How to Grow Your Blog Traffic
So you started a blog (or plan to)? That’s great! But do you know how to grow your blog? Many...
Strategies for Brand Building Includes Passion, Purpose and Presence
Your brand is your presence in the world. When it comes to strategies for brand building, your first consideration is...
Quotes About Positive Energy and Transformation
Positive Energy Quotes to Help Elevate Your Day Chances are we can all agree that the world could use more...
Art from the Heart – to Create is to Love
The creative process is a process of loving… of bringing your love into the world. Our highest creativity comes from...
Will Power and Mind Power – What is the Difference?
Which Do You Think is Most Powerful? Will Power or Mind Power? You’re probably well acquainted with Will Power. You...
How to Create Positive Energy
Transform Negativity to Positivity In today’s tumultuous times, we all need to work harder to create positive energy and to...
Positive Thinking is a Brain Event
As much as we’re hugely in favor of positivity, reframing and growth mindset, I discovered that we’d yet to write...
A Perspective on Interludes, Rectitude and Fortitude
Discoveries Within the In Between Ideas often come when you’re busy creating for you’re in the flow of creativity. But...
How to Write a Haiku Poem
We have several haiku poets in our community and likely others that would be interested in rising to the challenge...
An Ideas Journal Can Increase Creativity and Productivity
Do you have more ideas than time or do you struggle to come up with new ideas? Whether you’re prolific...
25 Will Smith Quotes – An Amazing Actor and Human Being
One of our favorite movie stars is the incredibly talented and hard working, Will Smith. Will isn’t just a great...
Creativity and the Law of Abundance
We’ve all heard of the Law of Abundance concepts popularized in recent times by law of attraction books AND films...
Self Discovery – an Odyssey in Awareness
When Bad can be Good If you’re feeling great right now, that’s awesome! If not so great at the moment...
Short Inspirational Quotes on Art, Life, and Creativity
When you need a quick pick up, land on one of these 30 short inspirational quotes to boost your spirits...
Good and Evil Are Real, by Aubrey Marcus
So What Can We Do? This article on good and evil isn’t our usual, and in fact, we didn’t write...
Writing Rituals – Creative Habits That Inspire You to Write More
Don’t Wait for Inspiration to Strike If you have regular writing rituals then you know that routine and rituals are...