes
“Those that would call you to the darkness are actually teaching you to know the light.”
SOURCE: MASTERY – Book 1 of 3 of the Mastery Trilogy, by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling “The Guides”, b.10/24/1961
“What you put in darkness calls you to that darkness. What you damn, damns you back. What you bless, blesses you.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling “The Guides”, b.10/24/1961
“Who or what you put into darkness, calls you to it.”
~The Guides via Paul Selig, clairaudient author. b.10/24/1961
Divinity / The Divine
“The denial of the divine is the only real problem that we face.
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
“Divine Light does not cause pain. And Truth, at it’s essence, does not cause pain.”
SOURCE: The Book of Love and Creation, a channeled text by Paul Selig, related to fear-generating happenings in the media
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
“The awareness of the divine in all things isn’t something that you make so, it’s something you align to.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
“The Divine Self is not quaint. She is fierce, and thunderous, and magical in the most perfect ways.”
The Guides channeled through Paul Selig, Authenticity, August 5, 2021 on Maui
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
Dramas in Life
All of the dramas that unfold are to learn through, but they are not who and what you are.
They are the aspects of you that have been claimed into form in lower vibration.
As you lift yourself you lift your creations, or you stop investing in them.The divine self knows who s/he is and doesn’t invest in the problems or the dramas that the small self would create. The collective dramas you see you are party to until you say “no thank you”, or roll your eyes if you wish. If that works for you, you may, but the simple key is to lift beyond it to a higher view where you are not reinforcing the thing you say you don’t want.
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
SOURCE: YouTube interview with Michael Sandler: Your spirit guides and how to listen to a higher dimension
Excuses Quotes Channeled by Paul Selig
“Excuses bypass opportunities for growth.”
SOURCE: The Book of Love and Creation, a channeled text by Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Fear – Paul Selig Quotes
“When you’re in your knowing, you’re never afraid. True knowing isn’t fear. The true self knows and the personality self thinks.”
SOURCE: Brian Pierrgrossi podcast
~Paul Selig, medium, author, on what The Guides say, b.10/24/1961
“All fear ever gets you is more of the same.”
SOURCE: MASTERY – Book 1 of 3 of the Mastery Trilogy, by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, medium, author, on what The Guides say, b.10/24/1961
The removal of the fear that encases the planet that acts on each of you as a bad tape will leave, but not without a little bit of a fight.
Now on an individual level, this becomes experienced as change, and self-identification with those things that have frightened you, because everything makes itself known as it relieves itself and transforms.
Everything makes itself known on its way out, once and for all.
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, channeled through psychic clairaudient medium, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
“Fear is the denial of the divine. The action of fear is to claim more fear.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, medium, author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
“There is no fear in knowing.”
SOURCE: ‘When Things Change‘, online series 7-5-23
~Paul Selig, author, clairaudient
“The action of fear creates more fear.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
God Quotes
God does not need to be prayed to by name to be understood, and any act of love is God itself acting through you.
SOURCE: Resurrection: Book #1 of the Manifestation Trilogy
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Gratitude Quote
Thank yourself for being regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. Give gratitude for being… simply being, and release the need to dictate where you should be, so that you may find who you are and where you are is exactly where you need to be learning from. That is our gift to you.
SOURCE: YouTube interview with Michael Sandler: Your spirit guides and how to listen to a higher dimension
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Grief Quotes
“Some of you need to weep so you may grieve what you once loved and move to the new love that may be waiting for you.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
A Higher Way
“I may see anything and everything in a higher way.
SOURCE: Paul Selig book 7 – REALIZATION, Beyond the Known trilogy – book 1 of 3
I may know anything and everything in a higher way.
I may choose anything and everything in a higher way.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Identity Quotes
“We’re claiming a life through what we think we are, based on what we were taught to believe.”
SOURCE: JP Sears 2018 interview with clairaudient, Paul Selig, 2018
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Imagination Quotes
“Imagination… a potential that may be born.”
SOURCE: The Kingdom, chapter 6
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Joy Quotes
“The highest choice to make now is JOY.”
