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Father’s Day Poems and Quotes

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Father's Day Poems and Quotes

We’re just getting warmed up here regarding Father’s Day Poems and Quotes. So check it out and if you’d like to submit your favorite/s by you or others, we’d love to see it and share it here too.

What Dad’s Do

My father works hard every day.
He deserves every cent of his pay.
He gives me presents on holidays.
He does things for me in many ways.

He gets up at the strike of dawn.
He plants flowers and mows the lawn.
When he goes to work he wears a white shirt and a tie.
But before he goes to work I always say goodbye.

~3rd grader, Mary Peters Ballesteros, in 1965

Missing Dad on Father’s Day


This not having a dad is a very strange thing!
I loved to tell him jokes;
He loved to hear me sing.
He had a great big sneeze!
He whistled with his hands.
He gave a great big squeeze;
Whenever life’s demands
Drove me home for comfort.
I miss my dad.

~Suzy Holman, artist, gardener, retired nurse

Silent, Strong Dads


He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.

His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.

He’s there…a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.

A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.
~Karen K. Boyer

Traditions – Family Traditions


We have no traditions, he said, 
as I squeezed him tight;
as he kissed my head.
But once a month we took a drive,
to the Illinois home where he did thrive.
He taught us how to build a house
with his old decks of cards.
Once the house was built, as traditions go,
he’d stomp and growl;
he’d puff and blow!
We’d do our part too:
Scream and fake boo-hoo.
The cards would fall,
we’d laugh and laugh,
as he squeezed us tight,
as he kissed our heads.
Then we’d build a house again.

~Suzy Holman, artist, gardener, retired nurse

Wisdom and Love


Father, father…
Blessed be
the hands that guide,
reprimand and show me
a love replete
with wisdom
and a caring deep
that I treasure and will
in memories forever keep.

Jaymee Thompson, retired art teacher

A Father’s Day Blessing

Shared by Jaymee Thompson, retired art teacher

See also: Mother’s Day Poems and Haiku Poems.

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