Speak the truth even if your voice shakes – anonymous
I will speak my truth. I will no longer tell you just what you want to hear, but I will tell you the truths you need to hear. I will not do this in a harsh or demeaning manner, but I will do it with a respect for myself and for the truth. I refuse to be bullied and harassed for not bending to your whims, expectations, and the demands that you twist so you may get what you want. I will stand up for the truth, for myself, and for others. I will shine light in the darkness exposing and uncovering the lies that I find. I will not be frightened or silenced by the whispered rumors or bald-faced lies told about me, and I will reveal the truth to those that will listen. I will no longer justify myself trying to appease others judgments. I will state my truth and set my boundaries, and leave others responses to them. I will not be drawn into arguments to defend my choices and decisions for my life. I will live my truth, no matter who disagrees with it or has an opinion about it.

I am a lover of all things creative and beautiful. I enjoy nature, art, and things of the heart. I primarily express this love through writing, photography, and watercolor. I want to share my love of these things with all who are willing and wanting to receive them.
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