SOURCE: ‘When Things Change‘, online series 7-5-23
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Kindness Quotes Channeled by Paul Selig
“The idea of kindness, often perceived as weakness, is actually revolutionary. If for three minutes in one day, all practice kindness, everything would change.”
SOURCE: A Time of Reckoning on YouTube
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Knowing – Paul Selig Quotes
“When you don’t know what you want, you don’t do much to get it.”
SOURCE: The Book of Knowing and Worth
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
“True knowing rarely comes in language.”
SOURCE: Paul Selig Weekly Channeled Livestream, Session 2 of True Knowing, 9-22-21
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
“True knowing holds no fear.”
SOURCE: Paul Selig Weekly Channeled Livestream, Session 2 of True Knowing, 9-22-21
~Paul Selig, clairaudient, author,
Light Quotes
“Those that would call you to the darkness are actually teaching you to know the light.”
SOURCE: The Book of Mastery, a channeled text by Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
SOURCE: The Book of Love and Creation, a channeled text by Paul Selig“I am an aspect of the creator in form and I am in my freedom. Your perfected self is the self you are. You are the gift. You are the Light that you have been waiting for.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“You can’t be the light and hold another in darkness.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Love Quotes
“We have a tremendous amount of unexpressed love that I think is really ready and waiting to come out and be seen in action.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“Every act born in love claims the self in love.”
SOURCE: Paul Selig book 7 – REALIZATION, Beyond the Known trilogy – book 1 of 3
~Paul Selig, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
“You lift others, not by denying them love but by loving them more.”
SOURCE: Paul Selig book: REALIZATION, book 1 of 3 in the Beyond the Known trilogy
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“True love is God, it is knowing, it is compassion, it is the act of creation itself.”
SOURCE: Resurrection: Book #1 of the Manifestation Trilogy
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“Love is not an emotion, although you confuse it as such. Love is the action of God as Love, but love is also present in wisdom, and in truth.”
SOURCE: Resurrection: Book #1 of the Manifestation Trilogy
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Negativity Quotes
“Your focus on the negative is the source of so much pain.”
SOURCE: The Kingdom, Book 3 of ‘Beyond the Known’
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Obstacles Quotes
“The obstacles you face are in all ways the opportunities to move beyond them.”
SOURCE: ALCHEMY, Beyond the Known Trilogy, book 2, by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
RELATED: Don’t dwell on the past
Opportunity Quotes
“Opportunity comes when you can hold it.”
SOURCE: ALCHEMY, Beyond the Known Trilogy, book 2, by clairaudient author, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Pain Quotes
“When there is an incident in your life that has caused you pain, and you hold it in memory in service to protect you from future pain, you have aligned to pain.”
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Presence Quotes
“Cherish the moment you live in.”
SOURCE: ‘When Things Change‘, online series 7-5-23
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
Programming and the Past
“The Guides have said that you’re always dining on yesterday’s leftovers, whether you know it or not.”
SOURCE: 2018 interview with JP Sears and Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961
“Your coherence in your own vibrational field is actually deciding how you are in relationship to absolutely everything in your world.”
SOURCE: Book of Innocence ch.4 – Book 2 of the Manifestation Trilogy
~Paul Selig, psychic medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Service and Contribution Quotes
“You cannot lift the world to the higher from the low octave. It doesn’t work that way… it just can’t be done. You lift yourself and then you lift what you encounter by nature of co-resonance.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling “The Guides”, b.10/24/1961
“How one serves is how one is expressing as their true self. The true self, in vibration, lifts what it encounters by nature of being, and realization is about being and less about what one does and how one figures everything out.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, medium, author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
“I made this agreement to show up for the work anyway. I used to do this work when I had three people coming to my living room once a week and now we have many, many hundreds online or at an event. And I show up anyway. I think — again — that if one day I showed up and there was only three people that want to come, I’d still be there anyway. That’s my work. It’s not about anything other than showing up and being present for this.”
SOURCE: Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation, April 8, 2020 interview
~Paul Selig, psychic medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“True service is the expression of the divine in whatever form it takes.”
SOURCE: Resurrection: Book #1 of the Manifestation Trilogy
~Paul Selig, psychic medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Thoughts Quotes
“All things come forth from you through your thoughts. Now the radical idea that man creates his own reality is nothing more than language given to something that has been at play since the beginning of creation.”
