Join the iWriteDaily 30 Day Writing Challenge
Whether you want to finish your book, publish more blog posts, or just get in the habit of writing, this challenge is for you!
Do I need to be a ‘writer’ to do this challenge?
The answer is NO! In any challenge we host, you do not have to “be” anything except willing to try and have fun! 🙂 We have participants who join at all levels of their creative journey and many times, they use the challenge to help them explore something new.
We’re starting this writing challenge on March 1st, 2019 and ending March 30th, 2019!
What is the iWriteDaily 30 Day Writing Challenge?
This challenge is about helping you write more through conceptual quotes and prompts as well as support and encouragement from a group of fellow creatives!
The prompts will be sent to your email each morning, as well as published in our iCreateDaily for Creator’s Facebook Group. We’ll send you a link to the group after you’ve signed up.
Do you need to follow the daily prompts?
If you have a book you’d like to write or finish writing, blog posts you’d really like to publish, or just have an abundance of your own ideas, you don’t have to follow the prompts.
Our prompts are to help spark your own creativity should you need the boost! 🙂
The most important thing is to provide the space and focus within a group of fellow creators, to achieve your writing goals.