Glenn Livingston shares his journey of how he overcame binge eating through slightly radical methodologies. As a Ph.D. veteran psychologist, Glenn took a more scientific and disciplined approach to the habits that were derailing his life.
His findings have not only helped thousands of others overcome food addictions, but it could also help with other areas of life.
We have heard about and from creators who constantly seem stuck in a negative cycle. They want to get out, get back to creating, and move on… But they keep looping back to feeling lost, stuck, or depressed.
If that cycle sounds familiar to you, the simple yet powerful researched-backed advice from Glenn Livingston might help you!
Topics Discussed:
- Glenn’s story
- Where our appreciation for color comes from?
- The human survival drive
- The reptilian brain
- How Glenn wrote his book
- Being the Alpha wolf
- How Glenn wrote his book
- Glenn’s journal habit
- Self-doubt and mental programming
- Discipline and self-accountability
- Refusing to guilt yourself
- Parenting yourself
- Being in a family of psychologists
- Disempowering your victim-voice
- The voice of contrarian reason
- Glenn’s present and future goals
- Daily journal ritual
- Using positive affirmations effectively
- What Glenn learned from hiking
Commit with perfection and forgive yourself with dignity.
~Glenn Livingston veteran psychologist and author
Glenn’s Never Binge Again Site (with free reader bonuses)
Never Binge Again by Glenn Livingston
Rational Recovery: The New Cure for Substance Addiction by Jack Trimpey

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Hey! I’m Devani, a multi-passionate creator who enjoys honing the craft of writing (mostly;)), photography, cooking, podcasting, learning about business, and growing brands. I’m the former co-host of the iCreateDaily Podcast with LeAura Alderson (my mom), and co-founded the iCreateDaily brand. I hope through the content and products we produce, you will be inspired to start, sustain, and succeed in your goals.
My non-business and artistic hobbies include: enjoying a good movie, discovering obscure but epic music, obsessing over The Beatles, and developing fictional stories in my head. My Maltese dog, Caspian, provides an insane amount of creative inspiration by just being his adorable self. #HeWokeUpLikeThat. 😉
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