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I Have Nothing to Prove

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I Have Nothing to Prove

Don’t prove yourself, improve yourself

Living life is not a competition. I refuse to compare myself and my life to that of others. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. We live within different circumstances, environments, and with different abilities. What I choose to do instead is set my own goals that represent the life I want to live, and then measure myself against myself. I strive to be a better person each day, to make progress towards my life goals and to grow in wisdom throughout my life. The passions and desires I have are unique to me. It is not fair or beneficial to judge you based on my preferences, nor for you to judge me. I will embrace my uniqueness, and yours too, and celebrate that we are all different. Our differences make us interesting and special, and give us something distinctive to share with the world. Don’t throw away your gift by trying to mimic the gifts of others. Do you, and I will do me, and together let us offer our best selves to improve the world.

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