SOURCE: The Book of Love, channeled through psychic clairaudient medium, Paul Selig
“How one serves is how one expresses their true self in fullness… it’s the divine expressing as you.”
SOURCE: Paul Selig with Aubrey Marcus – Channeled Messages from The Guides
~Paul Selig, psychic medium, author, b.10/24/1961
Transformation Quotes
“Nothing is transformed until it’s seen.”
SOURCE: Brian Pierrgrossi podcast
~Paul Selig, medium, author, b.10/24/1961
“When a seed is about to sprout it disturbs the earth. Growth and transformation is disruptive.”
SOURCE: Brian Pierrgrossi podcast
~Paul Selig, clairaudient, author, on what The Guides say, b.10/24/1961
[Change] is happening on a planetary level, and the matrix of fear, as removed, will align the planet to a blessing, to a creation of light that will transform everything on it. This is the time of this promise.”
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, channeled through psychic clairaudient medium, Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, channeling The Guides, b.10/24/1961
Meet Paul Selig
I highly recommend Paul Selig’s “life changing” books, beginning with his first book, I Am The Word. Beyond that, there’s a ton of his content available for free on YouTube. Just search his name there.
I found him first through podcasts, which is a good place to start in order to get a sense of who he is and his story, as well as the unusual way in which he conveys the channeled messages. Not only is he genuinely humble in his presentation of himself and his role in his work, but you’ll see he’s the real deal because you can’t fake what he’s doing as he’s doing it.
Interviews With Paul Selig on Next Level Soul Podcast With Alex Ferrari
Paul has been on the Next Level Soul Podcast numerous times, so you can see more of those here. The one below is an earlier version for context, but you can see more here, including more recent interviews as well as clips as video “shorts”.
As one of the top most popular channelers of our times, Paul Selig has been on many podcasts interviews, many of which you can find here on YouTube. Beyond that, portions of his many channeled messages can also be found on his own channel: Paul Selig YouTube.
Paul Selig’s First Podcast With Aubrey Marcus – The Truth of Who You Are
You can find the second and third of Paul’s sessions on Aubrey’s podcasts on YouTube or linked here in this sentence. Paul has also appeared on many other podcasts interviews as well as his own videos, so check it out.
Or to make it easy for you, here’s all three Aubrey Marcus podcasts in order.
Paul Selig Interviews With Aubrey Marcus – listed in Order:
- 2/7/2018 – The Truth Of Who You Are, Spoken Through Paul Selig on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast
- 10/3/2018 – CHANNEL’S GUIDES TALK ABOUT LOST CIVILIZATIONS w/ Paul Selig on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast
- 8/7/2019 – LIFE-CHANGING Channeled Spiritual Wisdom w/ Paul Selig on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast
WARNING: Aubrey tends to use expletives.
Paul Selig’s Books
You can find a complete list of Paul Selig books in order here.
And, if you’ve already read any of them, we’d love to hear how you enjoyed (or are enjoying) it/them.
And remember…
You are the gift. You are the Light that you have been waiting for.”
SOURCE: The Book of Love and Creation, a channeled text by Paul Selig
~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, b.10/24/1961
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Hello! I’m LeAura, owner and co-creator of®. As an autodidactic philosopher, generalist, personal development advocate, entrepreneur, writer, editor, author, ideator, media publisher, and podcaster, I’m passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Our small family of entrepreneurs, writers, investors, educators and creators own and run websites around topics we enjoy, such as gardening, health and fitness, creativity and pets, with more to come.
While my greatest teacher is Life… my formal training includes certifications in mediation, fitness, and strategic intervention coaching, including marriage and family. Today, the synergy of creating websites, articles and podcasts, brings together all my favorite things: family, learning, growth, creating, connecting and contributing. To share these with you is a privilege, that serves my lifelong aspiration to help others.
My personal areas of creativity are in writing, masterminding, ideation, synthesis and bringing ideas to life through business and entrepreneurship, all with a pervasive spiritual foundation with a focus on elevating the lives of others.
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