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Walking Each Other Home and Other Quotes by Ram Dass

Recently, I heard a few popular quotes by Ram Dass that included the one in the title: “We’re all just...

Short Story Submissions and Ideas for Writers and Poets

If you’re looking for short story submissions, chances are you’re hoping to get your story, published, right? That’s great, and...
We create

Motivational Quotes and Ideas for Life – Your Life

It’s like Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we...
Happy Mother's Day greeting with beautiful sunset roses,

Mother’s Day Poems and Quotes for When You Need a Little Help With Words

We’ve only just begun collecting Mother’s Day Poems and Quotes and will be adding many more over time. Glad to publish...
wind surfing, don't wait,

Don’t Wait for Your Dreams… Choose to Live Now

Don’t wait for motivation to inspire you. Do the thing and motivation will catch up to you. Don’t wait until you feel...
Beautiful, colorful Mandala art montage

90 Creative Art Therapy Prompts for Healing, Relaxation and Joy!

Art as Therapy Whether or not you’re a talented artist or just beginning, art and art therapy prompts are a...
Love and forgiveness

Love and Forgiveness for Healing Aching Hearts

In the Disney Star Wars series, Mandalorian, the Mandalorian motto is, “It is the way.” Here, on planet earth, Love...
Rupi Kaur Quotes - image via Rupi Kaur Facebook

Rupi Kaur Quotes and Poetry to Love and Share

We were delighted to discover the poet, illustrator, spoke poet – Rupi Kaur. When it comes to poetry, often every...
What is your identity? Woman looking in mirror.

What is Your Identity? Because it’s Up to You

Your Are the Designer of Your Destiny Are you conscious of your identity, present and future? Do you spend more...

The Cognitive Restructuring of the Learner’s Mind

We’re all familiar with the term, “think positive”, also known as reframing.  Cognitive restructuring is a newer term used primarily...
Personal accountability is a goal for many creator. To be answerable to oneself... be one's own boss is empowering and freeing. #SelfAccountable #BeYourOwnBoss #PersonalAccountability #iCreateDaily #Feedback #SelfCriticism

Personal Accountability and the Ultimate Critic

Personal accountability is an ultimate goal of most creators. Why? Because self accountability is autonomy. It’s about answering to oneself…...

Change Your Story and You Will Change Your Life

Transformation Through Creation – Divinity in Motion You are a creator. You have the power to create the life you...

It’s Not Personal, It’s Pain

If you’ve ever been slighted, betrayed, wronged or hurt by another, it helps to realize that it’s not personal. I...
Jay Samit-Serial Entrepreneur

Jay Samit Quotes – Entrepreneur, Creator, Innovator on a Mission

Jay Samit is on a mission to help create more entrepreneurs… more individuals creating wealth through their ideas, creativity, ingenuity...
If you are asking the question, "What is the point of life?", then you're ahead of most! You're asking poignant questions and striving to discover more about the essence of life. Life is a journey of discovery, and it is in asking deep questions that we discover deeper answers; answers that may have lain dormant forever, but for the inquiry that opened access to depths un-mined. #WhatIsThePointOfLife #AskDeepQuestions #Introspection #Reflection

What is the Point of Life Anyway?

Approximately 8,100 people per month search the term: “What is the point of life?” Another 90,500 people per month search the...
Love what you do, when you can't do what you love. #LoveWhatYouDo #DoWhatYouLove

Love What You Do When You Can’t Do What You Love

If you haven’t landed that dream job yet, don’t fret, for the jobs we don’t love are bootcamp to get...