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I Seek Balance

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I Seek Balance

Life is a balance of holding on and letting go – Rumi

Our world is out of balance because people are out of balance. We live in a world of extremes. For most, there is no grey area, everything is seen in black and white, and a mentality of I am right and you are wrong. There no longer is respectful exchange where one side presents their position while the other listens and then presents theirs, each trying to engage the other to think on a deeper level. It seems people come to discussions today with their minds made up and completely closed off to any new information or understanding of another’s point of view. Humanity has lost its ability for compassion and understanding. Individuals have become so self focused they no longer see community. It is very important to be self aware and seek self healing, but this is not the same as self focus and selfishness. One benefits community while the other only benefits self. Each individual needs to find this balance if our families, communities and world are to heal. We must care for ourselves for the benefit of others. If we are to bring our world back into alignment, we must start with ourselves, but not stay within ourselves.

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