I Am Restored
Wherever humanity was broken, Jesus restored it- John Eldridge
Restoration, I believe, is a desire that resonates within us all; a longing to be made whole and to erase all the feelings of brokenness. I long for this, and not just me made right, but a world made right. I desire more than a going back to a time or place where I appeared to be living in sync, giving the illusion that my life was in complete harmony. I long to be restored to a moment I have never known, that place for which I am created. The place where being and doing, giving and living, all flow naturally without effort because it is who I am at my core. I yearn to be my truest self. I desire this for you also, and all humanity. I expectantly wait to see all creation functioning the way it was meant to be. Until then, I will continue to move in the direction of my healing, taking daily steps towards my final restoration.

I am a lover of all things creative and beautiful. I enjoy nature, art, and things of the heart. I primarily express this love through writing, photography, and watercolor. I want to share my love of these things with all who are willing and wanting to receive them.
Want to submit your photos, videos and/or article content for publication? We love to consider your contribution for publication! creators@icreatedaily.com