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Christmas Haiku, Poems and Quotes

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Christmas sparkle

We’re starting a collection of Christmas haiku, poems and inspiring seasonal quotes. If you have any to share, either your own or favorites by others, send it to us and we’ll publish it here.



Christmas time is near
Gather all your loved ones dear
Celebrate right here
~Julie Courtois, writer, poet

Christmas Haiku poem-Christmas time is near, gather all your loved ones near, celebrate right here


The peace of the season fills my soul.
Joy gently fills my being.
I smile as gratitude fills my heart.

~Jaymee Thompson
(modern haiku)
Christmas haiku on peace, joy and gratitude.
Christmas haiku on peace, joy and gratitude.


Christmas poem on peace, joy and gratitude


Red flower so big; 
I whacked down my poinsettia! 
It will come around.

~Susanna Holman, artist



Christmas lights twinkle
In the night sky bells jingle
Santa’s on his way

~Susanna Holman, artist



Newness of the day
Bursting forth reassurance
Light follows the dark

Haiku by Beth Murphyhaiku & tanka poet
Winter haiku – solstice poem


Love’s light fills my heart
Under solstice moon so bright
All good things to come

~Shannon DeAnna Schofield, poet, author, gardener, beekeeper, b.2/23/1977
New year haiku; winter solstice haiku;
Solstice haiku



Peace I seek this Christmas time.♥️ 
Hearts full of Love for Your’s and mine.

Kindness flowing everywhere,
showing just how much you care.

Alleluia is my chant.
I’ll sing 🎶 it loud until I can’t.

So I’m sending Love to everyone
and I pray you’re happy when day is done.

What a gift this could be…
from me to you and you to me…

~Julie Courtois, writer, poet
Christmas poem; peace, love, joys poem


As the year comes to an end
Time to reflect and see
Celebrate all my friends
Who saw this year with me

They held my hand each time I cried
We laughed most of the days
So grateful for them in my life
They help show me the way

December is for cool events
All for heart and home
It is not a time to quit
It is a time to roam

Let your mind wonder some
Of what has taken place
Though we all are on our own
Our friends will show us grace

Celebrate each day so far
All the times to remember
Know the Love that you are
Each day of this December.

~Shannon DeAnna Schofield,
poet, author, gardener beekeeper, b.2/23/1977


This Christmas…
…remember you are a Miracle.
You are loved and appreciated.

The miracle that is Christmas
is who you are
and how you share yourselves with others.

You have worked miracles
in the lives of others
and you continue to do so.

This season,
may the certainty
that you are a creative miracle
help you to keep sharing
your gifts with the world.

~Author unknown

If this is yours, please let us know so we can provide proper credit.

“Christmas is the day that holds all time together.”
~Alexander Smith, Scottish poet, 1829-1867



Long considered the Christmas flower,
I will brighten your home for many an hour.
Cheerfully lighting your Christmas Eves,
Who would have thought my petals were leaves.

~Martha Stevens Grow, artist, calligraphist


I have a poinsettia
It’s in a pot
I’ve had it 3 years
And like it a lot.

It’s pretty big now
Bout up to my middle
I cut it back in mid April.
To 4 inches…so little.

Its bright green now
But as the days become brief
The red color emerges
Above the green leaf.

To most they are just
A throwaway plant
But I like them so much
I find that I can’t.

~Amalie Stoneman, artist, crafter


Believe in the magic!
~Louise DeBell

“The joy of brightening other lives becomes for us the magic of the holidays.”
~WC Jones

Tricube Christmas Poem

Eve of Little Christmas. We can hope to hold that century old faith that good will comes to pass no matter the circumstances of the present.
~Beth Murphy, writer, poet

Christmas star
shine down on 
us three kings 

let us bring 
the offer
of good will

lead us to 
peace hope joy
for all time.

~Beth Murphy, writer, poet

What is a tricube poem?

  1. A tricube poem is a poem that has three stanzas.
  2. Each tricube stanza has three lines.
  3. Each tricube line has three syllables.

SOURCE: The above tricube PDF was shared by children’s author, Miranda Paul on her website:

Got poinsettia? Find info on poinsettia care here on our Gardening website. Or, find New Year Haiku here.

Christmas Memories

A Christmas memories story poem.


The bathtub was filled with dainty, white bubbles, but not for me.
My unselfish mother, down on youthful knees, 
Scrubbed the family’s clothes a lemony clean.

A found wringer-washer that my industrious dad repaired,
And regally my mom stood with a delighted air.
We longed for her, but never once did she despair.

A large box dressed with a shiny, red bow,
Patiently waited next to the Christmas tree for about a week or so.
Our clever dad shared his secret with us, and our joy for our mom we never did show.

For all that time, until that day,
My brothers and I for ourselves did not care, I’d say.
It was in the new washing machine for our hard working mom all our excitement laid.

The moment was here: only one last present to see.
The large box with the shiny red bow waiting next to the Christmas tree.
“Open it, Mom,” we shouted our pleas!

Her dark eyes gleamed, 
As she deferred the unwrapping to me and my brothers three.
We tore at the paper and the shiny red bow unceremoniously. 

We ran to our mom and eagerly asked, “Aren’t you happy?”
She laughed sobs of tears,
“Most happy! Now turn around and see.” 

We looked at our mom wonderingly.
We then looked at the large box standing next to the Christmas tree.
We turned to look at our dad, sitting there smugly.
For the big box standing bare next to the Christmas tree was our very first color TV!

~Teresa Basaldua, artist, retired elementary teacher, boondocker-traveling US w/husband

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